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Need 15/30 mags limiting service suggestion



I am looking for reliable and possibly quick service to limit some number of russian AK mags to become NJ legal 15/30. Tried suggested Bad-element/Nick and he is doing good job but no way it is fast. My last order to him is still in process since March 7. So, any service that is not as painfull to wait and could do simmilar job faster you might suggest? Thanks!

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Spitballing here, but -


and get someone to weld the floorplates.


ETA: I am not a lawyer and don't know if that would satisfy your understanding of "Permanent".

Edited by High Exposure

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11 minutes ago, High Exposure said:

Spitballing here, but -


and get someone to weld the floorplates.


ETA: I am not a lawyer and don't know if that would satisfy your understanding of "Permanent".


Thanks, the only problem I don't have actual mags, normally I am ordering mags shipped to some service address outside of NJ and they do this job and mail to us 15/30. It is illigal to keep large capacity mags in this state, besides nobody will ship them to you. Same time there is nice deals on Russian AK milspec mags around.

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3 hours ago, remixer said:

What kinda mag?

Are they Steel or Aluminum floor plates?

To be honest i hate doing steel mags but if you are in a pinch and need some i would be willing to help out.

What are you paying to have those mags blocked?

Russian surplus backelites and/or plums they are everywhere and the best for AK, I know your place, got Sig556xi from you :) Last time I paid $30 for rivet limiting and shipping for 4 backelites to the Bad Element, it is fine price to me but his service is too slow. Please let me know if you could do the same. Thanks!

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11 minutes ago, remixer said:

I remember you :)

we don't do the rivet limiting, We were advised by the NJSP it is not acceptable.


If you want to send me (1) mag ill take a look and see what can be done.


What is acceptable for them? Cutting mag on half? :) Getting some pistol permits and might stop by you soon.

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17 minutes ago, remixer said:

Last conversation i had with them was about rivets in mags.. They were not satisfied with only a rivet. 

They mentioned a block along with sealing the base plate using a (weld) or (Glue / Epoxy).

This is what country-spirit.com does for their limited mags - riveted blocking plate.  Epoxy can be added to the base plate at no extra charge by them.


Like I said - they're pricey, but great people to buy from if you wish to do so.  They have russian steel mags as well.

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1 hour ago, remixer said:

Last conversation i had with them was about rivets in mags.. They were not satisfied with only a rivet. 

They mentioned a block along with sealing the base plate using a (weld) or (Glue / Epoxy).


Interesting, does any NJ low said anythithing about epoxy or weld? :) They are pushing us to leave to PA...

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