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To Catch a Theif! Game Camera?

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So, I'm having some problems on my private range with thieves and vandals. They've been back vandalizing my range for a little while now...usually it's just stupid kid stuff like moving things around and throwing trash all over the place. While that is undoubtly effed up I can deal with kids being kids. What I can't deal with is people stealing my targets and breaking my target holders.


This time they broke apart my target stand and then nailed the pieces of it together all screwed up... It's getting personal. They also stole all my steel targets (only about $10 in steel if even) but its the point of the matter. I went out today to get a little trigger time in and had to make due with pine cones for targets.


Anyone think I could possibly set up a deer cam and get decent pics of the perps? I'm almost considering a little camping outting with the saiga by my side, but something tells my NJ law would frown on me holding them at gunpoint.


I know next to nothing about game cameras.. How close would one need to be to get a decent face pic? How much do they cost to get one that will work well enough?

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Game cameras work pretty well actually AND you can camouflage them too.


My gf's dad was having an issue with a hunter hunting on his land without her dads permission. He saw some things that made his suspicious so he put up about 5 different game cameras. Couple days later he brings home the memory cards and he got about 4 pictures of the hunter. They live in a tiny town in the boonies so it was rather easy to catch the perp.

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Probably some NJGF folks jealous over you having a "private range". ;)


I've never used those cameras before... but I would be leery as using them for humans would require some very clever camouflaging, at the risk of the camera also being vandalized/stolen.


I would start with no-tresspassing signs if you don't already have them. Something like this one, claiming the area is patrolled, and you will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. http://www.mysecuritysign.com/Private-Property-Signs/Warning-Property-Patroled-Sign/SKU-K-1107.aspx



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Is there somewhere secure you can stash an old laptop? It might be more worth your money to buy an old one and hook up a wifi security camera so you can grab some video.


That would work but I have no way to provide power without a generator. :(


Do all game cameras have flash? sounds like that would be a dead giveaway :(

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Probably some NJGF folks jealous over you having a "private range". ;)


I've never used those cameras before... but I would be leery as using them for humans would require some very clever camouflaging, at the risk of the camera also being vandalized/stolen.


I would start with no-tresspassing signs if you don't already have them. Something like this one, claiming the area is patrolled, and you will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. http://www.mysecurit...SKU-K-1107.aspx





Thats the first thing i did when i set up this range, I even had a chain going across the enterance with a no trespassers sigh hung from it with stainless zip ties(they then broke the chain). There are literally so many signs out there already there is no way anyone could make the case for not seeing them.

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You can definitely get a game camera that will not flash at night.

With the leaves growing out now it should be easy enough to hide. I have seen a number of surveillance places selling game cams now.


One place sells a camera and DVR disguised as a rock but that was close to $700.



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First and foremost, I would strongly recommend against camping out with the goal of holding the trespassers at gunpoint. I just don't see that ending well.


I would suggest letting the police know about the trespassing and vandalism. Without power or other utilities, you're pretty much stuck with hoping the police step up patrolling and you could purchase a stand-alone unit that takes photo or video and trying to identify trespassers after the fact.

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I was joking about holding them at gunpoint lol, I may camp out with a spotlight and my GF's dslr to get some nice clear pics of them and their truck.


The area is remote, police can not and will not patrol there. Patrol cars will not make it out there. My local PD does have an explorer that could but i doubt they'll bother patrolling for me over $10 in lost steel. I would actually almost feel bad asking them to do it. Considering they're all so cool about me shooting and not hasseling me over noise and such.


suit up in camo and shoot the bastards at night. "I was shooting in my property officer. I didn't know they were around trespassing." ;)


Please don't temp me, I'll have to break out the paintball gun

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putting up a handful of those in places where they wont be missed could just scare them into keeping away.



that or definitely get a ghillie suit and wait in the bushes with a paintball gun. :icon_lol: or maybe airsoft since the paint would be evidence.

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Unfortunately there are laws against booby traps that do harm, but nothing on traps that do gross stuff. Maybe lathering up your steel fixtures with foul smelling axel grease or other nasty sticky substance would deter them from messing around. They would have to wear rubber gloves or use tools, etc to do damage. Then again their tools would get all nasty as well. They may just think it isn't worth it.


If there is only one in and out, those game cameras that use IR flashes would do the trick, just camo them up really well, but not to obscure the lens of course.

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I was thinking about burried spike strips...should at least cost them some tires


You're on the right track but it needs to be more subtle. A 2x4 with nails in it is bad..a piece of scrap metal that is bent just right to puncture a tire is better.

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Unfortunately there are laws against booby traps that do harm, but nothing on traps that do gross stuff. Maybe lathering up your steel fixtures with foul smelling axel grease or other nasty sticky substance would deter them from messing around. They would have to wear rubber gloves or use tools, etc to do damage. Then again their tools would get all nasty as well. They may just think it isn't worth it.


If there is only one in and out, those game cameras that use IR flashes would do the trick, just camo them up really well, but not to obscure the lens of course.


Thats what I'm most likely going to do... just need to order one up. might stup at my local sportmans store and see if they have any sutiable offerings on the shelf


I doubt nasty stuff will stop them, I mean they went through an awful lot of trouble to get the targets off the stand that were nailed down. something tells me its more then just scrapers looking for a little metal or kids being dumb.. its just too much work for that already. I'm thinking its someone unhappy about my presence. Many hunters have been no so happy to be run out of my woods for illegaly hunter. More are not to happy about the gunshots "scaring away" there game from adjacent property (federal)

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Set a trap. put together something they might steal or break, and set the camera up so that it is looking right at it. get a night cam for hunting, Rangers use them all the time with good success. Increase the odds of catching them by maybe using 2 cameras, but def. lure them in to one spot. Hand over the video to the police when u get them on camera.

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