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Everything posted by unclenunzie

  1. People can band together for group ammo buys across the border if local prices are too high.
  2. They had that same message friday too but I managed to snag one. Have a shipping notice to confirm it. No BCG or barrel yet, I think I need to slow down..... Keep trying......
  3. Looks like it, although they'd probably interpret it as a collapsible stock. But what do I know, IANAL.
  4. I will be interested as I am sure others will be also.
  5. I wrote again today to my state reps and the governor, I am OPPOSED to any new firearms restrictions. The depraved acts of the insane should not be used as a pretext to further curtail fundamental, enumerated constitutional rights of law-abiding people. Find other ways to "do something" in response to the Newtown tragedy. The bill of rights is not negotiable, and every part of it retains it's place at the TOP of our system of ordered liberty. This includes the individual right to keep and bear arms. I am a long-term registered Democrat, and support much of what the party stands for and supports. But on the right to keep and bear arms, the Democratic party is WRONG. Honor the oath you swore to uphold the constitutions of New Jersey and the United States. Do not support any new restrictions on this right. At the next election and going forward, I, and many other organized lawful gun owners will vote to preserve our rights. Further, we will donate AGAINST and work towards the DEFEAT of any elected official or candidate who works against our rights.
  6. I will guess that Ruger will ship a replacement receiver to your FFL of choice, where you can take transfer via the standard 4473 and NICS process w/fees.
  7. Everything smooth, thanks.
  8. All sorts of silly stuff gets put out there - this proposed repeal of presidential term limits isn't going to happen and will get nothing more than fringe support, if even that. Bloomberg did his thing in a city council overrun with corruption, and all that did was create a one-time additional slot for him to run. For the record, this one thing he did is what disqualifies him to hold public office, in my eyes. His wacko gun-control agenda besides, just adds political reasons to vote him out, which of course is not possible anymore. An Article 5 is not going to happen.
  9. He has a cousin on Mars...
  10. I read the resolution. Makes for entertaining reading if you have the stomach for it. Contained in the resolution is the distilled wisdom of our opponents. It reveals their thinking and direction.. I urge everyone to read it to understand our opponents ideas so he can be DEFEATED. OP's link to the resolution. It is short. Read it. http://council.providenceri.com/efile/138
  11. The city council voted in a resolution to urge the state assembly to ban semi-autos. This is a symbolic gesture, and yes, they are ignorant fools.
  12. unclenunzie

    1911 thoughts

    You can get a good Springfield 1911 for under a grand, they seem to be well regarded for moderately priced production guns. I have no experience with other makes personally but I hear tell that the Ruger is nice too, and the Remington has some respect also. For a 9mm depends on what you want it for. The names you mentioned are all high quality. CZ is very nice too if you want steel.
  13. Njbanshee, you haven't mentioned anything about your present relationship with your cousin. Are you able to accept that answer (not knowing where guns are) at face value? Could this cousin have a reason to hold back on you? If you're OK with your cousin's answer than they probably are as others have said, in a closet, sold, or given away. If you know anything specific about the guns, maybe mentioning their personal meaning to you, to your cousin might motivate him to help you find them locally. Maybe. Just thinking here.... with all respect.
  14. "NJ has a law barring them from doing it. Oddly enough NJ got that right." If you have it handy please provide a link or citation.
  15. "Yet I point out that no one who manufacturers nukes would ever sell one to anyone" You can't seriously believe this. I do get that liability blowback is a form market-based restraint on unacceptable action by an unscrupulous dealer. But I'm not willing to allow market forces alone to decide what is OK in such a case, because the consequence of failure are too great. You may take my statement as a endorsing a form of control over weapons, which for common and well-understood 2A purposes I oppose. But if we were to decide to go full-bore with 2A, as a full protection against tyranny through actual military parity, we'd still have to control the weapons of the People's anti-tyranny forces. And that means knowing where they are, who can have them, and under what conditions they would be secured. Personal or corporate liability risk is not enough after some increasing level of lethality is reached. I don't personally know where that level is, but I know it exists. Any People who by natural right of self-determination establish a government of, by, and for the People, have the aggregate responsibility to determine and enforce it.
  16. Seems to fall one way or the other on intent. I don't see how a buyers remorse case, where the current owner purchased for himself but then later decided to sell, is a straw purchase. Further the seller does not care who buys it from him, he only wishes to make a lawful sale to recover his money. He has expressed no interest in any specific buyer, but placed a feeler for interest only in a gun forum. IANAL, but this looks kosher to me.
  17. Remember he was also loudly proclaiming the "need" for a floating gun-free zone around all members of congress at all times, everywhere, after the Giffords attack. The guy's a complete <fill the blank>.
  18. Mr. Pants has an excellent point, and sad to say, the evidence in England of failure of free speech rights is already there: http://www.volokh.com/2013/01/02/crime-in-england-to-post-on-facebook-that-all-soldiers-should-die-go-to-hell/
  19. Just pointing out here that Romney signed the Mass AWB while governor, and he wound up the Republican nominee.. Just sayin, though I think Cristie is a more able politician.
  20. I posted this to Morgan in comment to his screed: We don't live in a country who's government rules by decree, Morgan. You obviously have a problem with the second amendment's clear language, backed up by recent SCOTUS rulings: Americans have a RIGHT to be armed, and no government, not federal, nor state, nor city, may prevent exercise of that RIGHT. So, get busy on a mass effort to REPEAL the second amendment. That's what you need to do. Oh, that's too tough, to difficult to achieve? Well it's SUPPOSED to be hard. The framers who DESIGNED this country wanted to make sure the PEOPLE had free speech and arms to defend their liberties FOREVER. But they left an Article Five doorway open just in case we'd want to change things. So get to work. And while you're at it, see if you can get the guys on the street corners of every american major city to stop killing each other over drug markets and drug distribution rights. Because they are in the vast majority of perpetrators when it comes to gun violence, NOT the nice folks with legal guns who have been investigated, passed every test, been fingerprinted and found to be normal, non-criminal, and non-violent.
  21. ....because for them it's not the constitution that matters, it' the symbolism. They know such a law wouldn't pass constitutional muster. For the non-gun owner, or more to the point, for those asleep at the civic duty wheel, only other people will pay for their symbolic victory. Not them. I really hope this class of legislation dies in every state house in which it is proposed, especially in the northeast. right now I want to post an expletive, but I'll respect the forum and go yell into a pillow or something.
  22. Because NJ gun owners don't form a single voting block. And of the oft-stated one milllion, I doubt very many of them are pressing the issues with their reps. More on-topic though, I do NOT think a national ban will pass. But in the spirit of this thread, we'd have at least 60 days to act. That's a pull it out of the air guess on my part, because I read some other bills someplace that said second month after ratification. I'll stick with that as my final answer to this distasteful question.
  23. Pretty sure the weapon details have already been sorted out.
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