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Old Dog

Why the delay with NICS?

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I often read that it takes days to weeks for a NICS check in NJ and wonder why. NICS is a Federal program and should me the same as down here in Florida and yet it takes all of 5 minutes to run a NICS check over the phone. I have bought about 36 guns over the last 2.5 years and never a long wait. The longest I ever waited was this past xmas on xmas eve and that took about 20 minutes. Bought a gun last week and another the week before as well as a few during the last few months and the NICS check was always done quickly in a matter of minutes.


So why does it take longer in NJ and why all the talk of a backlog? Is NICS broken down by State? If so I would think that a State like mine where guns are very easy to come by with no one gun a month rule would have a much higher volume of NICS checks than NJ. Does anyone know the real reason because a backlog seems like a bogus excuse that you guys are being fed. There is no backlog here or in other States some of my friends live in.

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I often read that it takes days to weeks for a NICS check in NJ and wonder why. NICS is a Federal program and should me the same as down here in Florida and yet it takes all of 5 minutes to run a NICS check over the phone. I have bought about 36 guns over the last 2.5 years and never a long wait. The longest I ever waited was this past xmas on xmas eve and that took about 20 minutes. Bought a gun last week and another the week before as well as a few during the last few months and the NICS check was always done quickly in a matter of minutes.


So why does it take longer in NJ and why all the talk of a backlog? Is NICS broken down by State? If so I would think that a State like mine where guns are very easy to come by with no one gun a month rule would have a much higher volume of NICS checks than NJ. Does anyone know the real reason because a backlog seems like a bogus excuse that you guys are being fed. There is no backlog here or in other States some of my friends live in.

That's exactly what I think. Sure there are alot more checks being done but to go from 10 minutes to 10 days? I guess it's just over my head.


When I was younger I had a municipal job for a while (after high school and before I decided to go to college) and I couldn't believe how lazy and unwilling a large portion of the workers were. When alot of work came up the strategy was to sit around and complain about it while the few who were hard workers got the job done. Perhaps it is something along those lines.

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Thanks. It seems that NJ uses their State Police to go through NICS and sometimes uses faxes. Here in Florida we go directly to NICS and NICS is not backlogged at all despite having half a dozen guns stores in spitting distance of most homes. The NJSP is backlogged and since the State is anti gun, I would not expect them to do much about it as it slows down the flow of firearms and that is good in their eyes. If they tried that down here they would have a real revolution on their hands. What a difference a State makes.


You can close this tread as I got my answer, shocking as it was.

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