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Everything posted by tony357

  1. Did you find the Grenades ?
  2. not paying sales tax kicks it up but I think you will see a drop now that it has to go through a dealer for nics check. that also was avoided before.
  3. It is amazing how a case can bring up this history. very cool story and interesting concept by the bank. Thanks for sharing !! great set of pistols.
  4. I purchased a champion safe one major reason shooters stocked them and they were able to transport and load it into my house. so if you decide and it is heavy may want to ask about installation.
  5. Need a little help here. Is money an issue? I do not see why a good safe would not be good idea piece of mind knowing the child cannot get to them plus some fire protection to boot and added theft protection.
  6. I have an EBL smart charger. I have been running rechargeable batteries for two years wont look back. It is nice not to be throwing out alkaline batteries every two weeks. so I always have a set ready to go for my work lights change them out charge them. yours will need 3.7 volt prioritized charger for the 18650 batt if that is what you have. https://www.amazon.com/EBL-Rechargeable-Batteries-Discharge-Function/dp/B073ZD7XVV/ref=sxin_2_ac_d_rm?ac_md=0-0-ZWJsIGJhdHRlcnkgY2hhcmdlcg%3D%3D-ac_d_rm&crid=1Q3HRSC1NMHGS&keywords=ebl+battery+charger&pd_rd_i=B073ZD7XVV&pd_rd_r=a8e554a3-8339-4d5e-9049-07553b8981f3&pd_rd_w=qZn5i&pd_rd_wg=2jBfh&pf_rd_p=e2f20af2-9651-42af-9a45-89425d5bae34&pf_rd_r=57Y3W5VJGMBM1B9MF5Z7&psc=1&qid=1574953547&smid=A3P4UZIS42PRQV&sprefix=ebl+%2Caps%2C138
  7. PICKED UP ARMSCOR VR80 FROM TONY. Thanks for all the hospitality. https://armscor.com/vr80/
  8. tony357

    Blown brass

    starter tap? common tap or bottom tap ? Asking for friend.
  9. If this goes through you will see a lot of lawsuits against car manufacturer's.
  10. It is a 3-D draw up, but very cool to the imagination, I think it would be doable with custom tailored load to be able to actually shoot it. Up close and personal defense would be great to train on fruit. Would Gallagher have used a flat hammer if this was in production? The DX-12 Punisher Is A Double-Barreled Shotgun Pistol From The Future Totally badass. https://www.maxim.com/gear/the-dx12-punisher-shotgun-is-a-high-powered-concept-2018-2?fbclid=IwAR1DbG0ifh91w4nV_KRc8lwubx68-A0srnDbyVgw_edFCDLj7pstoe6aT48
  11. Connection lost scanning across the screen.
  12. I did wifi and in stalled program on my computer. The wifi drove me nuts would never stay connected good for about week and camera would lose signal. Then I purchased 8 camera 2tb system with 4 camera's and never looked back. I use TV for viewing on HDMI-2 for viewing. I did purchase two separate larger camera's with further night vision so I am good out to 100ft. I can see all the way down the block but right out front I have good viewing.
  13. If he does not appear they will put bench warrant out for his arrest.
  14. Wrote him a summons, I received the court date today in the mail.
  15. Not sure anyone wants organs full of heroin.
  16. That's a really nice mouse Hut..
  17. So I caught this guy stealing battery out of my boat Saturday afternoon around noon time, started conversation about buying one of the boats out front I knew he was up to something, after he bs'd me and left I found the battery disconnected where he was messing around when I pulled up I reconnected battery figured he would not come back since I pulled up on him. . Sunday I check the boats and all 4 batteries are gone and needle dropped on ground behind boat, I call make police report and had the officer get rid of the needle. Monday morning I start calling contacting recycle centers. when I got sonny's on the phone In Waretown he asked me what brand batteries after telling him he said we have him here call back in 30 minutes. I call back he says we got him come make sure these are your batteries. This dirt bag was there when I called and these guys set him up. sonny's is stand up place did not even want back the core money he paid him they gave me all his info for police dept. I know some of you live near this dirt bag so I am posting up his info.
  18. feeding the deer and other wild animals should be able to get write off on taxes!!
  19. tony357


    Nice, My brother found pair of Hardballers 25 years ago consecutive I purchased one and he purchased the other. we still have both today.
  20. While Joe goes out back and fires two rounds off his porch to scare off intruders that he hears in the distance.
  21. once in a while, I reload it so i just have to collect up the brass, I have plenty of brass for myself. I found two boxes of Samson at gun show last year. I have 6 boxes of samson and bag 500 imi from late 80's when I purchased it.
  22. pump sprayer, mixing directions tells you how many ounces per 1000 square feet, so I mixed that amount with 2 gals of water and sprayed grass evenly.
  23. This stuff is working killing all the sedge and crab grass that I also have.
  24. Using the 2x4 glock slide to bridge the gap.
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