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Worth a shot - No to War in Syria - Petition

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A petition to stay out of the conflict in Syria. The media is making it seem like the U.S. population wants to go to war. No one I know wants to go and I've seen very few people comment in favor of it online. It would be great if this went viral and millions signed it.



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This is a tough one...As Spritual beings it breaks hearts to see those children suffer...But Good-Grief, is USA suppose to get in btwn every fight on the plantet? Even if we want to, can we? We are broke. Another War?


Two Ret-Generals on Fox were saying both sides are anti-amaercan so we should stay out of it...


Another comentator said, just like WW2, we sided with Stalin (the second biggest mass-murder of all time) to defeat Hitler (the biggist mass murder of all time) and we should take this opertunity to side with the rebels to defeat the iranian-pupet-gov't in Syria. I found this comment to be insightful.


Still, for now, and until things become clearer (to me anyway), or we have an integrated, cohesive, goal-driven strategy to move the ball forward against terrorism (and its faximiliies), my inclination is to stay out of it.

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This war is a stepping stone. We want Iran. Syria and Iran are allies and we are trying to rope Iran into war. Iran is already threatening to attack Israel if we attack Syria.


Personally, I doubt Assad used chemical weapons, he had no need to do so and he certainly new it would draw unwanted international attention. The rebels who are most likely being aided by U.S. and France are probably behind this chemical attack. General Wesley Clark said it years ago... 7 countries in 5 years. Well it's taken more than 5 years but it appears that the current administration is following through on the plans of the last administration. 


Also, let's not forget that through the Britam Defence hacking we know that there was actual, documented discussion about false flag chemical attacks in Syria. 

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I don't believe we should consider even a limited role in the Syrian conflict but what puzzles me is that even after a reported 100k deaths since the revolution began we now choose to take action only because gas was employed. Genocide is genocide regardless of the method but somehow nerve gas is the catalyst for our outrage....what utter BS.

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America is not the police department of the world.  We need to mind our own damn business and stop poking our heads in everyone elses stuff.  I say this as someone who has been deployed around the world due to other countries problems.  When does it stop!?  Why in the hell do we need to send OUR people to die in THEIR countries problems.  I understand that some people can not stand up for themselves against people like rebels but didn't we just ARM the rebels because of Syria's tyrannical gov?!  They used chemical weapons on their own people... they would have NO problem doing the same to us.  All those people who support running into a new war with another country are more than welcome to lead the way and be on the first plane over... oh wait... they will stay in washington collecting their paychecks while they send the young and the courageous to go die for their cause and their agenda.  VERY annoyed at this but honestly regardless of petitions or american views.... it is only a matter of time before we are there. 

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Since were talking about Syria and Syria is big news right now... remember when POTUS said he was drawing a line, a red line and if they used chemical attacks, it would cross that line and there would be serious consequences... I read this tonight and thought... NO! BAD SYRIA! DONT DO IT AGAIN!



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We are all screwed.  Untill we get the morons out of office we are screwed.  The longer they stay there the deeper the hole we are in.  Both sides of the conflict in Syria hate us so I just dont understand why the hell we even care>?  Dont we have our own problems?

I guess Im just out of touch with reality or something......


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We must stay out of this conflict.  Assad is anti-American and pro-Iranian, and rebels are anti-American jihadists (what is often called "Al Qaeda supporters" for the political purposes but it is wider than that).  Whoever wins, they are not our friends.  The rule "enemy of my enemy is my friend" is misleading.

If Assad stays, we can contain him because his aim is to stay alive and to stay in power (which is the same in his case).  And, he 'll probably kill another 100,000 for that.

If rebels win, they'll for sure kill all Assad's tribe, which is 2 millions, and many Shiites, and all Christians if there were any left.  And all "rebel moderate factions" - in fact they'll be first to die as "American spies".  And, you cannot contain them because their desire to kill is stronger than to stay alive.


(As for the WW2 - the commentators sometimes "choose to forget" that it was Japan who attacked the US, and Germany declared war after that, not the other way around.  So, the US didn't have a luxury to choose.)

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If rebels win, they'll for sure kill all Assad's tribe, which is 2 millions, and many Shiites, and all Christians if there were any left.  And all "rebel moderate factions" - in fact they'll be first to die as "American spies".  And, you cannot contain them because their desire to kill is stronger than to stay alive.


Add to that the fact that the Al-CIAda rebels will also then control Syria's cache of weapons, conventional and chemical. Hasn't our government been telling us for years that one of the main goals of Al-CIAda is to unleash either a dirty bomb or chemical weapon on the West?

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