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Everything posted by nitrospaz9

  1. I went to wizard world earlier this year to meet Jason David frank lol, yes I know people think the Power rangers were terrible but I loved them and he's a pretty cool dude. Talked to him for a few minutes. Also met Norman reedus who's cool as hell and Michael rooker. Wish I could of gone to comic con but I'm broke
  2. 274 guns!! This man was prepared for a Red Dawn type scenario. But I can't see them being to worried about him making basically fireworks. Had to be something else with it that they haven't mentioned.
  3. Welcome to the forum. I'm right next door in Saddle Brook
  4. nitrospaz9

    Hand cannons

    Yea about $2-2.50 a round lol. While that is completely idiotic to buy, it's fun as hell to shoot. I've put about a $100 worth through my Eagle.
  5. nitrospaz9

    Hand cannons

    I want a 500 as well. Someone on here was selling a BFR.500 for about $800 which is a steal. Wish I had the cash
  6. nitrospaz9

    Hand cannons

    My DE usually brings people to my booth to find out what is making the big boom lol. I love it
  7. My girlfriend likes my 1911 .45. It's heavy and absorbs a lot of the recoil. She hates my snubbie with both .38's and .357's. She nick named the snubbie "Big Fire"
  8. Meet had a few in my town last year that killed a few animal but they seem to have moved on luckily
  9. nitrospaz9

    .460 Rowland

    Seems this conversion doesn't like The Taurus 1911 so I'm out
  10. Hahaha way to go DB. I knew someone had to get it.
  11. Lol nope. But not a bad guess
  12. nitrospaz9


    I'll take it off your hands for $100 lol. Dont want you thinking of bad times every time you touch her so ill do you a solid and take her off your hands
  13. If you find it don't touch it or add water to it!!!!! Not sure how many will get that reference but if you do, good for you lol
  14. I would never take this a-hole to the range with me. We've talked about guns in the past and he just walks away when I've made a valid point. However I recently took a guy from Australia shooting. Lol I've never seen such joy on a mans face. He's kind of anti gun as is most of Australia. Let him fire all my hand guns. And my crossbow and bow. Pretty sure I left a good impression in this guy
  15. My brother in laws brother is constantly posting things about how awful guns are. Just read this extremely long article about kids shooting themselves with guns found around this house. I of course counter this by posting every good article about guns lol. He's just one of those people that are anti America. Anyone else have People like this in their family? And if so how do you handle this?
  16. nitrospaz9


    Wow they screwed you. Should of informed them of that and maybe you could of gotten some freebees
  17. nitrospaz9


    How does that work out with your permit? Did you have to get another one?
  18. I really like the plain slide on that. Would love to own a 1911 like that
  19. That's a cool name for him. Do yourself a favor and invest in a real good shedding brush lol. Also a little bit of olive oil on his food here and there helps their coat. Also my buddy is 85lbs. He was 90 something but my vet who is a GSD specialist told me to keep him under 90.
  20. Beautiful. All I've ever owned are GSD's. Love them. My boy now is 8 and still as lively as ever. What ya gonna name him?
  21. The cone of shame! Lol my GSD kept walking into walls with that thing on him
  22. My Desert Eagle was nicknamed the "other woman" by my girlfriend lol and she also nicknamed my .357 "Big Fire". Both are equally great
  23. Just purchased a 90 kawasaki Vulcan 750. Been about a year since I road one of my own bikes. Trying to get this one ready for a ride.
  24. I'm thinking if someone were to drive a car straight into the corner of that place it would bring down a wall or two. Those walls are to thin and even if they're filled in, it's still to thin of a wall to provide the type of protection this guy wants.
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