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Where each state stands on gun-control legislation

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New Jersey

  • Governor's office: New Jersey has the "second toughest gun laws in America already," Gov. Chris Christie said. But, speaking on CBS This Morning, he said the state needs to have a conversation about gun control. He added that violence in video games and the stigma attached to mental illness also must be on the table for discussion.
  • Legislature: Sen. Shirley K. Turner (D) has proposed a bill that would prohibit mail-order, Internet, telephone and any other anonymous method of ammunition sale or transfer. A measure proposed by Sen. Richard J. Codey (D), would prohibit investment by the state of pension and annuity funds in certain companies manufacturing, importing, and selling assault firearms for civilian use. Sen. Loretta Weinberg (D) has proposed measures that would reduce the maximum capacity of ammunition magazines and require ammunition sales and transfers be conducted face-to-face

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Probably the saddest thing about American politics is that we don't have people with ideology anymore.


You know what, if we had a gov. that spoke up for one side of an issue or another, even the side I disagree with, you know what, I can respect that every man has his views. Even if I don't like those views.


What I have NO respect for are two faced, conniving, slippery, question dodging, crafty wording pieces of shit like Chris Christie, Mitt Romney, Obama, etc. who simply dodge duck and dive away from everything in order to be as vague as possible on every issue in order to secure the next election, next office up, etc.


"Have a conversation" if I had a fu(kin dollar for every time one of them said that. Man oh man, I'd probably qualify for those $450k+ tax breaks! YOU'RE THE LEADER! How about you take your tail out from between your legs, and start that conversation you keep saying we should have!

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Super. Last time i checked Feb 8th is AFTER tomorrow. ::facepalm::


Well, I've written my reps, senators, governors, mayor and god knows who else. Now I guess its time to pray.


Well thank you for the calendar lesson, but what that have to do with my answer to the question??



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Well thank you for the calendar lesson, but what that have to do with my answer to the question??



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Welcome. Wasn't referring to you. More or less just an unfortunate observation.


Furthermore, could you elborate what "crap" is happening tomorrow?


I checked the NJ legislatures site and schedule. Nearest session I can see is Jan 17.

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Welcome. Wasn't referring to you. More or less just an unfortunate observation.


Furthermore, could you elborate what "crap" is happening tomorrow?


I checked the NJ legislatures site and schedule. Nearest session I can see is Jan 17.


Sorry dude, was mixing up the big popo thing for some of the stuff in NJ. There is a thread with times Obumer will be squaking tomorrow.





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Sorry, would "asshats" be better? "buttpirates" perhaps?? Sorry... "willfully naive" would be appropriate.


Point being, NEVER say never. We had some lackadaisical members here when Newtown happened, luckily I think they have finally all seen the light at this point.

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No argument required. Seems most everyone is onboard NOW, that's what matters at this point.


+100 Ruger9. Seems that every attempt at intelligent discussion of what might be coming down the pike -- including the NY 7 round limit -- was met with derision. Time to take our heads out of our asses and realize that the tide has turned and we run the very real danger of getting steamrolled as happened in NY. I do believe, however, that longer term cooler heads will prevail and there will be a backlash against the overreach of the likes of Governor Cuomo. I also do think that with Christie we may -- emphasis on may -- be in a better position than NY. And by the way, where the f*&^k is the ANJRPC?! If not a public statement, how about at least an email to members. Jeez...

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Kinda takes the wind outta your sails.....were a dying breed and were pushing a.rock.up a steep slope.....


Like I told you earlier I've turned at least two people onto the sport, might even get them to the range this weekend.


The goal of EVERY member on this site should be to bring a new shooter to a range in the next 2 weeks. Bring them and show them gun safety; let them shoot an AR and show them it isn't a killing machine. Be positive in any discussion about firearms. And most importantly....NEVER EVER lose your cool in a disagreement. A level head will bring our side to victory.

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Really.....I hope.your right but I think.your going to be sadly disappointed ......


Most don't know what's going on


Most don't care what's going on


Most will.just move on to another 'hobby'


And don't think a minuteman IA coming to.defend you and bugs at the fort





I apologize for the defeatist talk.... but I spent a good long portion of the day at jfkia at a jobsite...I never met so many men that claimed they were gun guys...roll over.....not know.....not care....


One Guy just plain out said....oh well.ill just sell.em and go.fish ....



Kinda takes the wind outta your sails.....were a dying breed and were pushing a.rock.up a steep slope.....


IF that is truly the case at large, we're doomed. We'll either bow to the king or die resisting. (and in the meantime, we simply won't comply. Which will work fine until confiscation begins.) Only time will tell... until all the rallies are over and we see what actually comes out of all the states and the feds, we won't know the battlefield.


The really scary thing is- some have hypothesized this is a "trap"... they know alot of people will simply shrug their shoulders and comply, and the others who resist can be used to create a "crisis" that the government can solve. "We must not have civil war in this country", and here comes the military... I don't want to live in those times or in that America. And I don't even have kids like alot of you do. If I did, I'd be even more passionate about it that I already am. NO WAY would a child of mine grow up in a fascist world if *I* had anything to say or do about it.

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It's clear that the intentions of all this isn't about the guns.... It's about control!

For someone to say " whatever, I'll just sell them and move on" they are just bending over and saying take my rights!!! I'll just go knit until you ban any object that can be used as a weapon....

They made everyone focus on " Assault Weapons" the general population didnt take the time to notice that ammo will become scarce, businesses will close, revenue will cease. They will continue to add to their welfare state any way they can.

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IF that is truly the case at large, we're doomed. We'll either bow to the king or die resisting. (and in the meantime, we simply won't comply. Which will work fine until confiscation begins.) Only time will tell... until all the rallies are over and we see what actually comes out of all the states and the feds, we won't know the battlefield.


The really scary thing is- some have hypothesized this is a "trap"... they know alot of people will simply shrug their shoulders and comply, and the others who resist can be used to create a "crisis" that the government can solve. "We must not have civil war in this country", and here comes the military... I don't want to live in those times or in that America. And I don't even have kids like alot of you do. If I did, I'd be even more passionate about it that I already am. NO WAY would a child of mine grow up in a fascist world if *I* had anything to say or do about it.


I've gone over this scenario in my head time after time after time. Yes, it is a trap ...and yes, the wall is behind us and trap in front of us. Either way it seems hopeless but is it really? As little as 10 years ago all of my friends and people at Church were anti-gun. However, EVERY single one of them has either bought a gun (or multiple) or have an interest going to the range. The government knows this hence the demonization of guns and their owners. Also, first term Obama seemed very “pro gun”, However, the lame duck President is obviously anti-gun. Why would he take this stance? He knew, that he had to appeal to the “ Democrat gun owner” to put him over the top. Has anyone tried to buy ammo or go to the range lately? Has anyone seen the lines at the gun shows? How about LTCF, CCW and FID wait times and number of applications? These are all going through the roof.


There are states that are exempting themselves from Federal gun bans. I could go on and on. BTW, do not…do not believe these BS polls you see on CNN, MSNBC and so forth. I look at the shelves at the stores and discussions on the internet.

With that being said, I’m still not convinced everything will be okay. Honestly, I believe most people had a very hard time (myself included) realizing our country/politics/government has been infiltrated with Marxists/progressives and freedom hating fascists. These are not the politicians of old…they have an agenda. We know what that is, there is NO MORE denying it.

The choice is up to each of us… live freely or live in total fear of government, thugs and being pillaged. The latter scares the living daylights out of me and looking at the shelves at Gun stores, Walmart and Dick’s it seems others are feeling the same. Remember, we are NOT alone. Progressives want to make you feel you’re alone but in reality you’re not. It took only 18% of Americans to preserve and win our freedom. We need to pray for direction and guidance and God will direct us. Now is the time to unite on a common principal… FREEDOM! There’s nothing else that should distract our focus on that one goal…we need to stay united on FREEDOM.

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