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Everything posted by KpdPipes

  1. "3 S's" SOUNDS all nice and tough guy on the internet..but im telling you right now, that a good, solit Defensive shoot will be treated by me as such...Once you try to cover things up however...NOW you go from "Good Guy in a bad Spot" to "Maybe a Bad Guy since he tried to cover it, he MUST be in the wrong somewhere on this". Nevermind all of the concurrent (And in NJ Indictable ie. Felony) charges which will Start out with Hindering, and go WAY down hill from there.
  2. And they claim that only the 50cal BMG is the target. They must really view use as @$$holes. I found a bunch of NYS gun rights blogs, and they mentioned that the rider attached to their 50cal ban, only targets centerfire firearms. This 50cal ban is really a way to shake a hornets nest...... Nail.............. Head After all the Hoopla they PROMISED they would change it to exempt any and all Black Powder arms, to appease the Hunters and reenactors...and when the Bill ent to the assembly it was in it's original form. The ONLY Amazing thing was how many idiots were actually surprised that the politicians lied about it.
  3. THIS!!!!! Remember, New PP's or change of Address/Card Replacement at MOST cost a couple of bucks for the forms..now the State wants $18.00 for EVERY transaction with firearm ID cards/permits. More fees, more revenues and if people dont want the bother..oh well, less gun owners it's a win-win for them either way. it sucks for the local PD's because their hands are now tied. The good depts that had a quick (1-2 week) turnaround are now taking the same as everyone else because of the delays from NJSP because of the volume of permit stuff they have to do now....NONE of which is necessary, since if they livescan your prints you get a conformation back within 5 minutes from AFIS as to any criminal/arrest history, or Restraining orders. It's all nonsense bt they do it because....They CAN
  4. You dont NEED to hit the mega. There's a reason im moving to Tn once I'm Retired...my oension will go about 2 1/2 times farther there than it doed here...PLUS they're an NFA-friendly state
  5. There is no requirement to register a handgun in NJ. I thought you needed to register handguns? I was gonna purchase a pair of Ruger Old Army Cap and Ball Revolvers in AZ this past winter, but realized NJ views them as guns, just like a 1911, and thus would have to register them. PURCHASES are registered when you submit the permits with the handgun's information to NJSP and your local PD. Moving here from out of state with guns you already own do NOT need any form of registry however, NJSP reccomends of course that you do so, but so far it's voluntary.
  6. It was good..but not great. When they were talking about the Problems with the M-16, they neglected to mention that the Army Board had also made changes to the Rifle as well as the Ammo which caused the jamming and realibility issues, where the USAF and SEALS who were using the ORIGINAL "Original" Ar-15's direct from Armalite had Zero Problems other than with the Ball Powder fouling. As a point of Trivia, one Northern NJ PD still has 5 of those Armalite Ar-15's (With happy switches and chromed bolts) in their armory, ALL with 3-digit serial numbers.
  7. Town I work in, is no shooting within City Limits, except for an approved Range, which there are none anymore since the PAL range closed years ago. Where i Live, i have No idea honestly.
  8. I THINK it's an automatic 3rd degree, unless the firearm is a listed AW or has a high-cap mag making it onew, whereupon it's a 2nd Degree now. I dont have a current 2C manual at home and im not back in work until sunday night.
  9. It's REALLY a shame, the Delaer's Licneses expire on that date, and any stock they have on the lots, WHICH THEY HAD TO PAY FOR, can No longer be sold as a "New" Car, no matter that the odometer only has the mileage from the Production line to the truck, to the ship, to the truck, to the dealer. Some dealers have hundreds of cars that they are going to get soaked for, remember they were keeping sales volume up by only selling for a couple of hundred dollars over cost as it was in many cases. There are a lot of people who are going to be utterly destroyed by this crap between Chrysler and GM dealers.
  10. Nope all NJ Restraining orders can be checked through the Statewide Court Computer system. Every RO whether Temporary or Final Issued is in there, as well as whether or not it is active or dismissed.
  11. C Products HAD a run of them a while back. there were a couple of other sources on Arf in the NY/NJ hometown forum as well.
  12. Luckily we had the smelting company right in Town Rich. When they were operating we'd have someone from DOJ come down to observe and confirm that everything went into the furnace. And go figure NOT A SINGLE DAMN GUN found it's way into anyoe's "Pocket".
  13. Let me look around and see what i have in the box, i think i have a couple of sets Mak.
  14. Keep rubbing it in butthead...geeesh :twisted: Dick's in Woodbridge had a bunch of empty cages last time I was there. NO .223 very little .22Lr, almost no .45 or 9mm a lot of other hunting ammo it seemed though.
  15. Norcross, NOT Mc Creevey. While the Pickle Pirate may have been at the help, the ACTUAL captain of the NJ Democratic ship Is, was, and probably will be for the forseeable Future, Norcross.
  16. Just went back to work after spending 10 days home after going to Dental Hell. Other than that resulting Vicodin ride not much. Went back to work Sunday Night. Range on Thursday (Managed to break 2 rifles) Dept Quals yesterday, Fun with the Kidlet todat, and down to Jackson again Tomorrow for this month's Cowboy Match.
  17. IIRC, Evan moved his practice out of NJ up to New Hampshire where RSCALZO is
  18. Depends on what you consider "Antique" to be. AFAIK unless you're talking about Pre-1900 that shoots non-fixed ammunition, or some the the VERY early cartridge firearms that they dontr even produce ammunition for, you'll need the permits. When i get a chance i'll dig out my 2C book and get the state's definitinon of "Antique" Oh and for the record, modern replicas of classic firearms, whether muzzle loader or cap-and-ball ARE considered firearms in NJ.
  19. KpdPipes

    Cavalry Arms?

    REALLY good people who make a REALLY Superior product, who have been treated incredibly Shabbily by the US Govt. Please, Please PLEASY support them in any way possible. And yes, i'm a customer of them...havent gotten a lower yet, but i DO have a couple of furniture sets and some other products they've sold over the years.
  20. Since there arent any set procedures, some places wit to get the references back before sending in the background others send the background in right away. With the backlog, that NJSPBCI has right now, and the requirement for a new background with every transaction, the 30 day window is physically impossible right now sad to say.
  21. Me neither and I just submitted for 3 - I will call on Monday or stop by on Tuesday to confirm that I don't need to pay again as I don't want to wait 6 wks and then find out I had to pay up front and it was just a stall tactic. IF the transactions are close together, as in a couple of weeks, sometimes they can slip it through. My local guy did it for me after i did my change of address last year. A LOT depends on the local PD though.
  22. Hope you're right Doc, and let's hope the interview you guys THOUGHT you gave is the one that's printed. The Ledger is HEAVILY Anti-gun on the editorial side, and i dont trust the editors not to try and force the reporter to slant the article that way.
  23. Keep rubbing it in Rich...Geez The Wife is used to them being around the house, she understands that on one hand, me being a LEO, the handguns are required, as for the rest, she just kind of rolls her eyes. i AM well on the way to corrupting the Daughter unit though..She's going to get her pink "Cricket" rifle in another couple of months, and will be shooting Cowboy with me down in CJRPC by the time she's 9.
  24. From what I understnad it's an insurance issue, more than a Local Legality issue. IIRC as long as the arms remain on board the ship, even in port they are no business of the place the ship it tied up to. As always it comes down to money, it's cheaper for the shipping companies to keep the strict "No Firearms" policy and pay out to Pirates a couple of times a decade (in the past) then take the cahnce that they might get sued or get a judgement agains them for a lot more if someone screws up. Sort of like the Convenience Store chains policy that employees cannot be armed, or Bank Policies of not calling Police or allowing alarms to be tripped until several minutes AFTER a robber leaves. Corporate/Attorney idiocy at it's finest.
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