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Guns getting scarce?!

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Since I've been working at the gun store ive been hearing glocks barretas and 556 ammo is hard to get? Is that true? Bc I thought glock n barreta are always in stock n 556 ammo is everywhere.




I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?ueoqvs


Since you work at a gun store wouldnt you know they are getting scarce? <_<

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perhaps its the supply cant keep up with the demand?

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The demand for guns and ammo are up across the board. Sure it makes it a bit harder to get specific models. But im sure if you look hard enough you can find what you want... now at what price is of another concern. Ammo is going up... While its NOT scarce by any means to find... its harder to find a good deal on it.

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It's only a matter of time before suppliers start rasing their costs on guns as well. Retailers will be paying more, so I would expect gun prices to start rising slowly throughout the year. Glad I don't need anything other then ammo right now. If anyone is thinking about getting permits....the time is now.

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The stores I frequent have tons of stock. A few very popular models that have been getting a lot of press are hard to find, and a few strange models are hard to find (e.g., Marlin 1894's in 38/357), but most good stores have tons of stock. I was just in the Rahway FAGs, and they probably have 1000 new and used handguns in their cases. 30 Kimbers, 30 H&K, etc.

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I've been complaining about that lately. I'm trying to do an AR build, and A3 flat-tops are sort of hard to find (at a decent price) as are 20" barrels. It seems companies are focusing their efforts on 16" barrels, since they're more in demand, so 20" are hard to find. It's crazy.

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Most companies produce stuff in batches. This week they make lowers, next week they make uppers, or maybe more accurately this week they'll make the 16" barrels and next week the 20" barrels. As demand is increasing the batches get larger, and thus further apart so the supply is more noticeably staggered. The other thing to consider is that most manufacturers are going be reluctant to invest a lot of money in new production capacity, because what happens after elections? If Obama wins and decides to start doing executive order bans, they can't sell stuff. If the opposition wins and people are not panicking anymore, again they can't sell stuff.


Looking at the NICS curve over the last 12 years I don't see how we can avoid a crash in gun sales never mind sustain this rate of growth. At some point people are gonna look at their safes and say .. there is no more room in here .. time to stop buying more and maybe time to sell them thus flooding the used gun market and reducing sales further. Yes, we have grown the ranks of gun owners but we haven't doubled the number of gun owners while we have doubled the number of guns we bought.

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I am aware that the Walther PPQ is becoming scarce, I do not think it is related to Obama etc, it is more Walther underestimated how popular the PPQ would become and videos from Hickok45 etc have increased the sales.


Other than that, the gun stores I've been to don't seem to be having a shortage of handguns on display.



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Most companies produce stuff in batches. This week they make lowers, next week they make uppers, or maybe more accurately this week they'll make the 16" barrels and next week the 20" barrels. As demand is increasing the batches get larger, and thus further apart so the supply is more noticeably staggered. The other thing to consider is that most manufacturers are going be reluctant to invest a lot of money in new production capacity, because what happens after elections? If Obama wins and decides to start doing executive order bans, they can't sell stuff. If the opposition wins and people are not panicking anymore, again they can't sell stuff.


Looking at the NICS curve over the last 12 years I don't see how we can avoid a crash in gun sales never mind sustain this rate of growth. At some point people are gonna look at their safes and say .. there is no more room in here .. time to stop buying more and maybe time to sell them thus flooding the used gun market and reducing sales further. Yes, we have grown the ranks of gun owners but we haven't doubled the number of gun owners while we have doubled the number of guns we bought.


This is very true. Reading a book about Winchester, they got burned by something similar back in the 20s or 40s (forget if WWI or WWII) but they had a huge order from England. Something happened, and the order was cancelled, and they nearly went bankrupt. Most companies won't want to increase production at the moment for fear of being stuck with a lot of expensive equipment, but no orders to fill in the future.


It seems that though there are more gun owners, it seems as though for the most part people who own guns are buying more. We're just going to have to bite the bullet for a while unfortunately.

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What's becoming scarce is my money. I keep finding rifles for my collection that I must have.


Haha, I know that feeling. I'm only 20, work a part time job, and am a full time student, so it takes me months to save up for a new gun. Actually, I've been scrounging for almost a year for my AR build. It's a shame, but when you see those new toys come out, or see something fun, you just HAVE to get it. XD


I have that now, I already have my next few gun purchases planned out. After my AR, I want to get some sort of shotgun, then a levergun, then maybe a 5-7 (since I'll be 21 by then), and then finally an M1A, or mini-30. Of course, there are a few other things I'm thinking of getting too. But I am more of a collector with these things.



world war 1 wasn't in the 20's

world war 1 wasn't in the 20's


Yes, it was 1914- November 11th 1919. Like I said, the English cancelled a contract, I forgot which war it was, but if it was WWI, then the contract would have been cancelled in late 1919. Technically not the 20s, but at that point, I was arguing over about 2 months. I could go upstairs and get my book, but I'm too lazy to do so.


Scratch that, since I hate presenting false information, here's the actual info. From, "Winchester, an American Legend" by R.L.Wilson.


"The contracts (November 1914 and March 1915) through J.P. Morgan & Company for British Enfield rifles totaled 400,000, and represented $12,500,000 in orders. But delays had occurred for various reasons, and whne Winchester was ready to begin assembly, the date was just four months prior to the agreed-upon cancellation date of May 31, 1916, when the British could cancel all orders for rifles which had not been delivered.

....Finally, in September 1916, the British authorities advised they were canceling all Enfield contracts. A deal was brokered which prevented Winchester from gaining any profits, but which prevented substantial losses, in the end nearly 246,000 rifles were delivered to the British by Winchester."


Here's the point I was making, from the same book. "The pressure cooker of the WWI contracts and the increased costs of expansion left Winchester in a vulnerable position......." and then it goes on to mention Winchester's problems with money until the American entrance into WWI. I had made the mistake that the war ended before the contract was filled, which would have given it a timeframe close to, or in, the early 1920s.


Needless to say, I just hate looking like a dumbass XD. But the point stands, companies are anticipating a decrease in gun sales in a few years, so expanding may leave them with a lot of costly production equipment to fill fewer orders. I mean let's think of the things driving sales.


Obama- Fears he'll crack down on gun ownership is driving sales like never before, however if he doesn't get reelected, or doesn't go after guns (which I think he will, but that's besides the point) then demand will go back down.

Zombie Craze- With the popularity of shows like "Walking Dead" and even Top Shot, and Sons of Guns, more people are getting into shooting, but as with the boom in sales of the .44 magnum after the Dirty Harry movies, this will slow down over time.

Preppers- People who are convinced the world is ending are stocking up on guns, food, ammo, and all that stuff. If 12/21/12 passes without incident, then likely these sales will decrease.


I may be forgetting some factors, and other factors such as crime, are always present. However, this year is unique due to ALL the various factors increasing demand happening at once. If Obama loses, and nothing happens 12/21 (and I mean nothing, if something happens that day that could "signal" the end, such as entering into a war, or some other huge international incident) then sales will go down dramatically.

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I know ARs and AR parts are hard to get right now because the demand is way up.


Certain vendors' are getting pressed for inventory. I just bought the majority of an ar in parts, all good quality stuff, but I wasn't shopping all bcm, dd, and spikes.

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Yes I do know but they won't say why. that's why I'm asking if anyone else heard about it


Who won't say why?? Your boss. Suppliers? You only have to go back to 2008-09 to remember the last shortage.

Not faulting you for asking here, just curious why nobody would talk about this in your shop. At least you know that you will be busy this year. Good job security. :)

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I hear this from time to time but I always see great deals on this very forum for handguns and rifles. That to me is an indication they are not all that scarce cause if they were people wouldn't sell them and if they did sell they'd ask for a lot more. Neither of which seem to be the case here or elsewhere.

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I hear this from time to time but I always see great deals on this very forum for handguns and rifles. That to me is an indication they are not all that scarce cause if they were people wouldn't sell them and if they did sell they'd ask for a lot more. Neither of which seem to be the case here or elsewhere.


I think it is more from companies. AR stuff is hot, and harder to come by (or more expensive). Usually people here are selling to buy something new, or because they're moving. Of course, as with anything, if you look hard enough, you can find it.

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I think it is more from companies. AR stuff is hot, and harder to come by (or more expensive). Usually people here are selling to buy something new, or because they're moving. Of course, as with anything, if you look hard enough, you can find it.


I do know many AR companies are behind in production from what I've been told by some gun shops.

Even still you could go on plenty of online dealers and order an abundance of AR parts. Every time

I go into a gun store there are plenty of ARs on the wall as well. I guess if you're looking for something

specific the scarcity comes into play.

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Manufactors where we order from don't even know. Most gun manufactors you don't order from them it's out sourced to distributors and they just relay the message. If I knew guys I wouldn't have post a question on the forum.

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I shop ammunition almost every night and can say for sure 223/5.56 is getting hard to find. Its out there, but not a lot. Look at cabela's, sportsmans guide,midway, Natchezz and there is a fraction in stock and most say back order. I have even seen back order till October for some 5.56. People are buying in panic due to the upcoming elections, happened last time. Stock up while you can since when it is available again in large quantities, the price will have risen.

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I know ruger stopped taking new orders because they sold so many already...


Only until the end of May, according to their press release.


Cheyenne Mountain in Robbinsville doesnt appear to have a ammo shortage. I was there yesterday picking American Eagle 115g FMJ 9mm and the shelfs were loaded with ammo

and plenty of 9mm in stock.


Yes, but at what price?

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