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Whats the purpose of placing a pen in the trigger?

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I will often see guns pictured with something (a pen, marker etc) between the trigger and trigger guard.


Whats the purpose of this?

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setting a trap for the next buyer...


it's one of those weighted traps.

if it drops on you, you have to buy it.

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I will often see guns pictured with something (a pen, marker etc) between the trigger and trigger guard.


Whats the purpose of this?


Don't worry.. Not a stupid question (those are left for me to ask apparently) I used to think they were for size reference.

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Mr. Mackey says: Some use bullets... Umkay.... But bullets are baaad... Umkay. Pens are less dangerous but still have more power than a sword.... Ummkay? ;)



Sent from John's iPad 2 via Tapatalk HD

Typos courtesy Apple...

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because it's mightier than the sword.


Thanks....I spit my soda on the keyboard laughing!

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Glad someone asked the question. As new gun owner, I did wonder about this.

I thought it was to keep it pointed slightly down instead of pointing at next guy :-), I guess was thinking too serious.

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Because people like to post pointless pictures of their guns which are identical to tens of thousands of the exact same mass produced gun, cleverly and alluringly posed next to a box of ammo and often some tactical type knife that they have no real use for. And then other people get to ooh and ah and say how beautiful "she" looks.

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Because people like to post pointless pictures of their guns which are identical to tens of thousands of the exact same mass produced gun, cleverly and alluringly posed next to a box of ammo and often some tactical type knife that they have no real use for. And then other people get to ooh and ah and say how beautiful "she" looks.



Trying to figure out if there is humor in this post or if it is just douche-iness. Guns are like babies. Everybody wants to show theirs off, even if it is ugly and looks like a thousand others. It is a gun forum after all, and that means we are going to see the new guys Glock 17, the millionth of its kind or the newest flavor of Mossberg Tacticool Abortion.

That said, how do you like my new gun?


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Now that's a picture worth posting! My post did come off a bit douchy, I will admit. I guess if guns are tools I don't really get why people get so worked up about looking at pictures of them or feel the need to show them off (or boxes of ammo or knives), particularly if they are exactly like thousands or millions of others. A custom gun or particularly interesting configuration of an AR, or a video of someone tearing up a practical shooting course, or a video of a tactical shooting class-- I get why people would want to see that. I just don't get the excitement of looking at a "posed" picture of a PX4 or Glock 19 next to a box of ammo. Not saying it's wrong, just seems odd to me. But to each his own.

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I don't disagree with you. I just recognize the combination of the venue and human nature. On the Harley forums I used to frequent, everybody had to post a picture of their stock fat boy or Sportster. And they all look the same.

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I don't disagree with you. I just recognize the combination of the venue and human nature. On the Harley forums I used to frequent, everybody had to post a picture of their stock fat boy or Sportster. And they all look the same.


But they had a kick stand.

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Thanks for asking that, because I have kind of subconsciously wondered the same thing, but never thought to ask about it. There's no limit to what one can learn on this forum!


Seriously? Or are you just saying that to make me feel better? :)

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Trying to figure out if there is humor in this post or if it is just douche-iness. Guns are like babies. Everybody wants to show theirs off, even if it is ugly and looks like a thousand others. It is a gun forum after all, and that means we are going to see the new guys Glock 17, the millionth of its kind or the newest flavor of Mossberg Tacticool Abortion.

That said, how do you like my new gun?



Am I the only one annoyed that that is obviously a blunderbuss, or scatter-gun, and not even a musket?


Just as a "shoulder-thing that goes up" does not an assault rifle make, a frizzen does not a musket make XD.


Oh well, if I'm going to be a tool about this, I may as well make fun of myself. Even though I've seen it done countless times, I've never actually thought to use a pen or anything to prop up a gun, or airsoft gun for photographing. Weirdly enough, I'd get annoyed that I could never get a good picture.


Also, is mossberg really putting this out? I know they had a .22LR with a Barrett muzzlebrake, which probably weighed as much as the rest of the rifle... I could see them doing this.

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