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Everything posted by 10X

  1. SNL did a great sketch Saturday night. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sa19EQUJvCo
  2. It's a jobs program, nothing more. It certainly has nothing to do with 'safety', and I don't buy the arguments that eliminating the law would mean the end of full serve, while not saving us money at the pump. 48 other states allow self serve; it's always significantly cheaper, and there is always an abundance of full serve pumps around, if you want that option. There is no magical economic force that would cause the situation to be different in NJ. What really cracks me up about the ban on self serve is that it doesn't apply to aircraft. The state tries to claim with a straight face that fueling a vehicle is far too complex for the average citizen to master, but every small airport has a self serve pump so we weekend pilots can fill the wings with 100 octane LEADED AV gas!
  3. Wow. Under the proposed folly, buying two bricks of 22 gets your name sent to the US Attorney General!
  4. Are these steel insert, drop free mags, like OEM Glock? If so...NICE!
  5. I believe that was a Collings Foundation event. They move around from year to year; this year the NJ stops seem to be Wall Township and Cape May. http://www.collingsfoundation.org/events/category/wings-of-freedom-tour/list/?action=tribe_list&tribe_paged=5&tribe_event_display=list
  6. 10X

    moving to NJ

    And we've got the highest car insurance rates. And the highest estate/inheritance taxes. And the idiotic final insult tax on selling your home and moving out of this godforsaken state.
  7. 10X

    moving to NJ

    Buying Nappen's book on NJ gun laws is excellent advice. But the fact that Nappen's book on NJ gun laws runs over 500 pages tells you a lot about what a quagmire this state is for gun owners.
  8. On what grounds? "Didn't find it sufficiently entertaining" isn't going to fly.
  9. Was it already in stock? RTSP told me this week that I could neither buy nor reserve a blue label Glock that was on order-it had to hit the showroom first before I could do anything
  10. I know of no liberal agenda backing polygamy, and with women making up a significantly larger percentage of the Democratic Party than the Republican, that isn't where you'd expect to find a support base anyway. Support for polygamy is typically based on religious beliefs. The most outspoken in this country are the LDS sects practicing polygamy quite openly in a few western states, yet the Mormons are quite opposed to gay marriage, and threw 10's of millions of dollars behind opposition to prop 8 in California. Natural allies they are not. On a global scale, Islam is the major religion in which polygamy is commonly accepted. Are they supportive of gay marriage? Not so much.
  11. I only wish I could remember where I had my unfortunate accident(s). Those tannic streams winding through the pine barrens all look alike to me. It could have been anywhere.
  12. 5 years isn't enforceable even if you ARE a pharmaceutical researcher.
  13. I can't believe that s 5-year no-compete clause is enforceable Which doesn't help much because fighting it (if your current company pursued it) would be a pain, and I suspect it would more likely get whittled down to 6-12 months, not zero.
  14. I agree with most of your post, but the "other side" isn't quite so monolithic. To a large extent, the camps supporting polygamy and gay marriage view each other as the "other side".
  15. Best to use them to purchase. It will make you happier It will make NJ sadder That's a win-win!
  16. Oh hell no. Just because it's wrong that such a privileged few enjoy CCW permits doesn't mean that their privacy rights should be thrown under the bus. And I can't fathom why publicizing the records would make a bit of difference. If non gun owners read a list of a few hundred names of the rich or powerful or retired cops, their only thought will be "seems about right".
  17. 7/10, and I'll admit to a couple of lucky guesses where I'd only been able to eliminate one or two choices based on what I knew.
  18. Nice! Now mail it back to the governor along with shot up copies of the last NJ income tax and the last NJ property tax bills that you will ever pay.
  19. I don't get it. NJ law regulates that slingshot more or less as a firearm, so they must be equivalent.
  20. He was a US Attorney, not Attorney General. I'm not sure what he did or didn't do, but the Department of Justice makes it pretty clear that a US Attorney is not to take a position on any pending legislation.
  21. I wouldn't carry the competition guns, the collectibles, the family heirlooms, the hunting guns, the rimfires...to name a few.
  22. We should continually be blasting our legislators about quite a few things, but this particular atrocity was a failing of the judicial branch (the jurors and the prosecutor, really), not the legislative branch.
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