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Everything posted by 10X

  1. Those are verrrryyyy sweet triggers. Great price.
  2. The younger generation offers their opinions on marriage: 1. HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHO TO MARRY? -You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming. -- Alan, age 10 -No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with. -- Kristen, age 10 2. WHAT IS THE RIGHT AGE TO GET MARRIED? Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then. -- Camille, age 10 3. HOW CAN A STRANGER TELL IF TWO PEOPLE ARE MARRIED? You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids. -- Derrick, age 8 4. WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR MOM AND DAD HAVE IN COMMON? Both don't want any more kids. -- Lori, age 8 5. WHAT DO MOST PEOPLE DO ON A DATE? -Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough. -- Lynnette, age 8 -On the first date, they just tell each other lies and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date. -- Martin, age 10 6. WHEN IS IT OKAY TO KISS SOMEONE? -When they're rich. -- Pam, age 7 -The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn't want to mess with that. -- Curt, age 7 7. IS IT BETTER TO BE SINGLE OR MARRIED? It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them. -- Anita, age 9 8. HOW WOULD THE WORLD BE DIFFERENT IF PEOPLE DIDN'T GET MARRIED? There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there? -- Kelvin, age 8 9. HOW WOULD YOU MAKE A MARRIAGE WORK? Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a dump truck. -- Ricky, age 10
  3. It’s possible it’s the ammo. Try a box of something from Federal-Federal primers are known to be the ‘softest’. If you get misfires still, the gun is again the prime suspect of course you’ll ultimately want it to run with any ammo, but I’ve known revolvers that can’t seem to get to 100% ignition double action with any other primer
  4. Pretty good chance we'll be out of here by mid-summer! It's so close I can taste the freedom.
  5. I finally got to put my BBQ judge certification to use, at the NJ KnoQ-Out BBQ competition in Blairstown April 20-21. https://campgroundbbq.com/nj-knoqout NJ is on the outer fringe of BBQ culture in the US, but the Team of the Year points chase brings the top competitors all the way out here. We had a couple of former national champions show up, hoping this is the year they repeat. We had 50 teams registered Saturday, almost 40 on Sunday, a mix of Masters Division (turning in chicken, pork ribs, pork shoulder, and brisket) and Backyard Division, judged to the same standards but cooking only chicken and ribs (no overnight cooking required). Judges are divided into teams of six, and each team judges six entries for each meat, scoring for appearance, tenderness, and taste. When the scores are tabulated, the taste score is weighted most heavily, appearance least heavily. Teams have to hit a narrow turn-in window every 30 minutes, chicken first, the ribs, pork, and brisket, followed by the Backyard division chicken, then ribs. So, for 3 hours, the judges are getting 6 portions of meat every 30 minutes. Even judging based on one bite (the norm, though a second bite is allowed if needed), it’s a lot of meat. BUT, at this level of competition, it’s really good. The best was extraordinary, and even the worst was just…ordinary. There wasn’t a bad bite during the entire competition, at least at the tables where I was judging. The judging is double-blind, so I’ll never know whose entries I judged, but I did get to eat some of the best BBQ I’ve ever had. (file photo, no cameras allowed in the judging area) Lotsa smokers
  6. Not sure why your profile shows zero posts, but clicking through to 'activity' shows your your posting history on this forum goes back 13 months, and consists of over two dozen posts asking sellers to message you because you are too new to post.
  7. Sorry, both are SPF. Being picked up this week. Win M22 22 LR SPF to Ringwoodfrank.
  8. Bump, with some additions to the list, and price reductions.
  9. Don't mess with Idaho moms! Note that the perp had her handcuffed to a chair and she was still able to retrieve her .357 and shoot him twice.
  10. Nice! I saw this on a door in Sodus Bay, NY when we were up there watching the overcast that had an eclipse behind it on Monday. Much of upstate NY feels the same way about the nonsense that comes out of Albany and NYC.
  11. It was pretty good. Clever concept, I had to support the ingenuity of the brewers who came up with the idea of making a beer for the eclipse.
  12. This is a late trip report, as I avoid posting trip plans to social media until after I'm home. We planned to drive to upstate NY. The forecast wasn't great, but it looked like the best odds were to get as far east as we had time for, on the southern shore of Lake Ontario. We ended up at the delightful town of Sodus Bay. In town we enjoyed a brewed-just-for-the-occasion black lager called Totality, then set up at a primo spot right on the beach. But, the overcast arrived well before the eclipse. We saw nothing of the sun, though of course it got much darker for 3 1/2 minutes. We hedged our bets by spending the day before in Ithaca; It had been 20 years since I had a chance to wander around my grad school alma mater, then the day after we had planned a trip to Niagara Falls--my wife had never been there. So the trip worked out ok, but if I were to post my best eclipse photo, it might be this, taken under blue skies the next day:
  13. 10X


    Not to be outdone, Sunny Hostin, co-host of The View, claimed on air that the eclipse, the earthquake, and the upcoming cicada emergence were ALL due to climate change https://www.foxnews.com/media/the-views-sunny-hostin-blames-eclipse-earthquake-cicadas-climate-change.amp
  14. Warby Parker (their brick and mortar stores) advertised that they would be giving them away. I've no idea for how long. Some local libraries are also handing them out. We still had ours, along with a camera filter and cheap eclipse binoculars, from the 2017 total eclipse.
  15. 10X


    Felt it here! I thought it wasn't that much weaker than the first one, though it was shorter. Reportedly, there was a magnitude 2 aftershock at 12:20 today, and I didn't notice that one. I might have been in the car then.
  16. I'm sorry to hear this...even though I'd planned to make last year's event my last appearance at the TVLand shoot--time to focus on getting packed and ready to move, if we can ever find a home in North Idaho... I hope Stan has a speedy recovery...he has been the driving force behind this charity match, and a number of historic firearms matches at Cherry Ridge every year. As noted, these events are a LOT of fun, and I encourage everyone to turn out when the match is rescheduled, even if it means waiting a year. For now, I guess our favorite high-scoring female will retain the Ziva David (NCIS) title for a SECOND year! Pretty good prize pool, too. These are goodies from 12 of the events, since donated back to Stan to award at future events. IMG_2418.HEIC
  17. 10X


    I'm seeing reports that today's quake, though not all that strong at magnitude 4.7-4.8, was still the strongest ever recorded in NJ.
  18. 10X


    Felt it pretty good here in Morris County. About 25 miles from the epicenter. Lotta noise with the shaking, much of it glasses clinking together in the cabinets, plus the dog losing his mind. No apparent damage. Now getting texts from various first-responder groups asking the public to stop calling their emergency numbers to ask what happened.
  19. Yea, No. Not gunna do it, not going to jam a handgun with an unguarded trigger into my pants. Didn't need the state statute to tell me it's a bad idea.
  20. https://www.instagram.com/p/C5MwqUFsARV/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=embed_video_watch_again For another take on how NOT to cook ribs...
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