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NJ Citizen Action emails

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Soooo, I just got this "very informative & very accurate" email, and i'm realy curious how i ended up on their mailing list.


I'm so very thankful to have the opportunity to reply to Miss Jaborsk and let her know what i think about the subject.

Here's her info If anyone here would like to share in the discussion.


Dena Mottola Jaborska

[email protected]






Dear Nick,

We don't often email you about gun violence and what should be done about it. But the events of the past year were a wakeup call for us all.

We need to take action to better protect our children and communities from tragic shootings like the one in Newtown, CT, and the one last year in Old Bridge, NJ. We cannot wait for another tragedy to strike before we act.

Right now, several bills that would help prevent gun violence are making their way through the New Jersey Legislature. The bills expand New Jersey's previous steps to limit the most deadly guns and ammunition. And they would prevent criminals and the mentally ill from purchasing guns.

Most New Jerseyans support these life saving limits on guns, but the National Rifle Association (NRA) and their local affiliates are pressuring our Legislators to oppose them.

Will you contact your Legislators today and urge them to support the common sense gun violence prevention bills moving through the Legislature?

We know that you, and most New Jerseyans agree that these measures should be adopted, and quickly. But if we sit back and say nothing, a small minority of people working with the NRA could jeopardize their chance to become law.

Please contact your Legislators today and let them know you support the common sense gun violence prevention bill package.

Let's do this!

Dena Mottola Jaborska, Director of Organizing

PS - At a legislative hearing on the bill package yesterday, NRA members booed when one Legislator said passage of these bills was worth it, even if only one life was saved. I agree with that Legislator. The life we save through stronger gun violence prevention laws could be my brother (the policeman), my daughter (the kindergartner), or any one of your beloved family members, neighbors, or friends.

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I didn't get that email but I responded to her anyway


Hi Dena,

I saw your Citizen Action e-mail regarding gun violence and the bills that are being proposed by some members of the legislator. I read through most of them but I'm totally confused. The proposals all seem to be applied to law abiding citizens and legal activities. They aren't targeting the illegal guns on the street or black market arms. They are targeting the outlets where a law abiding citizen would legally buy guns, ammo, accessories. Could you please explain to me how any of those bills are going to curtail gun violence, most of which is committed with illegally possessed firearms? I asked some of the legislators but, strange enough, they couldn't answer my questions. Since you're heading up this effort I assume you have done a lot of research on the subject, you know a good deal about firearms, FBI UCR statistics, the psychology of the criminal mind, and exactly what all of these bills mean and what possible side effects these bills may have.

I am correct that you have done all this research am I not? You don't seem like the type of individual who would go off half-cocked, spouting misinformation while speaking from a position of complete and utter ignorance. But feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!

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This is the enemy. These are the people we need to attack. How many people are on this forum? We all need to fill the email inbox of every available address for this and every other similar organization that we can.


It is time to go on the offensive, and to offend. Being nice, polite, quiet and nonthreatening has gotten us nothing but a fist up the rectum.

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Is there any way we can enlist and or hire a marketing agency to get one of these out for us? Could this be a mechanism to get out the facts and explain, in simple terms, why these laws don't work and how strict the laws already are, etc?


Is NJ2AS doing this already?

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For anyone that would like to send a "CUSTOM" email to their representative please feel free to use this Anti gun groups website.

They are kind enough to forward your concerns to the appropriated person.

Just plug in you zip and address.

Just remember to change the default subject line and message.




And thank you NJ Citizen Action team. This IS democracy in action. :punish:

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sent mine....seems they are only targeting Sen Mike Doherty....a good guy, so I modified it slightly.....


"As your constituent, I am writing today to ask you to reject the common sense gun violence prevention package. If we can save even one New Jerseyan from senseless gun laws, then the effort is worth it.


I see this group is targetting you Mr Doherty....I have taken the liberty of modifying their canned message to suit me.....I hope you enjoy it


keep up the good work




Mike E"

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Is there any way we can enlist and or hire a marketing agency to get one of these out for us? Could this be a mechanism to get out the facts and explain, in simple terms, why these laws don't work and how strict the laws already are, etc?


Is NJ2AS doing this already?


No, We are working on getting something up and going, but we need help. Care to help volunteer???

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I was also sent an email as if I support the ANTI-2A lunacy... go figure.


Thanks for the great idea guys. I borrowed from you.... :fan:


"As your constituent, I am writing today to ask you to reject the common sense gun violence prevention package. If we can save even one New Jerseyan from senseless gun laws, then the effort is worth it.


The proposals all seem to be applied to law abiding citizens and legal activities. They aren't targeting the illegal guns on the street or black market arms. They are targeting the outlets where a law abiding citizen would legally buy guns, ammo, accessories. None of these bills are going to curtail gun violence, most of which is committed with illegally possessed firearms."



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<p>Used the enemies link to send my own message....</p>

<p> </p>

<p> </p>

<p> </p>

<p>Do not Betray your Constitutional Oath</p>

<p> </p>

<p> </p>

<div>As your constituent, A patriot to this great nation, and a Lifelong resident of New Jersey.</div>

<div> </div>

<div>You were elected to represent the people. Not just one side, but all of the people. The "Gun Violence" package that is being pushed through the assembly, is an atrocity to New Jersey Resident who chooses to exercise their 2nd amendment rights. Rights given to us by our forefathers as inalienable rights, and shall not be infringed. </div>

<div> </div>

<div>1200 Men, Women, and Children gathered at the State Capital in the freezing rain on Friday Feb 8th, to have our voices heard. More then 500 patriots went to testify on the hearings on Feb. 13th, which when they had arrived, were already told, that every bill was going to the assembly. It took a protest for our voices to be heard, and appeared to have not mattered. Assemblyman Mainor et al, had already concluded that no matter what was said. No matter how flawed their arguments, no matter how flawed the laws were. They had every intention of pushing this bill through no matter what the cost. </div>

<div> </div>

<div>Governor Christie set forth a Task force to listen to the people. to gather ideas, to find out where the problems lie. But yet, their are some in our legislator that feel they need to push anti-constituional laws ahead of any recommendations from the task force. No sitting down with opposition to find out what is realistic, and what will work. Only a very biased perception of Knee Jerk-Feel Good, Do Nothing laws, that do not address the problems at hand, but only restrict and hinder the honest citizen. DO NOT ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN !!!</div>

<div> </div>

<div>Stand up, and vote for the rule of law and the constitution. Vote no... As your constituent, we deserve our voices to be heard, and if we are to move forward. We deserve to have a conversation as to what will work, and not have my rights trampled under the auspices of safety. When considering not one bill proposed actually addresses the true problems.</div>

<div> </div>



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Turn their email around entirely like I did:


Subject: VOTE NO TO the "Gun Violence Prevention Bill Package"



As your constituent, I am writing today to ask you to vote NO on the

"common sense gun violence prevention package". Enforce the laws

currently on the books instead!


More laws are NOT the answer. These laws are ANYTHING BUT common sense.


Furthermore NONE of these laws will do ANYTHING to prevent violence.

Criminals DO NOT FOLLOW THE LAW ANYWAY!! Making it harder for law

abiding people to obtain, own, transport, use and defend themselves with






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Thanks for posting this. Nothing like using their own work against them. I borrowed from a few of you as well.



"As your constituent, I am writing today to ask you to reject the "common sense" gun violence prevention package. If we can save even one resident of NJ from senseless gun laws, then the effort is worth it.


These bills have been designed to violate the rights of law abiding citizens who are already forced to jump through hoops to exercise their 2nd amendment rights in our state. They do nothing to prevent criminals, who do not follow laws, from harming law abiding citizens. Passing these bills will only further embolden those who refuse to follow society's laws by making it even harder for law abiding citizens to defend and protect their own lives and the lives of their loved ones. I am a registered voter, and will remember those who defended my rights, as well as those that tried to take them away, the next time I am at the polls. "

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Before NJ Citizen Action discovers this, how can we get the word out and flood this site with OUR messages?


It's not a site - it's merely an email tool which populates with your appropriate legislators similar to the one on Ruger.com however this one really lets you send your own message!

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the only prob is they seem to be picking targets who most likely to vote in our favor, or are neutral on the issue....we may only influence the neutral ones and give symtathetic ones a good laugh.....

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AHahhhah I had fun using their heart string phrases. Here's mine (keep in mind we want the privacy bill A3788)...(oh and I borrowed some of greatgunstatenj's response to Dena:


As your constituent, I am writing today to advise you only that one of the bills contained herein, utilizes any common sense and none address gun violence. The proposals are all applied to law abiding citizens and legal activities. They aren't targeting the illegal guns on the street or black market arms. They are targeting the outlets where a law abiding citizen would legally buy guns, ammo, accessories. If we can save even one life from senseless gun violence, then lets actually do something about criminals, gangs and mental health! These bills do NOT address criminals. Don't "take action" on unconstitutional and illogical bills simply for the sake of taking action. You were elected to represent me and I would like you to know that I vote and I will remember who stands with me on these bills when it is time to go to the polls in November.


Oppose A588 Ammunition, penetrate body armor-proh. 2RA 2/14/2013

Oppose A1116 Handgun sales-estab. 180 day prohibition 2RA 2/14/2013

Oppose A1329 Ammunition magazines-reduce to 10 rounds 2RA 2/14/2013

Oppose A1387 Weapon free zones-estab. sch., pub. fac. 2RA 2/14/2013

Oppose A1613 Ed. Security Task Force-estab. COMB 2/14/2013

Oppose A3510 Firearms permits and id cards-concerns 2RA 2/14/2013

Oppose A3583 Sch. Security Task Force-creates 2RA 2/14/2013

Oppose A3645 Ammunition sale-face to face transaction 2RA 2/14/2013

Oppose A3646 Ammunition-estab. regulatory sys. COMB 2/14/2013

Oppose A3659 Weapons, cert.-destructive definition 2RA 2/14/2013

Oppose A3666 Ammunition sale-proh. mail order COMB 2/14/2013

Oppose A3668 Assault firearm manuf-St investment proh 2RA 2/14/2013

Oppose A3687 Firearm id card-disqual. Terrorist List 2RA 2/14/2013

Oppose A3717 NICS-submit cert. mental health records 2RA 2/14/2013

Oppose A3748 Gun sales, priv.-background check req. 2RA 2/14/2013

Opposed A3750 Ammunition sales-estab reglatory prog. COMB 2/14/2013

Oppose A3754 Mental health prof warning-seize firearm 2RA 2/14/2013

Oppose A3772 Firearm purch. id card-picture req. 2RA 2/14/2013

In Favor A3788 Firearms records-abolish right of access 2RA 2/14/2013

Oppose A3796 Firearms, unlawfully possessed-disposure 2RA 2/14/2013

Oppose A3797 Firearms-concerns seized and recovered 2RA 2/14/2013

Oppose ACR180 Firearms, stricter control measures-leg. 2RA 2/14/2013

Oppose AR143 Gun buyback prog.-express support 2RA 2/14/2013

Oppose AR144 Mental Health Parity-concerns exemp. 2RA 2/14/2013




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Just received a short and too the point email from Senator Thompson.



Dear Mr C:


Thank you for your e-mail regarding proposed gun legislation. I was raised in the South and my father as well as most of our friends and neighbors were gun-owners and law abiding citizens. My dad gave me a 22 caliber rifle when I was about 14.


I am not inclined to go overboard in enacting useless laws on this subject.


If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact my office.




Senator Samuel D. Thompson, Ph.D.

12th Legislative District




I would have preferred a "There's no way in hell i'm voting for them" but got "I am not inclined to go overboard in enacting useless laws on this subject." instead. :huh:


But at least we know that the emails are going through.

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As your constituent, I am writing today to ask you to oppose the common sense gun violence prevention package. Everyone agrees that if we can save even one life from senseless violence, then the effort is worth it. The proposed package, however, does not fit this goal. It does not address the true causes of violence, nor does it not focus on the criminals already infesting our streets, and instead aims to further impact the law abiding and responsible gun owners.


I ask that you oppose all gun violence bills which do not focus on the criminal element of our society and instead focus those efforts on helping enforcement of the existing laws, bringing actual criminals to justice, and improving the mental health system in this state.


I am a registered voter, and will remember those who defended my rights, as well as those that tried to take them away, the next time I am at the polls.



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