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Shooting on base at Ft Hood, TX

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Just read the breaking news. Everyone is covering it, so, go to any of those sites for further info.


Summarily, they're reporting seven dead, and 12-20 wounded as of right now.


I don't know how it was for you old timers, but regardless of branch of service... all military bases do not allow anybody to carry/CCW unless you're an MP or conducting official military duties (training, range, exercises). If you live on base, then you have to keep your firearms at the post's armory (separate from the unit's armory-- or can be, depends on the base/post/camp/etc)... if you live in on-base housing, I'm not too sure (I lived in off-base housing).


So, a Post full of Soldiers, and maybe only 5% who actually had the ability to defend themselves (probably less as most of the MPs are downrange. Gate duties have all been contracted out, with MPs doing meager patrols)... sad really... goes to show that if the guys who were planning the attack on Ft Dix had made it through the front gate, there would not have been much resistance.

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To add, Ft Hood is the largest Army post in the US. So, if the reports are true about suspects on the run... well, I'm not sure how quickly they'll find the individual (unless they already have identified the person).

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I'm not sure if it is a terror incident. If terrorists wanted to target a place like Hood to spread fear, it would probably be more effective attacking a school possibly (there are nine on base). My guess is either medical discharges (Ch. 8-Mental) or some type of misconduct discharges that led to some discontent. Plus, I think a rotation just came in, and some guys might be tweaking and just lost it.

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Crazier things have happened with Soldiers who were angry at the Army...

Like the four member team of US Army Rangers stationed at Ft. Lewis who robbed a bank in Washington. One of whom said it was an action of statement so he could gain a high enough profile to denounce the government and its actions in Iraq...


Or the Soldier at Ft Bragg who walked on to the middle of the PT field during morning PT, and opened fire with an M16 shooting indiscriminately.

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This is shocking, supposedly he didn't want to go back and recieved a negative approval rating on his work. Coincidently he was a student at virginia tech, and was also reassigned from D.C.

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A Rop'er convert who "execution style" methodically went about killing people.


A Major from VA. Malik Nidal Hassan.


is there a common (muslum)thread here? theres a cancer growing in the US

and as long as sheople continue to think like pelosi were screwed.....

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As it turns out, I'm more PC than I'd like to admit.


I composed a message yesterday, on this thread, wondering (aloud) if there's a Muslim tie-in here strictly based on the shooter's name. At first, when I heard his name, they started with Major and I said 'wow, a Major?', then they followed with his name and I said 'oh, ok, makes sense now', but I decided not to post the message because, hey, maybe it's just coincidence, and I don't want to come off as anti-Muslim. Then this morning there are reports from the soldiers on the scene saying he was yelling 'Allahu Akbar'.


Well, there goes American-Muslim relations - again.

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You can do everything to train and teach the military to conform, break their spirits and rebuild them, but you can not purge someone of their religious convictions. I will always have doubts about Muslims and their percieved acceptance of Western Civilization.

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Looking at the history of the world, can we blame them for hating Western culture? We were the ones who laid the foundation for the hatred... and have done nothing but fan the flame. Does it justify any of their actions? No way, but I think its even more discriminant to say this is strictly a Muslim issue, and to leave it at that.


And I'm not just talking about the Crusades. I'm starting with the pre-WWI history where the Brits basically laid it into the Arab world, and the western world has followed suit since.


From the sounds of it, this Major sounds like a soup sandwich from beginning to end. He was probably the type that joined up on the merit that he could pay back his college bills, and was more scared that he was going to be deploying for the first time. As an excuse, he uses his conviction to translate his fear. I hope this guy gets the firing squad or noose, and its a public execution.


I haven't said it because I figured it was a given. But my thoughts and prayers to the ones involved, their families, and the Army community as a whole.

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Not-so-sudden Jihad syndrome.


This guy grew up in the US to Palestinian parents.


What's that say about assimilation?


They were interviewing people who knew him and those folks said he was strongly against the war, often said things that struck them as odd, etc.


This brings up something that I'd like to mention. Often throughout life, you encounter a situation and you get a feeling about it. It could be anything. Something about your favorite favorite food doesn't taste exactly right, a guy standing at a corner looks wrong, the wrong lights on at the neighbors house. It could be anything related to anything. Most of the time, you ignore it and nothing ever comes from it. Other times, you hear a devout muslim guy in the officers mess saying "Maybe the Muslims should rise up" in context of Iraq and Afghanistan...DON'T IGNORE THAT FEELING THAT SOMETHING ISN'T RIGHT!!!!!.

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Looking at the history of the world, can we blame them for hating Western culture? We were the ones who laid the foundation for the hatred




Do you realize that the US Navy was created to battle the Barbary Pirates? Muslims.


How about those Crusades? Retake the land where muslims invaded. Muslims.


Somali Pirates today. Muslims


African Slave traders. Muslims


Convert or Die, Muslims.


It's always Muslims and apologists like you blaming us. Read some history.

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First off, I fought the insurgency and have no regrets. I learned about my enemy, and have no regrets... if anything, I'm proud of what I did as I took 9/11 personally myself.


However, I come from a culture that has forced me to look at the big picture; and not some centrist view of the world. I understand that I am simply a person in this world community, and the actions and in-actions are what creates this. So, to be so naive as to say that Muslims repeatedly have been aggressors is profoundly ridiculous and arrogant. [And no, I'm not talking about the American culture.]


I honestly would not cite the Crusades because using them as a reference is like using the intelligent design... its a principle built on faith then fact. Disputable, sure, but no one knows for sure whether or not the Western influences did what they did because of political clout or faith as they've stated.


Somali pirates? Really? Have you ever been assigned to work that mission? Somalia is a byproduct of the exploitation of the imperialism by Western forces into Africa, causing mass segregation and stripping people of their land because they're "savages." Given, the aggressors there have in turn spun the Muslim religion (as fundamentalists have around the world) to their benefit, but that wouldn't be so different from what the Vatican did during the 11th-13th centuries.


Retake the land? That's disputable as well. I honestly don't care who owns the land today, as that is up for debate. I think the Israelis deserve that piece of land because they have successfully, and repeatedly, defended that strip since they were given the land via treaty after WWI. That to me is fair enough. But wasn't it the Persian Empire that allowed the Jews to rebuild Solomon's Temple after the Romans had kicked them out of there? Given that's ancient history and old news at this point...


But have you watched the classic Lawrence of Arabia? That movie based on the true events does lay the tracks for the modern day issues. The Brits promised the Arab states their independence if they would help fight the Ottoman during WWI. The Arabs obliged, and proved to be worthy fighters, winning numerous battles that had little chance of success. Word has it that the French and British were being funded, behind the curtain, by Jewish bankers, and that is the reason of why the Jews were given the strip of Israel from the Palestinians. As I said previously, I have no issues with this because the Israelis have proved they should own that land through force. However, that action, plus the ongoing spheres of western influence in SW Asia (as the western powers had no real intentions of giving them complete independence), led to the aggressions towards western cultures to this day.


Any Muslim will tell you that the extremists are spinning their religion to their benefit. But looking at modern history, its easy to realize where some of this hatred is based. So, when looking at this issue, do I ever think of it as an issue of religion? No way. Its an issue of either fixing the past, somehow convincing the Arabs to move on, or fighting until there is no one left to fight.

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do I ever think of it as an issue of religion? No way.


Completely asinine feel good horseshi1. Liberal brainwashing on display here. It's ALWAYS about their religion. Screaming "Allah Ahkbar" while he blows people away and you think it's not about religion? You're hopelessly deluded.

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Since we've come to this point.


I think you're what's continually wrong in this evolving world. You are pulling from your old fashioned and out of date beliefs. Unfortunately for the continuing generations, it will be people like you that will continually drag us back down to the primal depths of your inability to culturally evolve. To honestly believe that every individual of the Islamic faith is somehow hiding a dagger in their other hand as they wave at us is paranoia and problematic. Further, it is appalling, and honestly insulting as a human.

And "brainwashed"? Because I choose not to be a person of faith that allows me to look beyond the ancient aggression of some sort that might still be going on between whatever faiths that I don't understand what you mean by this. Sure, religion can make people do terrible and stupid things. However, a religion is not the identity of the whole group, and if you do believe that, I believe that makes you a racist and bigot. And if you are a racist and bigot, I honestly could give two sh-ts about what you're saying as they no longer have any sense of credibility to it. What's interesting enough is I've seen this type of masking and hate from individuals when I was in the service. It was the same type of guys who were at a high risk to commit war crimes... so, good job. And honestly, I want nothing to do with it. So, have at your old fashioned ways. I'm personally done with this... good luck and enjoy your confined bubble.

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do I ever think of it as an issue of religion? No way.


Completely asinine feel good horseshi1. Liberal brainwashing on display here. It's ALWAYS about their religion. Screaming "Allah Ahkbar" while he blows people away and you think it's not about religion? You're hopelessly deluded.



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Call me a bigot then, but I am no fan of a religion that tells it's followers to convert the infidels or kill them.


Yes, I am no fan of Muslims or the Islamic faith and they have no one to blame but themselves.


Catholics, Christians and Jews are not telling their followers to strap Bomb belts and and go blow themselves up for their god and that it's ok to kill innocent women and children.


They are animals who want to go back to the 10th century.


i CERTAINLY do not blame my country or the west for the atrocities these (mostly Arab) muslims do to their neighbors, those they consider infidiels, or how they treat their woman and children and life in general.

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Looking at the history of the world, can we blame them for hating Western culture?


I'm afraid I still don't understand why they hate out culture. They can disagree with it, but why can't they live & let live? I'm told that Muslims preach peace, much in the way Christians, and most other religions, do. I get that there's history here, but carrying out attacks like this won't change that.


more of the same...

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