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Everything posted by triplecrown

  1. Me: Taylor, egg & cheese on a buttered roll. Waitress: Salt, pepper and ketchup? Me: Did I say salt, pepper or ketchup? Waitress:
  2. Hopefully not a dup post as I did try and search. Also hope this can be kept civil as I think it can be a productive discussion. I do think the high brass are wrong here for disciplining their officers. However, I don't know how I think about them being so forward on the job about it? Whatcha think? http://www.nj.com/jjournal-news/index.ssf/2013/04/jersey_city_police_brass_ident.html#incart_m-rpt-1
  3. For plate carriers I have/had blackhawk, eagle industries and an SKD pig pc all set up with full load. For training I just use chest rigs loaded with required ammo and extra weight to simulate full load. This is all for work.
  4. Not all armed security (non LEO) requires SORA.
  5. We might be on the same page. Good ole college days of "snipin plenty of brittany" but now am all wifey'd up with kids.
  6. triplecrown

    M&P40 VTAC

    Pro .40 here as well purchased for 575.
  7. If 2k is your ceiling, look for traditional night vision. Like the above poster said thermal is quite expensive but for good reason. Use to use an older zebra mk. It was like putting a brick on your rifle and you couldn't add any other optics. It would also freeze after every other shot and they still go for around 8g. However, IF you could stomach the price the cnvd-t fits your description of use. It is compact, light and sits nicely in front of existing optics. Boots up in just a few seconds, best resolution out there and you see every detail. Instead of a white blob you can distinguish facial characteristics and someone's breath on a cold day. But you'll have to add at least another zero to your budget.
  8. My hometown. Grew up there but moved away before my FID/PP processes began. Willing to bet they give a hard time about conforming or changing their process. I know a lot of them being they were my PAL coaches growing up for football and baseball and also fellow HS graduates are now on the force. But, if you're traveling into cranford heading west from roselle, you WILL be pulled over.
  9. Stoppin by with my son as well next week. Lookin forward to it.
  10. http://njgunforums.com/forum/index.php?/topic/46770-seattle-gun-buy-back-goes-well/page__view__getnewpost Over in bucket 3.
  11. Thanks Petros! Nice meeting ya.
  12. I'd also recommend staying away from armored car and look to take the civil service test. Or even depending on location security at a nuclear power plant.
  13. Chain and lock the doors like Mr. Clark.
  14. Pioneer Elite would actually be top of the line. Beautiful TV's but $$$$$$. Honestly can't go wrong at all with either Samsung, Panasonic, Sony and even the Sharp Quattron line. With the same specs they are pretty much on par with each other. Honestly though they each have a different picture that they all do well. Matters what is pleasing to your eye more. The refresh rate is also key to look at too but I'd have to say there is hardly a difference at all between 120 and 240 accept the price difference being big. 99% of people can't see the faster refresh rate. All newer TV's have wifi built in so you houldnt have a problem finding anything with a decent price.
  15. I'll tell you what you've got a "steel set" posting that. It is comforting though to be reassured time and again that no family is perfectly sane.
  16. More multiplayer myself but opposite with liking treyarch more. Sounds like you MIGHT be able to keep up. Xbox GT = triplecrown44
  17. Outdoors most every day I'm off with any one of the million hobbies i have. Whether it's golf, flag football or just hiking the nearest trail with my son. Still play my fair share of COD and just picked up Halo 4. Wife goes to bed early and it's my time to just veg out. I really feel no need to defend myself but it's such a weak ass stereotype of people who play video games. Funny how people are saying how they USED to do this and that when they were a kid. Why did that stop again?
  18. I ended up driving down to home depot in manahawkin and they had everything in with more shipments expected. The further south you go the more you'll find. Ended up with a 6000 watt powermate for 700 bones and a 25' 10/4 cord hooked right into my panel. Powers pretty much all the essentials.
  19. http://njgunforums.com/forum/index.php?/topic/39285-a-vfw-range-in-forked-river/page__view__getnewpost
  20. Speaking of Toms River, how is the wait on issuance? Just moved here from Jackson and have to get my address change for my FPID. Pretty sure it can't be as bad as Jackson as they have to be one of the worst offenders.
  21. I second converse being cheap boots. And while I'm at it add bates to the list. Not a fan of either for hard uses. They'll suit a "foreman" well but not a grunt. As for light hikers, merrel was a damn good pickup. On my second pair of the chameleon 4 stretch and can't speak any more highly of them.
  22. Talked to a few guys at work that go there. Must be a member of VFW and its $5 each time to get on and shoot. They weren't exactly sure of the rule but you can guest 1 or 2 people. It's a 100 yard range but everyone usually just shoots from the 50. They say it's empty most of the time.
  23. That's actually a pretty damn good idea. Played baseball until my early twenties and loved all my turf shoes. However, I will say there are some impressively comfortable boots out there. Being on my feet for a 14 hour day the past 7 years, I've tried them all. End result, 5.11 HRT for rain/winter (or Oakley if I want to splurge) and Nike SFB for summer. Retired work boots are my range boots.
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