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Dual residence gun purchase

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So I answer the phone not recognizing the number which we always do now cause it may be our son over in Afghan and yep it was. No "hi, how are ya, whats happening in Jersey" type of greeting but says "dad, i need you to check out some info on getting guns. When I come back I want to pick up a Kimber tactical 45 and a Remmy tactical shotty." 60 seconds later the sattelite phone craps out and that was that! Oh well at least it was him for a minute after 6 weeks of nothin. ANYWAY,afew issues come to mind. He has no FPID card and I dont see that happening with him there and paperwork, fingerprints,etc here. And sure aint gonna happen in the two weeks or so when he gets back in the summer. If I recall there was some previous conversation around the forum that since he is in the Marines he is also considered a legal resident of his home base in North Carolina and thus can purchase a legal handgun and/or long gun there and bring it legally back to NJ as long as it is NJ legal and again, without having a FPID card.He would not be able to purchase any ammo here but... So is that a correct belief on my part? Can some legal eagle point out that in some remote law so I can see it in black and white? And is it ok to keep it here in Nj while he is stationed elsewhere, I'm guessing why not, the only problem is the temptation on my part to use them! He will be 21 by then. How STUPID AND IRONIC is it that a highly trained Marine who makes a living firing hi-power autos, morters, and grenades cant buy a gun in this sad state?!

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I don't have the statutes, but you have the idea right. Depending on where you live in New Jersey, you or your son can just pick up enough ammo in NY State or Pennsylvania.

While technically you may not need a NJ FID to own firearms, I am sure there are plenty of police who MISTAKENLY believe otherwise and will always err against the legal gun owner. In my opinion, a NJ FID is a practical, if not legal, necessity in this state.

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Thanx Malsua- I knew it was somewhere just couldn't find it. As for doing the paperwork while he's here on leave I'm not sure, tough to get an appt for the fingerprinting at the copshop and then I believe he needs to follow thru and pick up the papers personally. Really not sure when he will make it back again but I was going to look into that and see how long they will hold it.

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