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Everything posted by HBecwithFn7

  1. Perhaps, but it's a risky move. I can't begin to tell you how much he's pi$$ed off the pro-2A population in FL. They're already organizing to ensure his political future ends with his present position. Him and all the other RINOs that went turncoat on us.
  2. And certainly prescribing them for conditions *other* than psychological. Some doctors are prescribing certain psychotropics as "sleep aids" instead of Ambien (Zolpidem) or Benzo's. One would surely not want one of those on their prescription record...
  3. Florida has Marion Hammer... the first female NRA president as well as other support orgs like Florida Carry, inc.
  4. Correct. I was not sure that he could run while still in office as Gov, but, apparently, he can. Although, if he gets that far (and that's a huge "if"), he might have to resign the governorship in early Jan. 2019, if the US Senate is sworn in before the FL Gov. Elect is. But the betting is he won't make it past the primaries. Not if the FL 2A community has anything to say about it.
  5. Well, Scott's current term doesn't end until Jan. 2019. So, unless he resigns the Gov's office, he won't be a US Sen. candidate in 2018. I therefore wonder when he will be running...
  6. We're not sure yet who would be running against him in the primaries. This will happen in 2019 after he leaves the gov's office. No one has stepped up yet, that I know of. Right now, our focus will be on trying to get the RINO legislators out via this year's primaries, and attempting to get either Adam Putnam or Ron DeSantis elected Governor. But, seriously, I bet when the primaries are over, it will be Scott against Nelson... unless we get a dark horse to run. We'll see.
  7. He was hoping to run against Dem. Sen. Bill Nelson and take his seat. Unlikely he'll get it, now.
  8. That's because the legislature is about to adjourn. If they weren't, then he'd have 5 days from the day it's presented to him for signature (which was today). He must veto if he doesn't want it to go through. As stated earlier, there are two provisions he doesn't like ( 1) - the arming of teachers; and 2) Raising the age to 21). But the thinking down here is that those aren't enough to get him to veto it fully. We think he'll sign it.
  9. Did they ask you for any "details" about the weapon, such as Make, Model, serial #? Of course, they would have all of this info if it were a hand gun from the P2P the comes back. No, I've never heard of this, but it doesn't surprise me.
  10. Well, there are two things in it he doesn't like.... 1) Arming teachers in the classroom; and 2) Raising the buying age to 21. The rest of it he likes. Are those two things enough to get him to veto? I don't know... But I think he knows his chances for political advancement are "slim to none" in either case... So what does he do? My money is on him signing it. It would result in some "short term" push back, but he might be able to weather that. We'll see.
  11. It ain't over, 'till it's over... and it ain't over yet. This is just the FL Senate bill. We'll see what happens in the FL House. We might do better. But we're on a tear in the primaries to get these RINOs out of office. Anitere Flores was the real turncoat, here. She's on the FL Sen. Judiciary committee, and she's the one who blocked all the pro-2A legislation (introduced by the chair of that committee) from getting out of it. She's term limited in the FL Senate, so it doesn't really affect her that way. What she's trying to do now is run for Mayor of Miami-Dade county. Sadly, given the state of her constituency, she'll likely win that office. BTW, Tom Lee is my Senator... Good he voted No, but the jury is still out on him...
  12. Could it also have been that those scheduled to work today were dealing with personal power/weather issues, if not the store itself?
  13. If I-81 is not an option (sorry it isn't... it's my favorite way to go), the next best thing I believe would be the Eastern Shore route down US-301 to US301/US50 and across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. You can get to it via I-95 (Del. Tpk). Go down Del. Route 1 (accessible from the Del. Tpk). You'll pass right by the Cabela's and the Christina Mall. Take that to Del. 896 (Boyd's Corner Rd.). That will lead you directly to US-301 S. Take that all the way down the Eastern Shore and across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and through Annapolis (across US-50) to the Capital Beltway. Yes, it's still MD, but less risky. The point is to avoid the Harbor Tunnel area and the tunnels, themselves. That's where the MTAP will be with their ALPR cameras. Furthermore, depending on the time of day, being on that section of the Capital Beltway might be less stressful than other parts or by going down the JFK directly. This will also work if you have to go through DC itself because US-50 starts/ends as "New York Ave. NE" in DC.You drive right by the Natl. Arboretum.
  14. Welcome from Tampa Bay, FL, from a former resident of Warren County!
  15. My family breed is the Doberman Pinscher. While my schedule is too chaotic currently to allow me to have one (and provide the proper routine), I look forward to the day when I can, and i look back fondly on the dobie I had as a child - Mr. Spock.
  16. Welcome from Tampa Bay, Florida from a former NJ'ian who worked in Warren Twp.
  17. This is being talked about on my Florida Forums as well. Hickok45 still looks like he's operating on YouTube, but he also has an alternate venue called (Full30). He started putting videos there in response to the previous time YouTube banned him....
  18. Just be careful with meds. There are some meds being prescribed as "sleep aids" (secondary function) but have a primary function as a "psychological/mental health" drug. I would avoid those meds like the Plague, and any doctor that offers to prescribe them. As for the OP's question, I'd say they'd be still qualified to say "No" to Q26, but "officially," I'd have them verify with a lawyer.
  19. I vote Gunsitters open their next store...... in Tampa Florida! Seriously, if this push to "enhance" the Baker Act (the FL legislation that authorizes LE to have a person declared mentally ill and confiscate their firearms (if only for 72 hours without a court review)) gains any momentum, we may need a store down here...
  20. The main concern is just "giving in" in general... and especially, without a counter concession (like national reciprocity, etc.). You give the antis one inch, they'll want a mile, the next day.... and 2 miles the next day thereafter, and 4 miles the following day, etc. etc. until they have everything they want. We cannot give one inch... not one.
  21. Yeah, Roberts is kinda flaky. We have to be careful with him. I know that "Notorious RBG" says she won't retire, but I don't know if she can hang on that long. We'll have to see. But yes, the "youngin's" (Sotomayor, Kagan, etc.) won't retire any time soon...
  22. Well.... "ineffective" in solving the problem(s) they purport the laws will solve... crime. But they *will* be effective in solving their underlying agenda... "disarming the law abiding public." As for NICS, any efforts to fix it must include a full "due process" treatment that will remove items that prohibit a person from firearms ownership as quickly as they are added. This, in the event they are added in error, or the person has met all the obligations for their removal (if possible). Any items added to the NICS system can only be done after that due process action (i.e. a court order, after a full hearing where the defendant has the opportunity to mount a defense).
  23. There are Fudds everywhere..... not just NJ.... We have them in FL.
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