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Everything posted by Bklynracer

  1. Give it time, their still learning how stupid they can be,
  2. Had same issue with Walmart 6 months ago, shipping a plastic ammo can to NJ
  3. Like my Berreta 92, you already have a Beretta Enjoy shooting HK VP9 and CZ75,
  4. Something to also consider, buy now (borrow more if you can) with the low interest rates, in a few years if rates go up, whatever you gained, you might end up paying back more. Take a 30 year loan make some extra payments, as many as you can, the money you save in interest really adds up.
  5. I think these so called leaders have lost their so called minds. Next they will blame the victims for getting robbed / mugged. Maybe when they rob someone's house its their fault for not putting enough armed guards at the front door. Here's an idea Arrest people and don't put them back on the streets in 6 hours. There called criminals. Hiw in Gods name do they vote for these idiots. https://news.grabien.com/story-chicago-mayor-blames-retailers-not-doing-enough-fight-organi
  6. See your sign and raise you a t-shirt https://poshmark.com/listing/Taylor-Ham-Egg-Cheese-Long-Sleeve-5faec3e2ff7c5a7c8c1b39f3?utm_source=gdm_men&utm_campaign=1765989022&campaign_id=1765989022&ad_partner=google&gskid=pla-759276220468&gcid=342358211430&ggid=66314895342&gdid=t&g_network=g&enable_guest_buy_flow=true&gclid=EAIaIQobChMItcGU94bT9AIVQWxvBB3VDwtLEAQYBiABEgK-O_D_BwE
  7. 5 boxes (4-25rd in each) New stock. Asking $44 per box of 4 PayPal or cash payment Buyer must gave matching FID and Drivers Lic. Pick up only - No Shipping. Buyer must be willing to meet Bergen County in person, Junctions Route 23/287/17 or around 5:00 pm by Teterboro. Any questions please PM 1st person to post I'll take it gets it. Then PM and set up meeting point.
  8. He shouldn't have been Re-elected just from the optics's of what's going on there.
  9. Plus, With what they found in the car how many if us would be free on bail? https://dailyvoice.com/new-jersey/paramus/news/son-of-bergen-county-executive-charged-with-impersonating-police-officer-in-florida/820665/
  10. Header is positive, but Another one sided article. https://www.yahoo.com/news/court-seems-poised-hand-fight-222738133.html
  11. Used them about 6 months ago, just need to call and see what hours they do them, forget the price, think it was around $35-50
  12. This is funny, Right in Bidens backyard, Wonder if he'll buy any tickets. Hope they do well. https://www.yahoo.com/news/delaware-baseball-team-raffling-off-100213951.html
  13. Why do we only find democratic votes and not republican ones, Don't dead republicans vote?
  14. I'll speak for myself, But I believe, We are not jaded or negative. Just don't think it will happen. The Charlie Brown effect. With the makeup of NJ and the courts becoming politicalized, see it becoming harder and harder, But will always believe in the fight.
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