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Liberalism - is a mental disorder

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Celebrating birthdays at school just got a little less fun for kids in Australia. New guidelines issued Tuesday by the country's National Health and Medical Research Council say that children can no longer blow out the candles on cakes at school because doing so spreads too many germs.




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Did anyone stop to consider that exposure to germs could be a good thing? How the hell else are the children supposed to build up an immune system?


"For the children," indeed.


Have you guys wondered why so many people have allergies, psoriasis, or seem to get sick all the time?


This is exactly why. Now, it's a good idea during a pandemic to take precautions like this, however, with the surge in anti-bacterial sanitizer, and cleaning products we are developing weaker immune systems. Just like a muscle, the immune system is made stronger through use. Every time it encounters, and destroys, a virus or bacteria, it builds up antibodies that are capable of destroying them. That's how vaccinations work.


Since our immune systems have, since the beginning of time, always had to fight infections, when there isn't anything for the immune system to fight, it starts attacking the body. That's why most allergy medicines increase the risk of infection, they suppress the immune system.


Being super-clean with everything only causes you to be more likely to be sick.


OH, and anti-biotics don't work on any viral infections (like the cold or flu), so if you take them when you have a viral infection, you're only helping to make anti-biotic resistant disease. Similar thing happens if you don't finish taking an antibiotic, if you stop part way through, the germs that survive are the ones that are immune to the antibiotic.


Sorry for the PSA, as a biology student, It drives me nuts when people do this stuff.

Not allowed to spread germs in school? Tough for the kids to embrace liberalism with a rule like that.


Man, schools are ideal for spreading bacteria. I have a pretty good immune system since my mom brings home every sickness that goes around working at a nursing home. I swear though, in high school I never got sick, but at Rowan, I get sick all the time.

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