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trooper shoots bear

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Did anyone see the article on NJ.Com about the homeowner/trooper who shot a bear entering his house. this is what the DEP said "The DEP determined Kenyon acted appropriately, Hajna said. He said because the bear caused property damage, the encounter qualified as a "Class 1" bear incident," so we will be able to use this same defense in the future, right?

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I'm on the phone with NJF&W at least twice a year for the past 7 years. I've had the bruins with their nose print on the slider to the patio and had them pawing at the door.. Both times I was inside with the shotgun. They're not a theat until they cross the theshold, which they have not.


The state says that when they get in the house they can be put down. Forensics will be done and they better be shot in the front.


They are the dolphins of the woods, bet you didn't know that...

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I'm on the phone with NJF&W at least twice a year for the past 7 years. I've had the bruins with their nose print on the slider to the patio and had them pawing at the door.. Both times I was inside with the shotgun. They're not a theat until they cross the theshold, which they have not.


The state says that when they get in the house they can be put down. Forensics will be done and they better be shot in the front.


They are the dolphins of the woods, bet you didn't know that...

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We have Black Bear where I live and I bought a .44 Mag to keep in the house just in case. A 300 gr. Keith type hard cast bullet will do the trick on any Black Bear skull. I no longer own a shotgun as there is no place to shoot one around here although they are building a brand new skeet and trap range next year. A handgun is much more handier for hikes in the National Park and in areas where you may encounter wild hogs. Then there is a gator problem. They have been protected so long that they are now a problem. The other day a lady's arm was bitten off. I have seen them walking across the street, in the local retention ponds, lakes, etc.. They vigorously prosecute people who kill them without a license. Black Bear have also been protected the same way but have become a bigger problem. What they did is downgrade the penalty for shooting one to a fine rather than the possibility of jail time and fine.

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class 2 bear enters home snatches homeowners pet.

class 3 bear enters home snatches home owner..

class 4 bear enters home snatches pet and comes back and snatches home owner.


:p :p I kidding...




Class 5. Bear enters home and snatches homeowners beer.

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Pipes - Just want your opinion. Any shots taken will be point blank. Think that still holds true?


All depends on the angle..if you catch it perfectly?? yeah the slug will go right on through ..that said, VERY small target moving towards you, putting 5 or 6 slugs through his boiler room IMO is a better prospect than trying to play Sniper during an adrenaline dump.

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Pipes - Just want your opinion. Any shots taken will be point blank. Think that still holds true?

If I were you, I would grab a large centerfire rifle (preferably .308 or bigger) the next time you need to be ready for a potential bear break in. You're not hunting when a bear breaks down your door, you're defending yourself, so F&G rules don't apply.


Bears have very thick skin and a thick layer of fat that is hard to penetrate. When I took the F&G bear course, the instructors suggested using Sabot slugs because they penetrate better, they said the instances where hunters had to shoot bears 5, 8 or 12 times usually involved people using rifled slugs. Most states that allow bear hunting do not allow shotguns for bear hunting, centerfire rifles only, but NJ just will not have any logic to they're hunting regs either. I wouldn't bother with a handgun either unless it's a .460 S&W or .500 S&W, you might have a chance with a .357 mag, .41 mag or .44 mag but you will probably need to empty them on the bear if it's a big one, anything else is probably only going to piss it off.

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I had a class 1 entry in August 2007...I slept through it, lol. Bear had his head and shoulders in the kitchen window. Wife ran him off by hitting him in the snout with some 2inch wooden poles from a swing we were assembling. It was about 1am in the morning. I've got bars on the window now, I should probably take them off. You can see the bars here:



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If I were you, I would grab a large centerfire rifle (preferably .308 or bigger) the next time you need to be ready for a potential bear break in. You're not hunting when a bear breaks down your door, you're defending yourself, so F&G rules don't apply.


Bears have very thick skin and a thick layer of fat that is hard to penetrate. When I took the F&G bear course, the instructors suggested using Sabot slugs because they penetrate better, they said the instances where hunters had to shoot bears 5, 8 or 12 times usually involved people using rifled slugs. Most states that allow bear hunting do not allow shotguns for bear hunting, centerfire rifles only, but NJ just will not have any logic to they're hunting regs either. I wouldn't bother with a handgun either unless it's a .460 S&W or .500 S&W, you might have a chance with a .357 mag, .41 mag or .44 mag but you will probably need to empty them on the bear if it's a big one, anything else is probably only going to piss it off.


I believe I'd be OK with a 10mm and its 15 rounds...

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Here is a good article about Black Bears and calibers that jives with what I have been told by experienced handgun hunters. A .44 magnum with the right bullet is more than up to the task of taking down any Black Bear and more controllable than a .460. As far as having to empty your gun, that is more a matter of shot placement than of caliber once you are up to the .41 magnum heavy loads and above. However you can find articles and people to support any opinion on which caliber is best for what. Heck, when I moved here I was shocked to learn that they use .22 caliber rifles or bang sticks to kill gators when legally allowed to do so. Seems that no matter what you shoot them with their nervous system will take a while to react to it so you need to hit a soft spot between and behind their eyes to reach their tiny brains. We call them gators here. You call them Governors there. :)

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If I were you, I would grab a large centerfire rifle (preferably .308 or bigger) the next time you need to be ready for a potential bear break in. You're not hunting when a bear breaks down your door, you're defending yourself, so F&G rules don't apply.


Bears have very thick skin and a thick layer of fat that is hard to penetrate. When I took the F&G bear course, the instructors suggested using Sabot slugs because they penetrate better, they said the instances where hunters had to shoot bears 5, 8 or 12 times usually involved people using rifled slugs. Most states that allow bear hunting do not allow shotguns for bear hunting, centerfire rifles only, but NJ just will not have any logic to they're hunting regs either. I wouldn't bother with a handgun either unless it's a .460 S&W or .500 S&W, you might have a chance with a .357 mag, .41 mag or .44 mag but you will probably need to empty them on the bear if it's a big one, anything else is probably only going to piss it off.


Remember we're talking Black bears here, NOT Griz or Browns Any decently-sized handgun round should be adequate..although If it was ME living in a Bear Area it'd be a Shotgun loaded with Hornady Sabots personally that would be the Designated Bear Removal Device.

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Remember we're talking Black bears here, NOT Griz or Browns Any decently-sized handgun round should be adequate..although If it was ME living in a Bear Area it'd be a Shotgun loaded with Hornady Sabots personally that would be the Designated Bear Removal Device.

Understood, but I know people that have shot bears with rifled slugs and it took 8-10 shots to finally put them down. I have seen them shot in the box with sabots and they just take off running like they were never hit. The issue is penetration, bears have something like 11/2 - 2 inches of fat under their thick skin. A .40 or 10mm could take one out if the shot is placed correctly, but when a bear is caving in your door, you're not necessarily going to be able to deliver that shot, I'd rather have a big bore rifle, something that is sure to penetrate. My go to gun would be along the lines of a PTR 91 or a M1 Garand.

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If I had a bear incident I would grab my glock 23 and my 590 with Magnum 3inch slugs. Hand gun sits in a paddled serpa so quick grab is easy. So if the 9 Magnum slugs don't do it 13 40sw may help and if all else fails the 590 had a bayonet. Same principal is used for home invasions also...

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I live in heavy woodland with frequent close-by sightings and a couple of close encounters with belligerent bears. For our protection, and after some research, I got me a Ruger Alaskan .454. I think that this caliber with the correct bullet would be sufficient to take down a Black Bear, but the downside is the violent recoil and most likely ineffective follow up shots. With this is mind, I have made the transition to a rifle and I happen to agree with the guy who recommended the Garand. Anything hit with a 30.06 is gonna stay hit.


I still loves my Alaskan though, but I have it loaded with .45Colt; good for the 2 legged predator without the painful recoil.

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