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Christie has no opinion on concealed carry

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the fact that he commuted the sentence of someone who was %100 in the wrong in favor of pro-gun pressure shows IMO that he would at least seriously consider any reform put forth to him..

I don't think so at all. I honestly believe that was purely a political move since BA was getting so much sympathy from everyone. Then with it being shoved in his face, it would have been stupid NOT to have at least commuted his sentence.

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Some people send $$ to the NRA for other reasons, whatever they might be, or hoping they keep up the fight at the National level, so things can't get any worse for us. Which is the only reason I donate, truth be told.


Amen. Just because NJ is fubar doesn't mean we shouldn't help protect rights in other states. After all, we need to have somewhere to go should the state persist in screwing its citizens on both the gun and tax fronts.

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i get the feeling NRA considers NJ, NY, MA lost causes, and wont spend time or money on them at all.

Maybe not so much lost causes as object lessons for the rest of the country. "Be careful of what you let your legislators do, lest you end up like New Jersey". Without NY, NJ, etc. how would America know what to watch out for when they start on their own slippery slope to despair.

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Maybe not so much lost causes as object lessons for the rest of the country. "Be careful of what you let your legislators do, lest you end up like New Jersey". Without NY, NJ, etc. how would America know what to watch out for when they start on their own slippery slope to despair.


My sentiments exactly, I've been saying this for the last 20 years. We are the example of what the boogie man can do if you don't pony up your dues...

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Christie has done very little. I haven't watched this closely, but it seems to me he's covered up 10+ billion dollar deficits using the same tricks as the people before him. And he has pissed a lot of people off for very little gain. Expending a lot of political capitol in the process. I am happy he pissed those people off, but the jury is still out on the results.


Now, Christie can't control everything. And, it's only been a year. He's still got time to prove he'll ratchet up his fiscal plans over time.


The best thing Christie has done is give people the public support and balls to examine and openly debate the financial problems and overblown government in NJ. He is not willing to do the same for firearms owners or victims of the massive bs web of laws in NJ. I am not surprised. Nothing in the little I know about his history suggests he has any interest in The People or firearms rights. He seems to be a fiscally conservative leftist.


He seems like the “Great Leap Forward” people from China or the “Five Year Plan” Soviets. Maintain government domination but spur capitalism to solve short-term fiscal problems.

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Christie has done very little. I haven't watched this closely, but it seems to me he's covered up 10+ billion dollar deficits using the same tricks as the people before him. And he has pissed a lot of people off for very little gain. Expending a lot of political capitol in the process. I am happy he pissed those people off, but the jury is still out on the results.


Now, Christie can't control everything. And, it's only been a year. He's still got time to prove he'll ratchet up his fiscal plans over time.


The best thing Christie has done is give people the public support and balls to examine and openly debate the financial problems and overblown government in NJ. He is not willing to do the same for firearms owners or victims of the massive bs web of laws in NJ. I am not surprised. Nothing in the little I know about his history suggests he has any interest in The People or firearms rights. He seems to be a fiscally conservative leftist.


He seems like the “Great Leap Forward” people from China or the “Five Year Plan” Soviets. Maintain government domination but spur capitalism to solve short-term fiscal problems.



Sorry but no...he's used smoke and mirrors to highlight one aspect of the problem while he COMPLETELY ignores the REAL problem in this state. Nepotism, Cornyism, and multiple-dipping on the part of the POLITICIANS. He screams Pensions, pensions, Pensions, and points at Police and Fire...yet PFRS is the ONE pension system that is actually self-sustaining, while PERS, the one that the Politicians, judges and crinies are in is being raped daily. When you have Politicians who are for example, a Municipal Mayor or Councilperson, County Commissioner/Freeholder, AND has one or more "Jobs" on the state level, be it Assembly, or one of hundreds of Counculs, Committees, or boards, and drawing Salaries, benefits AND A PENSION FOR EACH, it's a recipe for disaster. Yet, Somehow nobody ever seems to notice that.

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i get the feeling NRA considers NJ, NY, MA lost causes, and wont spend time or money on them at all.


Despite the people here who complain about it, ANJRPC is the NJ "Wing" of the NRA so to speak, and they ALONG with SAF are the ones bringing the current suit to do away with the "Demonstration od Need" wording of the Carry Laws. Has NRA done things, and more importantly endorsed "Problem" candidates? Yeah they have, but at the end of the day when you add up the numbers NRA is the ONLY group with ANY political capital on the national level.

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My 2 cents.


I think Christie is planning on running again for gov after his term is up, rather than for national office in 2012. Therefore, he is going to avoid the gun issue as long as he can since it will not help him get reelected in NJ. He will probably run for national office in 2016 if he is still the darling (or at least the best candidate) of the Republican party when that time comes. He is clever and all his statements are well thought out. If he smells national ambition in 2016, he will probably change his tune some after being (if) reelected. Christie knows Obama does not have a good challenger in 2012 and will most likely be reelected (God help us!), leaving an opportunity for 2016 when their will be no incumbent.


lol you couldn't pay me enough to be president, imagine all the crap you would have to deal with and multiply that by 10,000,000,000.

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lol you couldn't pay me enough to be president, imagine all the crap you would have to deal with and multiply that by 10,000,000,000.

I would do it for free, and i can guarantee i would do a hell of a better job then the last few d-bags. It would actually be easier for a joe no body to be president.... Your not there to please your friends and fill yours and there bank accounts, your influences are your beliefs not politics.

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