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Everything posted by Lawnmower2021

  1. You mean you can't just keep shoving it in your pocket and reuse it indefinitely?!
  2. Hey All, Perhaps a bit random, but anyone know where I can find food like this in or near Essex county? Xi'an Famous Foods: https://www.xianfoods.com/ My wife loves their food, especially their A1 "Liang Pi", but I'd rather not go to NYC just for some noodles...
  3. Absolutely the worst implication for an emergency self-defense tool.
  4. I am an NYC refugee. I actually feel weird not pumping gas anymore...
  5. Is she even real? She almost seems like a strawman straw person invented purely to make the right seem crazy.
  6. Interesting concept but I agree that it looks too much like a real gun. Some may be deterred by the visual, but it could draw a lot of unwanted attention and confrontation. You also need to keep this far separate from any real guns and ammo. In the end, everyone should pick the self-defense mechanisms they are most comfortable with. This seems pretty effective at what it's designed for.
  7. I'm a little surprised that NJ has a higher outbound than NY... but I guess there's a lot more to NY than NYC.
  8. Confidently asserting things with authority despite ignorance is essentially a lie.
  9. You are right. Though, they said a lot of things and most of it was wrong...
  10. It's a bit concerning, like how COVID was seen to pass to stray cats. I live in an area with tons of deer that love to frequent my lot. Honestly, I get more close contact with deer most of the time than other humans. Looks like I can't trust the deer either, anymore. But generally looks like it hits a dead-end with animals. Just don't eat them!
  11. Dang, she's half asleep in her PJs essentially and the recoil's like nothing.
  12. Nice choice and congrats! It's great being able to choose between two calibers I've personally only been shooting 38sp in my revolver and keep 357 magnum for a rainy day. Aren't revolvers fun? Loading and working the action is so satisfying. I also love the ludicrous smoke and fire they kick out of everywhere
  13. It specifically calls it out as intact, which I guess mostly means the way you transport weapons would be the same. Though I am naïve, not sure if that has any specific positive or negative other than misleading text. To be honest, reading this stuff kind of gives me a headache so I'm open to better conclusions.
  14. In my opinion you could argue that it is "in use". If you're actively holding, carrying, practicing, cleaning, admiring, etc. a firearm, it's "in use." Just to highlight the ridiculousness of this: first offense nets 10+ hours of anti-gun propaganda "community service", while the second is a disorderly persons charge. That could mean jail time! In reality, this is impossible to enforce and should disappear.
  15. This is the issue. It has to be locked in separate containers. (Assuming I got this from the right place: https://www.njleg.state.nj.us/bills/BillView.asp?BillNumber=A5647) So no, if this ever sees the light of day you will not be able to keep your shotgun loaded, even if it's locked up.
  16. Wow. I really wish I knew about this before. Thank you!
  17. This definitely falls into the category of "we built it because we can." As cool as it is, I would not be so calm standing next to the guy
  18. These almost seem like a conversation piece unless you're getting your ankles attacked. Seems like their pattern and penetration is pretty bad. Couldn't use these at indoor ranges at all, I imagine.
  19. I came to NJ to make my exit from NY which has been an improvement so far. Otherwise, pretty much anywhere but CA. Texas could work.
  20. A ruger 10/22 seems almost inevitable. For now, I went with a lever action in 22 to compliment my single six
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