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Everything posted by PhilipJFry

  1. considering most of the liberal people watch stupid shit like jersey shore on tv, maybe we should make a reality show. it would be actual reality not hollywood "reality". show a guy target shooting and stopping to refill 7 rounds into a mag every 15 seconds, show how it's careful precise single shots with AR's, not spray and pray, show how it really isn't like they think it is, ya know, with explosions, acrobatics, joker-type laughter as bullets wizzing all over the place....eventually maybe they'd get bored and leave us alone, or just replay it so many times like these other F**** shows that they'd be indoctrinated by us rather than Obama. just a thought
  2. finally got pictures of my son's pinewood cars. peanut racer was last year and tow truck is this year.
  3. i'm not sure poop has DNA in it. maybe it was dog poop. wish there was a cool note with the package like "We're tired of your shit, so we're sending it back."
  4. Last year my older son and i made a peanut racer complete with peanut driver. he won the funniest car in his pack. (no pics yet as i am on vacation) this year, we haven't decided yet what to make. i still have my cars from when i was a kid (1 is a pickup truck, my fave) we always went for best design instead of just speed.
  5. 10 to 1 this was a situation involving seperated/divorced/estranged father
  6. all of the reasons given have merit. here's some more reasons i can think of: 1. suburban attitude - a large part of NJ is suburbs of either NYC or Philly, and suburbs are generally family oriented places. Soccer moms have no problem driving and talking at the same time on the latest Iphone but guns are dangerous to them. 2. the news media (radio and tv) are generated from the cities, which both tend to be focused on crime/ poverty/ etc. Firearms are not deemed as a neccesity in urban areas due to a large number of cops visible at all times. in rural areas cops are fewer and far between (states like Maine, New Hampshire, upstate NY) A lot of people in NJ see the problems of violence in Newark, Camden, AC, and equate that with guns. (though gangs and drugs have much much more to do with it) 3. "Gun culture" (ugh i hate that euphimism) is generally (not always ) passed down from generations. i know i learned to shoot with my dad and in the Scouts. this is not really PC to suburban parents lately. (as sad as that is) 4. Hippies who grew up and became yuppies live and thrive in the generally liberal leaning state of NJ. hippies wanted peace and love and see firearms as the opposite of everything they stand for. 5. corruption of politicians runs rampant in this state, and nothing is done politically in this state that doesn't have some ulterior motive. 6. this is a very, very expensive state to live in. many middle class people (of which i include myself) are busy working their asses off trying to keep up with the Jones's, you know I pads and HDTV's etc. etc. many people don't have time or effort enough to attend NRA meetings, etc. i try to educate 1 person at a time about firearms, firearms safety, benefits of owning firearms, teaching children about firearms(to use them responsibly, not HANDS OFF approach. it's a slow process but eventually people will be educated enough to make a smart informed decision that is pro-firearms btw i am not a liberal or conservative.
  7. don't know how to post pics, but the only guitars i have left are a strat and my 1931 National Resonator (belonged to my grandma).
  8. married parents does not equal stable and disciplined home life for a child. two parents present and accounted for and doing THEIR JOB AS PARENTS does.
  9. use a straw from Mcdonalds or somewhere, dip it into a gas can with fresh gas about 2 inches, hold your thumb over the end, so when you pick it up it has a small amount of fresh gas in it. remove the spark plug, put the straw into the hole where the spark plug fits, let your thumb off so the fresh gas gets into the hole. replace the spark plug and pull the cord- it should fire right up.
  10. world war 1 ended November 11th 1918. it was called Armistice day, which became Veterans day
  11. you shoulda made a sign that says i'll pay you more than these other guys for the guns, and put it right next to the other sign.
  12. the guy with the goatee smoking the cigar and shooting was on Sons of Guns, he had the Japanese airplane cannon that Will wouldn't work on.
  13. would be cooler if it had a smaller door on the side, with a keypad, for rapid pistol access without even getting out of bed!
  14. bought some cheapo air tools from HF and they seem ok, some stuff there is real garbage. BTW, there's a new HF opening soon on Route 22 East in Union, next to Michigan Ave.
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