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Liberalism is a mental disorder.

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So in her eyes, she's excusing the man who raped her as it was a response to white oppression?


Makes sense to me. Every time I get a bill in the mail, I go out and club the mailman.


Her solution to this is to force those same white oppressors to spend their money and give them jobs and training and protection.


She apparently doesn't see the irony in this. It's she's got such a problem with "white patriarchy" how about not behaving in a manner that requires a father figure to protect and provide for them?

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How does a feminist/functionalist perspective on what is going on Haiti (with rapes and all) have to do with liberalism? I mean, I can understand why people find her perspective ridiculous (because I do as well), but what does it have to do with liberalism?

The whole reasoning of rape is not a sexual thing (lust), but a power thing... hence the reasoning for the title of the article/post. Rape is, as by experts, seen a as a weapon against the sex of whoever is getting raped (whether that is a male or female). As njpilot pointed out, I would bet the writer is still suffering tremendously from what had occurred... and by writing this article/post, she is trying to make sense of the chaos, which could explain why it is illogical really.


It is abso-F'in-lutely tragic what is happening in Haiti in the aftermath-- and to think that the IC said this was going to occur, and the world still did nothing to curb it... eh, well. The quake was bad enough, but the amount of rapes, murders, looting, etc that hasn't been reported/covered is disconcerting (similar to the lack of coverage for places like Sudan and Somalia). I'm not trying to broadcast myself like some hippie-hypocrite like Sean Penn... I, as a human, find the horrors of humanity to be... well, horrors. And I think for people to say that those societies are uncivilized and whatnot is ridiculous because the moment our lights are turned off, our society would crumble just as quickly into that chaos.

Is there a solution? I don't know. While I do point out the atrocities, I do understand the fact that we (as in this country) do not become involved... based on the economics of people and business. Is it hypocritical? A bit, definitely. I do believe it to be detrimental to try and help these people when this country is already floundering-- and, like even the simplest relationships, how can we expect to take care of someone else when we can hardly take care of ourselves?


Unfortunately, even with these questions, the rapes will continue. I really hope this writer can recover.

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How does a feminist/functionalist perspective on what is going on Haiti (with rapes and all) have to do with liberalism? I mean, I can understand why people find her perspective ridiculous (because I do as well), but what does it have to do with liberalism?

The whole reasoning of rape is not a sexual thing (lust), but a power thing... hence the reasoning for the title of the article/post. Rape is, as by experts, seen a as a weapon against the sex of whoever is getting raped (whether that is a male or female). As njpilot pointed out, I would bet the writer is still suffering tremendously from what had occurred... and by writing this article/post, she is trying to make sense of the chaos, which could explain why it is illogical really.


It is abso-F'in-lutely tragic what is happening in Haiti in the aftermath-- and to think that the IC said this was going to occur, and the world still did nothing to curb it... eh, well. The quake was bad enough, but the amount of rapes, murders, looting, etc that hasn't been reported/covered is disconcerting (similar to the lack of coverage for places like Sudan and Somalia). I'm not trying to broadcast myself like some hippie-hypocrite like Sean Penn... I, as a human, find the horrors of humanity to be... well, horrors. And I think for people to say that those societies are uncivilized and whatnot is ridiculous because the moment our lights are turned off, our society would crumble just as quickly into that chaos.

Is there a solution? I don't know. While I do point out the atrocities, I do understand the fact that we (as in this country) do not become involved... based on the economics of people and business. Is it hypocritical? A bit, definitely. I do believe it to be detrimental to try and help these people when this country is already floundering-- and, like even the simplest relationships, how can we expect to take care of someone else when we can hardly take care of ourselves?


Unfortunately, even with these questions, the rapes will continue. I really hope this writer can recover.


I think that if our country was like Haiti I would still have the mindset to control my sexual addictions. I would be more worried about survival aspects such as finding food, water, protection, and shelter rather than causing someone else pain and misery for my own greedy gratification. (weather it be sexual or power gradification)

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Ha, well, not all feminist perspectives are liberal-- look at Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin.


And I'm glad you would be able too (I don't doubt any like-minded person), but how about the other couple million? How about all of the urban dwellers, gang bangers, suburbia-folk-who-go-crazy-during-crisis who all turn into MZBs? To say I wouldn't is great but negligible considering the other hundreds of thousands, if not millions, that would.

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Ha, well, not all feminist perspectives are liberal-- look at Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin.


And I'm glad you would be able too (I don't doubt any like-minded person), but how about the other couple million? How about all of the urban dwellers, gang bangers, suburbia-folk-who-go-crazy-during-crisis who all turn into MZBs? To say I wouldn't is great but negligible considering the other hundreds of thousands, if not millions, that would.


Well I guess it would be time to start my own after apocalyptic police department :lol:

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There are severe problems with this person and her perspective. She refers to her rapist as her "brother". She feels that this is all because of "the white man".


Who exactly is in Haiti right now distributing money, food and medicine? OH - right, it's the bad white man looking to colonize that dysfunctional rock...


we (as in this country) do not become involved.

When you are not welcome, why should you be involved? Is Haiti not a sovereign nation? They were too proud to ask for real help prior to this incident, and some of the reports indicate to me that the Haitian Gov't doesn't really want the US (equivalent to the big bad white man) there at all.


The accusation of liberalism is accurate when they/she vilify the white man for everything. Why does there always have to be a target, an oppressed person and an oppressor? Why is someone else to blame for "your" faults/failings/inability to rise above? Are there not just circumstances of life which just happen? Shall I blame GM because my 83 Cavalier with 500,000 miles takes a shit? I mean, really, THE GOVERNMENT should give me a good car, provide me this, provide me that, etc. THIS PERSON is holding me down/back/etc? WTF, pull yourself up and rise above.

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Maybe she should read some Dave Grossman and put things in perspective. He was a wolf, she was a sheep and apparently she will always be a sheep. Liberals will clearly never learn that despite whatever your socioeconomic situation is, some people are simply wired differently. They will take what they want, when they want. Their only reason for not doing so is their fear of being caught or killed.


Haiti has been a sovereign nation for more than a century so while you can blame the French for much of their issues during their beginning, they have only themselves to blame for the last few decades.


This women is clearly in need of help.

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This goes beyond acting retarded.


She gets raped by a black man and blames white men as a group. That's some serious dislocation. To then take it a step beyond and ask for, nay, demand that the victims of her ire provide her protection against those same black men is insanity. Her world foundation is fundamentally broken, her core premises are faulty.


As i'm currently reading Atlas Shrugged and I'm nearly done, this particular incident is something that is one of the themes. The Sanction of the victim. Evil only exist because we allow it to by feeding it, protecting it, by giving it jobs and a way to survive. By offering woman protection, we're accepting that there is evil to be tolerated instead of stamped out.



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