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Frank Jack Fiamingo


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The following is a proposed mission statement for our group. Please feel free to comment, and submit your own. The idea of a mission statement is to state in as few sentences as possible, what the group is all about:


"Our mission is to promote a better understanding of the importance of gun rights among our legislature and the citizens of New Jersey. To this end, we will work to help introduce, support, and pass gun rights legislation in the state of New Jersey."

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I would like to announce the inaugural meeting of the Ocean County Gun Club to be held at my home in Manahawkin, NJ on Monday evening July 12th at 7PM.


This is going to be an informal meeting to discuss the purpose of the club and to gather ideas from the members. Anyone interested is invited to attend, whether or not they are a member of the NJGF. So, if you know of someone who might be interested, please pass the information on. I intend to have some light refreshments at the meeting, so I would appreciate it if you let me know if you are going to make it, so I can be sure to have enough on hand.


MAKSIM was kind enough to grant us a "sticky" here in "Events and Meetings", so this is the most convenient place to respond. You may also respond to [email protected], or at the FaceBook Group page "Ocean County Gun Club".


Although we do have some serious gun rights issues to address here in NJ, there is no reason why this can't be a fun club. So, bring your ideas for some fun activities you think the other members and their families might enjoy, and perhaps we can plan some future events as well.


My address is:


Frank Fiamingo

36 Selma Drive

Manahawkin, NJ 08050




Either GSP North or South to Exit 63 - stay right onto Route 72 East *OR* Route 9 North or South to Route 72 East


Proceed toward Long Beach Island pass through 5 lights (from GSP) or 3 lights (from Rt 9) on Route 72. Shortly after you pass the last light at MARSHA DRIVE, you will see the sign for MORRIS BLVD/BEACH HAVEN WEST. Make a right onto MORRIS BLVD and *IMMEDIATELY* stop at the STOP SIGN on your left. Proceed STRAIGHT ACROSS MORRIS BLVD onto STEVEN DRIVE (Do NOT make a left at the stop sign, that will put you BACK on Route 72.) Follow STEVEN DRIVE around to the left. It runs parallel to Route 72. Take it all the way to the end, and it will feed you onto SELMA DRIVE. My house is the LAST house on the left at the end of the cul du sac. It is a green house up on pilings. The entrance is on the left of the small enclosure under the house. I'll keep the light on.


I look forward to meeting all of you. I ntend to send this to everyone who expressed an interest in the club, in a PM, in case they don't monitor this thread. I apologize in advance if you are getting multiple copies.


Thank you.


PS If you prefer to reply by phone,or if you need better directions, please feel free to call my cell at (732) 233-6506.

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I totally understand. Let me know when you can. It is kind of early to make the announcement anyway, but I wanted to give people plenty of time to respond. If for some reason, a lot of people can't make it, I can try for another day. But so far, this seems to work.

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I can most likely make it, it would probably be best to organize general information of the members, so easy to contact. I'm interested in what your plans are for this club and such. Just let me know if your going to re-schedule and how many members are going to show. Also how long the meeting will be (if possible). If it's only an hour or two I should be all good.

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No problem gonra,


I specifically made it a couple of weeks from now to give people time to check their schedules and respond. I will have more to say about it in the near future. I am not sure what kind of general information you might be looking for. Please expand upon that here or by PM. At this point, I am the central point of contact. I have done that until I know how much information the other prospective member want to share.


I don't want this club to be about what I want, I would rather gather a bunch of people with common interests, and see what THEY would like to get out of the association. I am keeping it pretty informal for that reason. I *DO* have some ideas, I would like to see if we can work together to reverse some of the restrictive NJ gun laws, and to promote bills like Senate Bill No. 69, which effectively would make NJ a "shall issue" state. I would also like to see us perhaps do some fun outings. But the whole idea of getting people together initially, is to see what YOU guys want.


I have the names of about 15 to 18 people so far who have expressed an interest. I hope to hear from some more between now and next week. I will make some additional announcements between now and then, in case people missed hearing about it. I have also posted messages in various FaceBook groups, and have the names of the major NJ gun clubs to contact.


I look forward to supplying more information very soon. In the meantime, PLEASE guys, feel free to begin making suggestions regarding things YOU would like to see included. At this point, we have a fairly blank slate.

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Excellent Rugerfan100,


I will make sure you are kept informed. At this point we are still on target for Monday evening July 12th. In the meantime, everybody keep those letter, calls and emails going out to your representatives. Even if they don't agree with us, it is going to make them a little "queasy" if they receive enough of them. It isn't THAT long until they need to start campaigning again. I am finding out that there are a LOT more of "US" than you might think. We just got too quiet because we thought we were fighting a losing battle. Guess what? We are NO LONGER fighting a losing battle - THEY are. The are going to have to justify defying a direct ruling of the Supreme Court. And yes I know that not everything was decided in that ruling, but it DID decide a LOT! So let's ROLL with it. NOW IS THE TIME!

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I'm sorry I couldn't make it tonight. I had to work late and came home to a shit storm of mortgage bs..


Somebody please pm me with the details minutes etc...



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Great meeting,


went over everything I was interested in, and we discussed multiple approaches to trying to get our agenda across to our def politicians. Many other topics/brainstorms were brought up, and this is definitely a good start. I would recommend members here who are interested to attend the next meeting and also let frank know about it. I would like to thank frank for hosting the meeting at his home, and smity for all the great info about where we stand as of now in New Jersey regarding CCW amongst other important issues. I would like to also thank everyone else who attended and shared their idea's, some very interesting perspectives were brought up.

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Great start guys. Sorry i had to leave early, but my little girl doesnt feel good. It was great to put dome faces to the names. Someone let me know what i missed


Basically more of the same, it wound down after you left.

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What a great start for this important group:


Our first meeting was truly a success. Members came from all over Southern New Jersey. Representatives from two of new Jersey's most popular gun forums (njgunforums.com and njcsd.org) were in attendance, as well as members of the NRA, GOA, ANJRPC and other gun rights organizations.


Among the topics discussed were support for two NJ Senate bills - S69 "The Citizens Protection Act" which would effectively grant the "right to carry", and S555 "The New Jersey Self Defense Law" which would effectively invoke "The Castle Doctrine".


In addition, members spoke about the potential for a "Class Action" suit to facilitate regaining our right to carry in NJ. One of our members has developed a "Tactical Plan" which organizes individuals into teams for each NJ district. Team members take turns requesting meetings with their respective representatives, with the intention of getting them to either introduce or support gun rights legislation. No matter WHERE you live in NJ, if you are interested in getting involved in either of these activities, please contact me so that I can keep you informed.


It was inspiring to interact with intelligent, motivated individuals who all have our basic right to keep and bear arms in the forefront of their minds.


Based on the response to our first meeting, we expect an even more enthusiastic response to our next gathering. I will keep everyone informed here and at njgunforums.com. as to the time and place of the next meeting. We look forward to seeing you there.

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