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Everything posted by Soju

  1. You shot those sweet little birds?!!? You heartless bastard!
  2. Are you saying nobody needs more training, missing your target is okay, both, or neither? Why you do you feel the need to instantly attack someone for saying something, that is fairly obvious. If I missed my target in a gun fight, I'd like to have more training, so if I'm in one again, hopefully I don't miss that time. But maybe you don't. Or you never miss. Or maybe you never hit your target but feel that is acceptable. I really don't know.
  3. Unfortunate, and while I don't mean to down play anything, this sadly is just one of more than 50 firearm related suicides that happen everyday, on average, in the US.
  4. I may be understanding it wrong, but that prohibited prizes only apply to licensee's. You usually need to have a license to hold a raffle, but some organizations do not need one "when the entire net proceeds of such games of chance are to be devoted to educational, charitable, patriotic, religious or public-spirited uses." Like I said though, I may be mistaken.
  5. Awful parenting got their child killed. Loaded, unloaded, what were they thinking? I don't care if it was unloaded, had the bolt/firing mechanicsm removed, and a trigger lock on it. If you have a firearm, and you haven't taught responsibility to you children, it should NEVER be anywhere where they can get to it. Your kids should not only be taught the safe handling (the four big rules), but should be taught to NEVER touch ANY firearm except under their direct supervision and direction. If they see one, to NOT touch it, and to come find them. Or something similar. Just ridiculous. This type of stuff really goes well beyond simply access to a loaded firearm, which is already mind boggling dumb. Tragic due to tragic stupidity. So sad too.
  6. I'll way in with my opinion, as I feel I have some experience that is relevant. Over the past 5 years I have flown out of Bagram on over 50 different occasions. I am a crew member on heavies, and deal specifically with the loading and restraint of cargo, and the weight and balance of the aircraft. Bagram AB is pretty much surrounded by large mountains. Not to far off the departure end is such a mountain. As such, it is beneficial to climb at the highest rate as practical. (see photo below) The report is that aircraft had 5 MRAPS on board. The MRAP's I have moved, weigh between roughly 30-40,000 pounds each. Just one of them getting free and shifting aft, especially at low speed (configured with the gear down as well) would be enough to immediately throw the aircraft CG out of it's flyable limitations. What you see in the video is the nose go up at a ridiculously high angle, airspeed bleed almost completely off, the left wing stall, an uncommanded roll, following by the other wing stalling. They had no speed, and no altitude to recover. It certainly looks like the cargo shifted. That video was very hard for me to watch. What a terrible week for aviators. Just days earlier an MC-12 crashed in Afghanistan killing all 4 crew members. Our squadron has had a number of our pilots deployed to that unit, and judging by some of their facebook posts, it appears some of them knew the crew. Sad. This type of thing really makes me appreciate my safe flying history. Here is what it looks like on a clear day just prior to departure at Bagram
  7. Exactly. Because we all know it is both better and totally different to stash numerous loaded firearms strategically throughout your house.
  8. I think my math is half decent. Your recognition of sarcasm and jest however...
  9. You wouldn't have these issues if you had a cat.
  10. "The three-percent movement promotes the idea that the federal government is plotting to take away the rights of American citizens and must be resisted, the ADL says on its website." And then they get reprimanded for exercising one of those rights. " ...we put a stop to it immediately,” Jersey City Police Deputy Chief Peter Nalbach said." Ironic. Punishing them only goes to substantiate the group. If only the Police Chief could see the irony in that. It is also pretty damn sad that being a part of a group that more or less is just reaffirming their sworn oath gets you punished.
  11. This. Unfortunately there really isn't any recourse against these criminals.
  12. Finally found some photos I took of a low level training flight through the Adirondacks a few months ago. 300 knots at 300 feet, pretty intense to say the least. I imagine anybody out in one of those cabins was probably pretty surprised...
  13. Get a 1911. I can't believe you would hold off on that over a .380 and single stack 9mm in a state where you can't carry! 1. 1911 2. Revolver 3. Your choice. Of those listed, personally I'd go with the M&P. But you are not me.
  14. If you think a LEO might detain you because you have loaded magazines, which isn't illegal, what makes you think that is any more of a reason then anything else? If they are willing to detain you for the lawful activity of having loaded magazines on the way to the range, they are willing to detain you for anything.
  15. Let them pass their feel good legislation by making greater than 10 round magazines illegal in the same way body armor is illegal.
  16. Nope, that is real. I highly recommend it actually. No lie. Functional and comfortable. It becomes less functional in the breeze however. Or when you do somersaults and roll around. But then again, less functional or more functional is subjective in those scenarios, depending on who is around. It certainly has potential to impress the ladies...
  17. I thought that was good until I read the responses in this thread. Apparently I actually suck. Either that or the people who did worse aren't posting...
  18. I don't want to stir the pot too much, but you guys saying how it is a crock to try and ban them, well, I think it might be a good thing, though maybe just not as well done or thought out as it could be. The idea is still a little raw around the edges, but our representatives are under a lot of pressure right now. I don't think they expected such an explosive reaction to simply mentioning the idea.
  19. IANAL, but...Fixed stock, no pistol grip, no bayonet lug, with a threaded barrel. Sounds legal to me unless it is the specific model that happens to be banned by name. (Ruger K-Mini-14/5F and Mini-14/5RF)
  20. With this type of crap, I wonder what they do in science classes these days. Probably can't use any sort of chemicals in chemistry...because they are dangerous. Probably can't dissect frogs or pig fetus in biology... because that involves death. Probably can't teach physics...because someone might learn how gravity works and jump off a building. My freshman science teacher taught us how to make contact explosives and built potato guns. I bet that is probably out these days... Heck, you guys are right. I remember using deadly sewing machines and stoves in Home Ec, using disastrous Bunsen burners in science, various different murderous saws in wood shop, blinding welding torches in metal shop. It is nothing shy of a miracle that I am still alive. Hopefully they got rid off all those things. Got to be safe right! Teaching how to safely use those things means there is the potential for danger, might as well just eliminate even the potential! Because fortunately, when you are no longer in school, and are in the real world, nobody ever uses these things.
  21. Some of the most incredible and interesting stories I've heard/read are related to the flying in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. Absolutely incredible stuff. It is absolutely amazing how much flying has changed in the past 70 years. Having spent the past 6 years as an Air Force aviator myself, it really puts things in perspective on just how unbelievable those people were that flew in WWII. I can't imagine flying across the Pacific, at night, in an unpressurized aircraft, not knowing if you were ever going to be on land again. Not knowing if you were going to get shot down, run out of fuel, get lost, have a catastrophic failure, or what not. Those guys were/are truly something.
  22. That is more like a lanyard...
  23. That various by state. Some states require a license to carry regardless of whether it is visible or not. Some states you can car carry without a license, but it has to be visible. If it isn't, you need a license. Others you can carry without a license, but it has to be concealed.
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