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Everything posted by Michael2013

  1. Exactly what I thought. Everyone knows Google, nobody cares it is a part of that "Alphabet". (I'm not sure my Chrome is the latest.)
  2. I thought that any firearm delivery goes through FFL(?)
  3. 4) Someone realized that with the Trump's Supreme Court, these laws will help to bring down the NJ gun laws in their entirety.
  4. I'm a bit disappointed that the bill was stopped. Given the upcoming changes in SCOTUS, it could be that proverbial straw that breaks the back of the camel. The whole NJ anti-gun scheme could be eliminated.
  5. Glenfiddich 12-yr? I buy in the same Total Wine, a bit over $40 for a bottle. Bar is a different ballgame. "Rob0115 went into a bar in Manhattan..."
  6. I suspect it was. It still exists on the Total Wine website: http://www.totalwine.com/scotch/single-malt/balvenie-50-yr/p/144587750-1?glia=true&s=303&pid=cpc:Shopping+US+NEWJ+ENG+SPART:::google:&gclid=Cj0KEQiA6_TBBRDInaPjhcelt5oBEiQApPeTF_-v5Dp31ouRmerUEEg2bCgQdXd2EK0R9_y_R6qkyjkaAva_8P8HAQ&gclsrc=aw.ds If I buy it (take a home equity loan?), no retirement for me ever. A 12-years Glenfiddich works fine for me
  7. It sure does I've seen a 40K bottle of Scotch in Total Wine this summer. The sales tax alone is close to that Louis XIII. It's not there any more, looks like there are customers for this. Too bad I didn't take a picture.
  8. Michael2013

    Glock 19

    She is hot in RED: http://cdn.collider.com/wp-content/uploads/Red_Movie_Image-_Helen_Mirren.jpg
  9. Here come top five best selling handguns: http://www.fool.com/investing/2016/11/26/the-5-best-selling-handguns-of-2016.aspx Notice that they all are good fit for CCW, that means that it is most likely different in NJ and other non-CCW places. The author says that "With the Republicans now in control of the presidency and congress, investors and gun owners might assume that gun sales will rise over the next four years." I disagree. The real "gun lobby" is on the left. In the situation where there are fewer concerns about gun rights, the sales will rather go down. My Ruger stock lost quite a bit since elections - I don't mind
  10. I don't have any specific plans to buy anything at this time. Maybe my wife will get something if she wishes so. Who will be the NJ governor - it's not going to play any role whatsoever.
  11. Welcome, and happy Veterans Day!
  12. At GFH, you must buy their ammo only if you rent their firearm.
  13. I had a similar problem not long ago. Opened up, vacuumed, let it rest (it was hot). Had to restore image from backup on the second hard drive. Works so far...
  14. I'm not a financial adviser, but can tell - DIVERSIFY!
  15. Welcome! (I just flew home from Charlotte, and was in Raleigh area this year.)
  16. Welcome! There are not many Bergenites here, glad to see one more.
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