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Wayne LaPierre announces resignation as NRA chief


6 minutes ago, JohnnyB said:

They should purge the remaining dead wood and start fresh. 

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7 minutes ago, FairbanksRusty said:

They should purge the remaining dead wood and start fresh. 

This is a very good start though!:)

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and hopefully they don't rebuild themselves into the institution that helped us have the foundation to all the bs we're dealing with now.

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1 hour ago, Old Glock guy said:

but I believe she did us a favor.

While I am ecstatic over WLP taking a hike, he is still facing corruption charges in NY state, some are probably legit. There will be fallout.

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29 minutes ago, Scorpio64 said:

While I am ecstatic over WLP taking a hike, he is still facing corruption charges in NY state, some are probably legit. There will be fallout.

The cards are stacked against this guy. Those findings they uncovered aren’t made up. Sad that every BOD member sat back and were complicit with what went on. Sounds like one big fudd circle jerk. The whole lot should be eradicated and they should start anew. Better hope they can recover for if the NRA falls it will be a huge win for the anti’s. 

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3 hours ago, Old Glock guy said:

Yes, I thought the same thing.  The NY AG worked hard to force him out, but I believe she did us a favor.

I have to wonder if Letitia James has the intelligence to realize what a shit storm she may be unleashing on herself and her fellow gun grabbers if LaPierre's resignation cascades into the NRA getting some real 2A activist leadership, and concentrates the vast resources of that organization on thwarting the grabbers efforts. Most of the time I lament the stupidity of politicians, maybe this should be the exception.

And if it wasn't obvious from the above, my direct and immediate reaction to LaPierre's departure is "good fucking riddance".

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20 minutes ago, FairbanksRusty said:

The whole lot should be eradicated and they should start anew.

GOA has already supplanted the NRA as America's go-to for 2A.  The NRA is a HUGE organization, it may take some time, but the NRA is a dead man walking.


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56 minutes ago, FairbanksRusty said:

The cards are stacked against this guy. Those findings they uncovered aren’t made up. Sad that every BOD member sat back and were complicit with what went on. Sounds like one big fudd circle jerk. The whole lot should be eradicated and they should start anew. Better hope they can recover for if the NRA falls it will be a huge win for the anti’s. 

DIdn't require James' findings for me - La Pierre's obsession with his personal excesses have been common knowledge for many years. That was the final reason I dropped my NRA membership long ago. I was already disenchanted with their effectiveness, but went along with the flow until the shite on WLP came out. I also used to belong to a range that required NRA membership, but it turned out they only checked it when you joined, never at renewal time :-)

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6 minutes ago, brucin said:


This explains a lot. The rats fleeing a sinking ship covering their own asses.

Anthony Colandro for Executive VP of the NRA. I'd vote for him.

Unfortunately, the rest of the board must have had some kind of corrupt incentive for supporting LaPierre, which most likely means that an honest broker wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in Hell of getting a top position as long as they remain. Those clowns probably either hope to keep their personal grift going per past practice, or one or more of them may aspire to taking over where LaPierre left off, figuring a little more discretion would afford immunity from scrutiny. The best thing that could happen, imo, is if there was some kind of membership groundswell reaction that forced them all out. I'd like to see that, but very doubtful that I will.

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1 hour ago, brucin said:


This explains a lot. The rats fleeing a sinking ship covering their own asses.

Anthony Colandro for Executive VP of the NRA. I'd vote for him.

Will be interesting to see if Anthony decides to address any, all or none in his podcast. I dont think he's part of the upper NRA elite but should offer some kind of take on it imo.

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23 hours ago, Scorpio64 said:

GOA has already supplanted the NRA as America's go-to for 2A.  The NRA is a HUGE organization, it may take some time, but the NRA is a dead man walking.

I hope you're wrong on this one! The more healthy & effective gun rights organizations we have, the better. Perhaps they can turn it around. Mark Smith, Four Boxes Diner, made an interesting video with his own opinion about what the NRA should do, including some leader recommendations --- perhaps spitballing, but in his usual logical, spot-on fashion. My reaction was "yikes, that sounds good... if only!"... but hey, you never know! Good leadership can do wonders for any failing organization... the question is, how deep does the rot go... and is there enough healthy tissue left in that organization to embrace and follow a good leader if one was chosen?


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7 hours ago, Grima Squeakersen said:

Unfortunately, the rest of the board must have had some kind of corrupt incentive for supporting LaPierre, which most likely means that an honest broker wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in Hell of getting a top position as long as they remain. Those clowns probably either hope to keep their personal grift going per past practice, or one or more of them may aspire to taking over where LaPierre left off, figuring a little more discretion would afford immunity from scrutiny. The best thing that could happen, imo, is if there was some kind of membership groundswell reaction that forced them all out. I'd like to see that, but very doubtful that I will.

No one was willing to bite the hand that fed them. 

They need a top to bottom cleaning. 

Fewer new members join each year. Their membership diminished greatly in the last three years. This is just another black eye that will keep memberships down. 

How are they going to woo new members? 
“Join the NRA, Wayne is gone now but the rest of us under his watch are all still here. We realize negligent oversight cost the NRA $64 million over the last few years, but we’ve cleaned up our act and promise to do the right thing.” 



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7 minutes ago, Mrs. Peel said:

the question is, how deep does the rot go...

Have you ever heard the term "inoperable cancer"? 

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On 1/6/2024 at 7:59 PM, FairbanksRusty said:

No one was willing to bite the hand that fed them. 

They need a top to bottom cleaning. 

Fewer new members join each year. Their membership diminished greatly in the last three years. This is just another black eye that will keep memberships down. 

How are they going to woo new members? 
“Join the NRA, Wayne is gone now but the rest of us under his watch are all still here. We realize negligent oversight cost the NRA $64 million over the last few years, but we’ve cleaned up our act and promise to do the right thing.” 



In the meantime, the NRA name and logo are still associated with, and largely identified with, nearly every pro-2A initiative that gets wide press coverage, and NRA (not "NRA-equivalent, or some other value-based, brand-neutral, description) training is a requirement for a carry permit in NJ, and I am sure, elsewhere. To me, that is a significant problem.

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The short of $64 million occurred from 2015 to 2018.  Yet everyone there sat around on their hands and let LaPierre continue to run things until his resignation last week? 

It will be interesting to see what chief of staff Joshua Powell discloses. 

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On 1/8/2024 at 2:24 PM, FairbanksRusty said:

The short of $64 million occurred from 2015 to 2018.  Yet everyone there sat around on their hands and let LaPierre continue to run things until his resignation last week? 

It will be interesting to see what chief of staff Joshua Powell discloses. 

That buys a lot of Rolls Corniches and $3k suits. I thought it usually took a government to achieve that level of financial mismanagement. Hell, for some small 3rd world nation, that might be the annual budget spend. And yet, I expect that the usual suspects will continue to harangue us to belong, pay dues, and donate to this corrupt organization, without so much as a pause for reflection.

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of the number of members left how many are life members,  once that number is reached the number will no longer go down. 

will gun ranges that insist that you are a member of the NRA change their tune,  how about membership in FPC, GOA, SAF and any other gun rights group that actually fights for us.

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2 hours ago, revenger said:

will gun ranges that insist that you are a member of the NRA change their tune,  how about membership in FPC, GOA, SAF and any other gun rights group that actually fights for us.

They already have. I suspect because of a combination of not knowing if the NRA will continue to exist and because the membership has had enough of the NRA.

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2 hours ago, revenger said:

...will gun ranges that insist that you are a member of the NRA change their tune...

Some already have.  Not going to name the club, but they're big. 

I'm in my 2nd year of membership.  When I joined in 2023 they had NRA membership as a requirement to join on their web site. I asked if FPC & CNJFO membership would suffice instead and they said yes.

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Over the course of the six-week trial, prosecutors detailed specific expenses that they said showed Mr LaPierre and other executives had used NRA funds as their "personal piggy bank". 

Mr LaPierre visited the Bahamas more than eight times by private plane using funds intended for the NRA, for a total cost of $500,000.

The evidence also included helicopter trips to car races to avoid being stuck in traffic, as well as money spent on landscaping and anti-mosquito treatments at Mr LaPierre's home.

There were also gifts for friends and family and expenses such as hair and makeup styling for Mr LaPierre's wife.


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