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Seal Team 6 Helicopter crash

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As I've said prior, being a ground-pounder is a role they have played since the get-go of OEF (and of course prior). However, I wouldn't go as far as to say they are fulfilling the role of a line unit though. While USSOCOM units as a whole have seen a shift in usage, they are still, for the most part, fulfilling specific tasks unique to specialized units. A good and obvious example is how Special Forces were business as usual leading up to the invasion (in early, rallying local nationals, etc), but once there were boots on the ground, their mission changed radically. This has been the case, as I noted earlier, with a lot of the units that participate in JSOC. As a whole, SOCOM and the IC (intelligence community) have evolved rapidly over the past few years, and what "was" is not necessarily what "is".


What is more interesting is the usage of regular units/troops being used for specialized tasks. To me this shows either the lack of troops that are fulfilling the slots needed in USSOCOM/IC, or the heavy and increasing need for SOCOM/IC moving forward. I couldn't really say which one makes me more worried.


In this case, as I said in an earlier post, while this specific group of troops were moving to a location to reinforce a dinged up unit, chances are it was tied to the ongoing operations that they were already involved in regarding that AO. I would be hard-pressed to believe that they were fulfilling the role of a QRF, which, yes, could be fulfilled by any line unit. It's also the same reason why I said that the details are probably better left unsaid to the public for the time being in order to protect operational integrity. Because yes, insurgents and terrorists read the internet and watch the news.


That makes some sense but I still don't like it. This is not just SEALs, it's SEAL Team 6. This is like sending 30 Delta in a chopper to rescue Rangers. Doesn't make sense. Things may be different now as you say, but historically, SEALs have a history of being misused way more than SF, let alone Delta. You are probably right. They probably were already involved in the operation and responded as the firstest the bestest the closest the fastest. Thanks for giving me something to think about. Still, it's crazy to have a group like that in the first place. I doubt that many took Bin Laden, and that type of work is their actual job (Team 6).

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I would be hard-pressed to believe that they were fulfilling the role of a QRF, which, yes, could be fulfilled by any line unit.


A reaction force can be a line unit or special ops personnel. It depends on who is closest and ready to go.


This is like sending 30 Delta in a chopper to rescue Rangers.


Based on what I said above this could happen. You don't let others die because you want to save your "valuable" troops.

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In what I had said, I was not referring to the fact that I find it unbelievable that a specialized unit shouldn't carry out the mission of a QRF. I'm simply saying, and agreeing with mipafox, that it would be a massive waste of resources if the SEAL unit was specifically carrying out the QRF role. As I have said repeatedly, they were probably in the AO for other operational reasons, and were the closest contingent available to provide reinforcements (which I think anybody who has ever served understands becomes the primary objective if it does occur).


Believe it or not, this is something I do have experience with as well, and wouldn't speak about it otherwise.


Ultimately, I do think the devil is in the details because if USSOCOM and really the entire military is getting stretched thin, again, there has to be some sort of review. I know that Panetta is carrying on the same rhetoric as Gates, and I hope he sees it to the end. Of course I'm referring to the future cuts that will be made to the military across the board. Hopefully they won't continue the tradition of screwing boots on the ground (though that of course shouldn't be an excuse either).


Again, I feel terrible for the families. RIP, brothers.

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I'm sorry.....can you elaborate? I'm a little confused.....this sounds like the start of some government conspiracy theory, correct me if I'm wrong.



I'm not saying the government killed em. I'm saying they may change some records or paper work between the actual soldiers in the chopper and the soldiers on that mission. That way their identities are hidden forever.

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Chinooks are most likely from the 160 Special Operations Aviation Regiment (an Army unit) who generally do the rotary wing stuff in SOCOM.


It has been reported first that it was a NATO Chinook, now been hearing it was regular Army. One of the questions going to be asked in the investigation is why not Spec Ops and why so many Team Members on one aircraft.

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One of the worst days since OEF started for Coalition forces. It is my understanding that normally there wouldn't be that many in one bird but they were responding rapidly in support of ground forces on the ground already engaged in enemy fire. Though it was the same unit that took out Osama Bin Laden, it was not the same Team members. Let's not forget the 5 crew members and 3 Airmen who were also killed in the crash.

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I hate to be skeptical about things that would be so great if they were true but.......I'm skeptical. Link?


Here ya go bro. http://m.nypost.com/p/news/international/taliban_who_shot_down_general_helicopter_Vc2XmTBCkXrzmYe3vgdRkI?CMP=OTC-rss&FEEDNAME=

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