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Everything posted by maintenanceguy

  1. Guns are manly. Real men have scars. I never trust a metro sexual gun.
  2. Both appear to be from Wikipedia. I believe all wiki photos are in the public domain.
  3. A good cheek weld would probably require dental work. A lot of work for a $100 gun.
  4. I can't find a single news article on this story. I'm waiting for more information. If it's true as presented, screw the petition, I'm writing letters to the governor. And the next time Kristie Kreme's on NJ101.5, I'll find a way to get through to ask what he plans to do about this.
  5. Right across from the Christiana Mall. My drive to Cabellas will go from 2-1/2 hours to 30 minutes. I can't wait.
  6. It seems that it is legal under the law. Unfortunately, in NJ, all you need is a judge that gives the jury a bad instruction on the law and you're screwed. Lots of NJ judges think guns are bad and that it's their job to make sure anyone that has one - especially a scary looking one - gets punished.
  7. you know it's bad when the initial reaction is "there is no way this could actually be true."
  8. Wow, $175 for steel rims? I've used two junk yards in South Jersey and prices were cheap. Got an automatic transmission for $250 that worked for several years, a replacement rim (factory stock, not just steel) for $50, a power steering gear for $30, and a few other things over the past few years. I don't know what they would have but I'd drive 3 hours to save $400.
  9. local junk yard. I've bought rims for $10 each.
  10. If the intent is to get rid of the justifiable need requirement than there is no "right" answer as to what is justifiable need. A thousand people with a thousand different "needs" including the right to self protection, the right to exercise a constitutional right, my ex husband is violent, or anything else is a fine "justifiable need". The goal is to get denied, not to wow them with our amazing need to carry a firearm. The story is that 1000 NJ residents were denied a right. Nobody reporting on this, or sifting through applications is going to care what our need is. Because currently ,no need is sufficient.
  11. This exactly my problem with buying cheap, used guns. I buy a "deal" cheap and by the time I've got it the way I want it, I could have bought two new guns. But I just refuse to learn.
  12. There is a training requirement and the rules are a little fuzzy. The statute lists 4 ways to qualify and two of those ways make it sound like NRA basic pistol or beginner pistol should be enough. Others who claim to have the real info say you have to shoot the NJSP course of fire with 80% hit rate. I was against doing this now but after last night's meeting, I see the light. We need to force NJ to deny us before we can claim that they will deny us. Once we are denied, we push the civil rights issue - hopefully with some disadvanged citizens who are media sympathetic - at least to the national media where ccw is a normal part of life. If the national news features NJ denying citizens their rights; if the NRA sees us acting and decides to put resources into NJ, if we can put a camera in the face of Christie, Sweeney, Weinberg and demand an answer as to why they are denying the inner city mother the right to protect her children in the neighborhood they have failed to make safe. This was not my idea but was explained brilliantly by Dan at last night's meeting. Someone (Hopefully NJ2AS) needs to set the schedule which needs to include timeline for organizing the other 2A groups in NJ, for everyone to meet the qualifying requirement, and finally apply at the same time. We then use the most egregious denials and push the message the NJ is violating rights. Christie is violating rights, Sweeney is violating rights, Weinberg is violating rights - the rights of the most vulnerable in our society who must live in the cities that the same people have failed to make safe.
  13. focus for 2014 is going to be: continue with operation compliance start a similar program to operation compliance using similar tactics to bring FID and P2P approval within the statutory 30 days. carry is sort of on the back burner. But... A lot of good discussion. Everyone wants ccw! The word is...if you want to apply - go ahead, it won't hurt anything but planning is needed after tonight's meeting before there is a big push to do so. We were assured that ccw is not off the table. There was a lot of discussion about what would be step 2 if we all apply. Some good ideas came up. The one that got applause was to get denied just to show that NJ is denying. And then use these denials to frame the message in such a way that NJ is denying the vulnerable among us the right to self protection and is violating civil rights of protected classes. It was much more eloquent than I can say it. Even Frank was impressed with the suggestion and I'm hopeful this will be a go. I think we have a good reason and we understand a little better what can be done with a thousand denials. Wait and see what Frank has to say. If you want to see the sort of thing being discussed, check out Project Veritas if you aren't familiar with their work. One of the people from this organization was there and gave a rousing impromptu speech about the process they would use to turn a thousand denials for our benefit. Worth the long drive. I think I'll find a way to make all of the meetings even if it means 3 hours on the road once in a while. I don't know what to expect next. A lot of the thoughts are only a couple of hours old and I know the NJ2AS leadership has a lot to talk about now.
  14. Bought a Beretta Bobcat 22lr 20+ years ago at Rays Sports Shop for $187. It was one of the very first compact handguns for concealed carry. Very picky about what ammo it likes but it was an unusual gun at the time for it's size. Everybody makes a sub compact now.
  15. Most binoculars are 8X or 10X magnification. Hard to see hits at 200 yards with that, especially if you don't have a good place to rest the binoculars to keep them steady. Cheap spotting scopes go up to 60X magnification.
  16. I've tried a few of the magnetic under-the-car type. Signal kept getting lost. I don't know if I was using poor quality units or if the location - on the frame of the vehicle was the problem. Switched to the under dash ones and have had no problems.
  17. I've used these: http://www.brickhousesecurity.com/product/trackport+gps+tracker.do It plugs into the ODBII port under the dash - no work to install it instead of just plugging it in...usually. They work great. But there are 3 minor issues. for some reason they designed these with visible LEDs. You'll need black electrical tape to cover those If the truck battery is removed, they will beep when first powered up. It's just a quick beep and probably not enough to be found. In about half the vehicles I've used these in, the OBDII port was close enough to the face of the dashboard that these stuck out where you could see them. I've had to fabricate extension brackets to move the port back a few inches before I could use these. That means about 10 minutes access to the vehicle. Otherwise, you can have these deployed in seconds. Tracking is real time with about 1 minute latency. It gives a record of all travel listing street names and directions. It also records idle time and how long the vehicle was at that location. It can map the travel route for any period of time that you choose. My favorite feature: you can draw geo-fences and the system can alert you by text message or email if the vehicle enters or exits a geo-fence. We have lost these in areas that did not have cell coverage but got them back when the vehicle returned to civilization.
  18. Ruger LCP. 9 ounces, perfectly flat on both sides for comfort. With the extended floorplate, it is comfortable to shoot, although it's not as comfortable as a full size pistol. And best of all - it fits in my pocket. Easy, simple, no hassle carry gun.
  19. KC17 has it right. Dew point is what's important. Rust happens when the temperature of the guns is below the dew point temperature of the air. This is when the guns are cooler than the air and the air has enough humidity to condense on the guns. Keeping humidity in the garage low by running the air conditioning solves the dew point problem. Keeping the guns slightly warmer than the air with something like a golden rod heater also solves the problem. And of course, touch up any warn bluing and make sure the guns are lightly oiled when you put them away. You will have no problems with them in the garage.
  20. I was in a pawn shop in TN. They wouldn't sell me an old bolt action shot gun because I was from NJ. I first asked if they could sell to out of state residents. Yes they could. When they found out I was from NJ, they could not. Manager told me it was because they weren't familiar with the laws in NJ.
  21. It's not just the quantity of seeds produced by hybrids, often the next generation does not have the traits of the parent. I have tossed rotten pumpkins on the burn pile and had odd looking gourds grow in that spot the next year. I'm sure the hybrid I originally planted had an odd looking gourd as one parent. I have always gardened with the goal growing the best stuff and usually that's done with hybrid seeds. But this year, I'm going to try heirloom varieties instead. I'm not sure what makes a seed organic but I'm comfortable with treated seeds as long as I get the best yields - and this year I want a second generation that I can plant next year.
  22. maintenanceguy


    I have an acre and a half in the middle of farm country. My wife and I have gardened but haven't for the last few years. I'm going to have a big garden this year. My kids are old enough to be involved and I want them to learn some of the growing knowledge I learned growing up on a farm. I've become especially interested in non-hybrid seeds. I believe hybrids seeds grow better food but often they won't pollinate in a second generation. I'm interested in a garden where I can save seeds for next year. Online prices for seeds are much higher than I expected. Maybe the boom in prepper mentality has effected seeds just like it has ammo. So, my question is, does anybody know of a good online source for inexpensive seeds?
  23. A couple of months ago, I decided to purchase 50 rounds of something every week and I've been sticking too that schedule. If what I want is in 20 round packs, I get 2 and if it's in 100 round packs, I get one. Whatever quantity gets me closest to 50 rounds per week. I buy what I find that is available locally at a reasonable price - as long as it's something I will shoot. Because of the price and availability of ammo, I'm shooting less then I was a couple of years ago. I shoot at home so I don't shoot much when the weather gets cold. At 50 rounds per week I'll be well stocked within a few months. Slow and steady wins the race for me.
  24. We had a 6" that we spent 650 on 25 years ago. It was great for terrestrial viewing. We could count the light bulbs on the Christmas tree on the roof of St. Peter's Hospital 2 miles away. But without automatic tracking, looking at anything in the sky at any real magnification was a pain in the tush. You were looking at such a small piece of the sky that things would zip across the field of view as the earth rotated. To look at the rings of Saturn, I would have to continuously rotate both knobs to chase the thing I was looking at and if I stepped back to let my wife see, it was already out of view and she would have to start searching for it again. After a few evenings of star gazing,we just gave up.
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