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Everything posted by myhatinthering

  1. yes there are and it requires a AR10 lower best bet is to build one as it's the same as a 308 except for the barrel. Of note, you want a hp bolt and bear in mind, you'll get less mileage out of your barrel as the 6.5cm eats barrels faster however, it's really the sweet spot for performance. 308 is still king and will be for a long time and especially as pricing continues to fall overall/relative to the ar15 but for accuracy at distance and required punch, 6.5cm I'm building one as we speak. Just found a source for aero m5 lowers for 103 shipped (stripped of course)
  2. Cimmaron has one for 357 and 45lc at 380 https://www.cheapassammo.com/products/handguns-cimarron-ppp357-844234129942-2413
  3. lol ok? what are you 12? And slow down sport, my finances are pretttttty good given I was a bond trader for most of my career and my stock of ammo is higher than many store levels. We're not talking about me, we're talking about the masses that want to learn to shoot effectively and with the right instruction. Since you got some coin, shoot with me for one year and let's see if you can spend that much coin without feeling it cause most don't. I mean, I probably go through more barrels than you do cases of 5.56 given what I'm seeing here. OP hasn't a clue, you should recognize that and that's why he's asking which is a good thing. as for your MONUMENTALLY STUPID comment on diminishing returns, you really need to educate yourself. EACH SEAL team shoots more rounds downrange than the entire Marine Corp in a given year. It's not about diminishing returns but about familiarity, excellence in technique, and muscle memory. Muscle memory, if you paid attention in school, diminishes rapidly unless exercised. Why do SWAT snipers, competitive shooters, etc etc and the like practice as much as they do? Dude, you are fking really ignorant here. you can have the last word, I've got a wrestling meet to go to and then ironically enough, I'm taking the boys to shoot indoors tonight have fun everyone
  4. sorry, but that statement and others are yours are just flat out wrong. stay away from the internet, mall ninja wannabe classes and be less myopic. I will shoot, on any given occasion, with cops, swat guys, NJ transit rifle team members and a plethora of other guys that use their firearms for a living and not a single one would agree with what you said and guess what, hundreds go downrange On a side note, my sons learned to shoot on bb guns down in the basement. They have shot 1ooos of those suckers. Once I felt comfortable with basics for them, we moved on to 22s. It's about making it fun and competitive. I feel confident in saying that they've probably got conservatively 5k or so 22lr downrange and my youngest just turned 9. Iron sights only and I'll wager them against half the board, not kidding because they learned the right way with a caliber that allowed them to learn TRIGGER, AIM, WINDAGE, DISTANCE ETC and that can only be done with a cheap caliber. They can disassemble and clean etc etc. Now the move up is easier as the principles are the same. I recently put together a beater AR for them to learn on. 5k 22lr is 150 5k .223 is 1500 on the low end 5k of 9mm is about 900-1k no contest on price and certainly no contest learning the fundamentals of shooting. And anyone that equate shooting a 22lr to a bb gun simply hasn't a clue on fundamentals of shooting or science of accurate shooting. It's an absurd stupid and ignorant comment made by guys that probably shoot less than the boys scouts. carry one gents
  5. all good all good and we all completely understand that. If anything does open up please let me know because I want to take my son on his first hunt and I think this would be a perfect scenario for it. Thank you
  6. .22 is a lot of fun, outstanding caliber to learn on and forgiving. also, whoever said it's a bb gun fun type caliber is smoking crack. I think it's actually #1 or 2 for kills with a handgun. Besides that, such ignorance is dangerous, would not shoot with someone like that for fear of them being full retard at the range anyone learning to shoot ought to do a few things; 1.get a 22lr 2.use only irons 3.practice practice practice (precludes a bigger caliber due to cost). Practice at different ranges, different weights, and with different targets. The 22lr is so much fun
  7. definitely need an auction, nothing is better for buying an selling imho
  8. real nice colt, all done up and ready to go in the sell section. just sayin.....
  9. No one are should control a state. Measure wont hild up to legal challenge
  10. No kids, makes it easy financially...lol Non stop, its tiring and turning people.
  11. Try the ones i mentioned. fast, accurate, reliable and seemingly hit with some punch. haven't found a 22 that didnt love them. Givem a try:)
  12. Good points Mini mag is good, i prefer the fed 36 gr copper hp as its almost as fast and imho, more accurate
  13. Marlin 60....hands down best 22lr ever!!!! double made on any other 22 for a reason, more accurate, more reliable, better priced, old marlin is indestructible Bully is right, buy an AR and then get different uppers. don't buy cheap, never. build cheaper if you must but dont buy cheap
  14. Thats what i said, best of both worlds
  15. best news story today is the politican who shot a mexican fleeing the scene of a crash as he broke into the politicians house to hide from the cops. Williams will not face charges.....outstanding
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