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Everything posted by brucin

  1. Litigation costs a lot of money. Not too many people have the disposable income to spend on it even if their constitutional rights are being violated.
  2. Portugal's addict treatment also includes subsidies to business to hire the addict while in treatment. I believe it's half the salary. This has been very successful in treating addiction as the Dr's found that keeping the addicts mind busy and increasing their self esteem dropped the amount of relapse drastically. Would this work in the US who knows but it should certainly be tried in some cities. The real difficult thing will be to get funding for such a program. Portugal did it by not incarcerating the addicts and using that money. Here incarceration is big business and business doesn't like their profits cut.
  3. I figured it was more than just practice but didn't want to hypothesize on additional reasons.
  4. Most ranges will charge a premium for their ammo. It's just could business sense to do that. As others have said buy in bulk from SGAmmo or Freedom. Stick with the new and not re-manufactured and you should be fine. I have never had an issue and have gone through thousands of rounds. Freedom's American Steel is cheap and dirty but functions fine for me.
  5. Not for much longer. She mentioned in the interview "moving out of state" this summer so she can practice more.
  6. I concur. Confidence is high.
  7. You need to go to a salon but first you must obtain an P2C. You can only bet one foot clipped in a week but the P2C is good for 2 weeks if the issuing authority will extend it. If not you must reapply for another P2C.
  8. Their "justification" is "because I said so". That is how subjects are treated.
  9. Nobody fails today. Someones feelings might get hurt.
  10. Reading this makes me glad my wife and I decided to not have children. I can imagine the grief I would have to put up with when my kid went to school wearing an RTSP shirt.
  11. I thought that too but since Dwight couldn't hit his target at 20 yards he probably is holding it incorrectly and the force of the bow releasing it's energy is shaking the bow i his weak hands. They might want to rename Dwight to "stubby"
  12. Mr. Carroll is my representative in the assembly and I have had E-mail correspondence with him. He writing is quite humorous. He is super pro firearms and has sponsored several bills to fix NJ's draconian firearms laws. Having him on the committee is a positive and even though he is outnumbered, firearms owners can count on him being in their corner.
  13. No I don't do that, I try to arrive early enough to help set up since I know I can't make the whole match. I have had 2 series of injections that have helped quite a bit but I will not know how I will feel till after I shoot a match for a while.
  14. Very disappointed this has ended. I have been unable to make the last 3 matches due to back problems and was hoping to do the March match. I will have to try one of the local outdoor matches once the weather warms up. Does anyone know if I will be frowned upon for leaving before a match is completed? I usually can do 3 stages maybe 4 but my back won't let me compete for much more than that.
  15. That was my thought too. The average person will think "carry what?". But it is something.
  16. I believe that they are afraid that an out of state person convicted in a NJ court may get enough money from pro 2nd amendment groups to challenge that conviction as unconstitutional which would bring down the whole house of cards. If they avoid the trial they avoid that possibility.
  17. I'm actually surprised it took 162 posts After he made this statement " like the one that flying an American flag upsidedown is not only desceration but anti-American." I was convinced he was a moms not gettin any plant. Everyone knows that an upside down flag is a distress signal and if they are giving badges to people with AK's attitude we are in serious trouble.
  18. I wish this forum had a like button because I couldn't like this post enough Thank you sir ( High Exposure) for doing the job that you do and AK you could learn a lot from this gentleman.
  19. sorry for your loss. sucks to lose a loyal friend.
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