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New Jersey Attorney General Leads Battle in Opposition of SCOTUS on Magazine Capacities



New Jersey Attorney General Leads Battle in Opposition of SCOTUS on Magazine Capacities

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is it childish of me if i keep enjoying seeing him get his azz handed to him on these things?

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30 minutes ago, 1LtCAP said:

i know it's gonna make me sound stupid......but what does "Grant, vacate, and remand; " mean in their world?

GRANT - SCOTUS granted certiorari, which means they agreed to take up the case:
VACATE - They ruled that the prior court's judgement/decision/ruling was wrong and is no longer in force, essentially "voiding" it.
REMAND - They sent the case back to the prior court to do over.



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To prevent gun violence, and to mitigate the risk of mass shootings, the State of New Jersey (“New. Jersey”) has long banned possession of large capacity ammunition magazines (“LCMs”) — firearm magazines capable of holding more than the standard number of rounds provided by the manufacturer. [emphasis added]""""""""""""""""""""

feels like that statement of his will shoot them in the foot

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1 hour ago, 1LtCAP said:


To prevent gun violence, and to mitigate the risk of mass shootings, the State of New Jersey (“New. Jersey”) has long banned possession of large capacity ammunition magazines (“LCMs”) —\


As I recall the Virginia tech shooter used two Glock hand guns and ten round mags. Killed 32 and wounded 17.

Worst mass shooting in the U.S. prior to the Las Vegas shooting.


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3 hours ago, Downtownv said:


New Jersey Attorney General Leads Battle in Opposition of SCOTUS on Magazine Capacities

May the fleas of a thousand camels infest his nether regions. 

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"To prevent gun violence, and to mitigate the risk of mass shootings, the State of New Jersey (“New. Jersey”) has long banned possession of large capacity ammunition magazines (“LCMs”) — firearm magazines capable of holding more than the standard number of rounds provided by the manufacturer."

This is aburd.  NJ has long banned standard capacity magazines that are proviced by the manufacturer.  The manufacturers had to adjust their standard capacity magazines DOWN if they wanted to sell their wares in States such as NJ, Cali and NY.  

I can't wait for dressing down that SC is going to bring down on these morons.

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2 hours ago, 1LtCAP said:


To prevent gun violence, and to mitigate the risk of mass shootings, the State of New Jersey (“New. Jersey”) has long banned possession of large capacity ammunition magazines (“LCMs”) — firearm magazines capable of holding more than the standard number of rounds provided by the manufacturer. [emphasis added]""""""""""""""""""""

feels like that statement of his will shoot them in the foot

The entire statement is “interesting balancing”.  Something explicitly prohibited by Bruen.   

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3 hours ago, Bomber said:

As I recall the Virginia tech shooter used two Glock hand guns and ten round mags. Killed 32 and wounded 17.

Worst mass shooting in the U.S. prior to the Las Vegas shooting.


that was the one right after the enactment of klintons awb, wasn't it?

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5 hours ago, FairbanksRusty said:

New Jersey broke the ice with the first mass shooting by an individual. 

His weapon: a Luger


Yes, the Howard Unruh story should teach us all a lesson.

Take more ammo

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I'll have to get all my 15rd AR magazines back from my son in law. Or maybe there won't be a limit.

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I'm pretty sure the 4th Degree felony for possession of a "high cap" mag is a real deterrent to anyone planning on shooting a bunch of people. Oh geez I'll get life in prison (I don't remember or even care if we have the death penalty) but I can't bare to stand the thought of those extra 18 months.  I know interest balancing  goes against rights, but god damn this interest balancing is beyond asinine. We all know the real intent is to bait people into felonies, just like the whole hollow point thing, it doesn't do anything but is a trap for normal people hoping to snag them and disenfranchise them of their rights

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5 hours ago, FDHog said:

I'll have to get all my 15rd AR magazines back from my son in law. Or maybe there won't be a limit.

if the mag ban thing gets the kabosh....which it should under bruen.........i think we'll be allowed standard capacity


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10 hours ago, 1LtCAP said:

...standard capacity


This and pork roll.

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