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Everything posted by Handyman

  1. Not only do they not pay in, in some circumstances they are able to get money "back." Don't think they don't contribute to society, though. They are promoting business in the building trades by burning down cities.
  2. Nah, he robbed the rich and gave to the poor. Trenton robs the rich and gives to themselves.
  3. Enjoy! I used to use the Ciener conversion kit years ago. Blasted through a ton of .22 with never a hiccup. The "recoil" was like shooting an airsoft gun.
  4. Nah, that's one of them helium copters.
  5. Zeke's trying to figure out home many pineapples you need for a 14 lb brisket.
  6. That works with a neighbor problem, too.
  7. NJ it's something like 60 years. I know because I have designs on a piece of property. Sink a couple bollards, run strong cable between them.
  8. I'm about 10 years ahead of you here. I don't even understand what their obligation is to litigate this. The stuff they are selling is legal from where they are selling it. NJ sues and subpeonas them? They should tell NJ to go crap in their hat. I'd hope a free state would never allow their citizens to be extradited to a scumhole like NJ.
  9. Handyman

    Kt tape

    You can call it "porkroll," but only if you become a Piney, grow a mullet, and drive a pickup.
  10. Handyman

    Kt tape

    I still don't get it. How do you know where to stick it? Doesn't it need to follow all kinds of anatomical planes and whatnot?
  11. Yeah, then he relapses the week after the inauguration and dies.
  12. Next time Michelle is dancing on Ellen, "she" should use some of that KT Tape stuff @Zeke likes to tape "her" junk to "her" leg.
  13. Handyman

    Kt tape

    What's is supposed to do? It's not like your skin is stuck to your muscles.
  14. Handyman

    Kt tape

    Man up, drink some coffee and go about your day already.
  15. Just wait, here comes the executive order banning boat parades and indoor dining in Beach Haven on Saturday.
  16. I think it might have been the pinky heads' first rodeo. I'm gonna make that "bonk" noise the sound my phone makes when I get a text message.
  17. As people said in the video comments, "More cowbell!!!"
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