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NJ Mayor: says he'll give you $1,000 to turn in your gun owning neighbors

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Nick - This posses a terribly retorical question. When does LEO make the transition from the protector of the people to the enemy of the people?


When does LEO decide to follow direct orders or their oath to protect an uphold The Costitution?


Yes Nick I dread that day.... To some degree that day is now...


The Katrina video clips of Cops seizing weapons from the law-abiding is an utter disgrace, and IS PROOF in my eyes of the failure of the system which lead good Cops to become the opressors. Not every Doctor is a qualified heart surgeon, and 50% of the practicing Physicians graduated in the bottom 50% of their class. Not every Cop is an expert on Constitutional Law, and therefore can tell right from wrong and a valid order from an ILLEGAL one, since 50% of the Cops also graduated in the bottom 50% of their class as well. The same can be said any any profession, including mine, and I said this just to illustrate that dispite what we sometimes are lead to believe, there ARE differences in levels of education and understanding when it comes to ILLEGAL ORDERS. Some know that they're ILLEGAL (the Oathkeepers, for instance) and others will blindly follow an order if told a somewhat believeable reason to execute it ("Public Good").


The fact that the Oathkeepers had to form in the first place (to me) is sickening. My generation had high school civics classes where we were taught that the Armed Forces would abide by Posse Commitadus, and they were sworn to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America". Today's kids are taught that mediocraty is O-K and everything in life should be fair and equal, and you are to do what the State tells you. It's almost like we're making little Marxists that in later life are so well conditioned so as to enable the State to do almost anything in the name of "Public Good"!


Frank and Nick aren't alone. There are probably several forum members who think as we do, only they don't have the courage to be true Patriots.

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Wow people seem to be so parinoid of police involvement and there firearms. I look at it this way, if I am illegally operating a motor.vehicle, but in a lawful manor, I get pulled over in a dui stop and I have no paperwork to prove I am lawfully operating said vehicle, are the police in the wrong for.seizing my vehicle and issuing me tickets? So if a program that is being advertised to get unlawful gun owners, or lawful gun owners possessing a firearm in a illegal fashion (ccw) that's wrong? This isn't rocket sience, if you are approached by. Law enforcement no different then you would be during a traffic stop, whats the big deal proving your a lawfully owning a weapon, just like you would give your licence registration and proof of insurance during a traffic stop. I'm sry that you feel your rights are being stomped on if a cop was to ask you for documentation for your firearms, but is it no different then being stopped at a dui, mobile inspection station, or a traffic.stop and being asked to provide documentation? Oh no big brother ia stepping on our toes to get fire arms that are illegally obtained and carried off the streets that may be used in a crime.


Wow..i've seen some guys step on their dicks here before, but brother, you just tap-danced on yours with Golf Shoes. Do yourself a favor, and turn off the computer for a month. You're Wrong..pure and simple.

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I'd like to believe that but something about the Oathkeepers gives me the willies. They seem more concerned about Federal paranoia than in Newark's unconstitutional "let me see your papers" initiative. Hopefully, the LEO that joined the Oathkeepers are more in line with supporting the Constitution than in pandering to anti-Federal paranoia.


Maybe it's been written before but I've yet to see a prosecution (and I'll admit that I don't read much) for illegal transfer or lack of proof of ownership for a firearm. All that I've seen is possession by a prohibited person or possession of stolen property or defaced firearm. Maybe someone can set me straight.


Actually oathkeepers STARTED with a great comcept..however, it's turned into another Looney-Toons organization that sounds more and more like an offshoot of PrisonPlanet/Infowars every day.

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that video in the Katrina aftermath could easily happen here, that's why we gotta keep donating to the pro gun organizations, sending letters and emails to our politicians, spread the word on shows like gun for hire radio, so people don't get brain washed into stuff like this. there is a reason why nj laws are so screwed up and it's because the sneaky shit our goverment does... please wake up and don't fall for it is all I gotta say...

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I really couldnt believe some people on this board supported Booker. I thought it was a joke. You really need to read your history, the comparisons to Nazi Germany or any other totalitarian dictatorship are not far off.


I have all my receipts etc in my gun bag about a foot from the guns. If a cop rang the bell and said he wanted to see them, it would be so easy to show him, but I would politely tell him no, he has the records at his station and can check them. If you want to search, I want you to apply for a warrant and I want to know what douchebag made the call, so I can make sure not to say hi to him or invite him to my BBQs.

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The fact that the Oathkeepers had to form in the first place (to me) is sickening. My generation had high school civics classes where we were taught that the Armed Forces would abide by Posse Commitadus, and they were sworn to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America". Today's kids are taught that mediocraty is O-K and everything in life should be fair and equal, and you are to do what the State tells you. It's almost like we're making little Marxists that in later life are so well conditioned so as to enable the State to do almost anything in the name of "Public Good"!




This is quite on point. Another reason why people are hesitant to not follow illegal orders or simply, to follow the Constitution, is because it makes things even more challenging when those above you are telling you if you don't that YOU will get in trouble, and threaten you, when all you are trying to do is the right thing! Not everyone has the balls to ignore them and give them the proverbial eff you. It is quite difficult. Consider a brand new police officer, or newly enlisted member of the military, being told to do x (violate the constitution somehow), and they are told by their commander/superintendent/chief/superior/etc that they will be fired/face a court martial if they don't listen. That is a tough spot to be in. Unfortunately it does happen.

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"that in some cases were executed by lawful gun owners using a gun In a unlawful fashion".


Now I am really confused if you use a firearm in the commission of a crime you are in no way shape or form legal. I for one would like to see the stats on lawful firearms being used by the felons. Most of these clowns cannot legally purchase a firearm hence the wolf in sheeps clothing called straw purchases, if someone uses the legally acceptable method for purchasing a firearm and then transfers said firearm to the felon then....... then they are now a FELON.


This has nothing what ever to do with lawful ownership this is all about administrators being able to say look what I tried to do to keep you safe. OGM, pistol permits,multiple finger prints, make up the process as they go along is nothing but garbage that makes the good people jump thru hoops.


and that is just my opinion.....

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