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The Beginning of the Police State?

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Within days of the NDAA being signed into law:





Between this and that piece of Sh*t in the White House illegally recess appointing people while the Senate was still in session, is it any wonder this country is falling apart? The guy is a lawless ruler. He talks about the rule of law when it applies to something he believes in, but totally flouts the law when he doesn't like it.


Using signing statements to only enforce parts of a law are unconstitutional. Seperation of powers. Congress makes the laws, the President enforces them, not just the ones they agree with.


Both Dems and Repubs are guilty of this.


Why isn't it a crime of treason when an elected official, who swears an oath to uphold and defend The Constitution, trample all over it?


Some are saying Obama's recess appointments are against the law and could be considered "high crimes and misdemeanors".


I wouldn't get my hopes up.

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I agree 100%. Of course, considering the losers the Republicans put up to challenge him, he may have a shot at a second term, which, considering his approval ratings, should be impossible.


As for it being treason, it is, but who's going to bring up charges against the president? Hell, just imagine if Bush did this stuff, he would have been impeached months ago.

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Yeah, it's not just the President, but most of Congress as well.


Unfortunately, it looks like we will have Obama vs. McCain 2 in Nov. I just heard a clip of that idiot Romney saying something very similar to what McCain said the last go around.


Romney said about Obama, " I don't think he's a bad guy, I just think he's in over his head." Are you kidding me!!?? Yes, he may be in over his head, but he IS a bad guy. A Chicago gangst bully. Youever see how pissed this guy gets a people the question him?

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I agree 100%. Of course, considering the losers the Republicans put up to challenge him, he may have a shot at a second term, which, considering his approval ratings, should be impossible.


As for it being treason, it is, but who's going to bring up charges against the president? Hell, just imagine if Bush did this stuff, he would have been impeached months ago.


Bush did do that stuff.

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I'm fairly new to the US and I appreciate that the politics causing significant polarization with many people. One thing I would suggest is that prior Republican presidents have been as good/bad in their use of their powers as Obama has.


I think we are a little early to be suggesting the US is descending into a police state.



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I'm fairly new to the US and I appreciate that the politics causing significant polarization with many people. One thing I would suggest is that prior Republican presidents have been as good/bad in their use of their powers as Obama has.


I think we are a little early to be suggesting the US is descending into a police state.




Indeed they have. Bush & his cronies are the ones that pushed Patriot Act and a whole slew of infringements on us.


Ironically, I think most immigrants (legal ones) are more worried about this than the average American. That's because most immigrants to this country are from countries that are or were significantly more oppressive (you are a minority in this aspect) To me, the idea that police can stop me in the street and ask for "my papers" brings a very ominous chill down my spine. Same reason I find "National ID" a very bad idea.


The beauty of this country however is that we know we can reverse this. There have been worse periods in our history in terms of civil liberties infringements and despite the gloom we did manage to reverse a lot of it (McArthyism comes to mind).

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I'm fairly new to the US and I appreciate that the politics causing significant polarization with many people. One thing I would suggest is that prior Republican presidents have been as good/bad in their use of their powers as Obama has.


I think we are a little early to be suggesting the US is descending into a police state.




Maybe, but statements like this: “detecting the presence of unauthorized persons and potentially disruptive or dangerous activities", at a random checkpoint by rifle toting LEO sounds a bit to me like we're heading in that direction.


There was no reason for these people to be set up outside a Social Security Office, checking peoples IDs. This is still the United States, not Communist Russia.

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This is still the United States, not Communist Russia.

Some day look up the treatment of Japanese Americans during WWII, or Kent State, or the Bonus Army, or the treatment of Chinese last century, or the civil war, or the typhoid blankets , or Roosevelt's power grab, or the National Recovery Administration, or .. or .. or


The United States past is just as checkered as anyone elses if not worse, This is not to say that it isn't still the best place to be, the strength comes from recognizing those mistakes and being willing to reverse them, something this country has shown to be willing to do over and over.

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The role of the FPS - Federal Proection service - is:


The Federal Protective Service (FPS) is a federal law enforcement agency that provides integrated security and law enforcement services to federally owned and leased buildings, facilities, properties and other assets.





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Some day look up the treatment of Japanese Americans during WWII, or Kent State, or the Bonus Army, or the treatment of Chinese last century, or the civil war, or the typhoid blankets , or Roosevelt's power grab, or the National Recovery Administration, or .. or .. or


The United States past is just as checkered as anyone elses if not worse, This is not to say that it isn't still the best place to be, the strength comes from recognizing those mistakes and being willing to reverse them, something this country has shown to be willing to do over and over.


Yep, don't need to do a lot of looking up, I'm aware that we have issues in our past including the way Wilson treated the American born Germans during WW1.


We've had our share of Presidents who jailed citizens for speaking out against them. Wasn't right then, wouldn't be right now.


Having armed soldiers or police in the streets checking peoples ID is more reminicent of the USSR then the US.

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