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Workers stand for America

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Shawn, you seriously don't think worker salaries affect the prices of things? It's like the chicken or the egg, as salaries go up, as well as other expenses, the cost of the companies products go up. It has been reported that every vehicle that GM sells, $1200 is added on to the cost to cover union costs.


If a company has higher costs due to government regulations, higher taxes or higher salaries, benefits & pension costs, they're not going to just eat it, they will raise their prices. Then you will pay even more for cell phones, cars, houses, etc.




I'm not anti union in the sense that they were formed in the first place to stop sweat shop conditions and poor treatment of the workers. What bothers me is that in many cases, their protections have created an environment where marginal or sub standard performance is compensated the same as spectacular. There's a glaring example of this in NJ, the NJEA. Please don't anyone take this as me being anti teacher, but when I get my tax bill each quarter I get a bit miffed seeing 53% of my taxes going to a school system I don't even send my kids to.

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Are you sure they didn't reject ObamaCare because they want the REAL DEAL single payer health care like Europe has? Union leadership always seems to be more "progressive" than membership.


The real reason the unions dont want Obamacare is because they don't want to be hit with the Cadillac plan surcharge for superduper health plans they have.



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I'm not anti union in the sense that they were formed in the first place to stop sweat shop conditions and poor treatment of the workers. What bothers me is that in many cases, their protections have created an environment where marginal or sub standard performance is compensated the same as spectacular. There's a glaring example of this in NJ, the NJEA. Please don't anyone take this as me being anti teacher, but when I get my tax bill each quarter I get a bit miffed seeing 53% of my taxes going to a school system I don't even send my kids to.

I agree.

Of course unions significantly raise the costs of goods and services. The pension funding and healthcare are real killers. For example I have a co-worker that was in construction for about 10 years and will be receiving a $1700/month pension based on 10 years of work. At simple 3% interest you need about $680,000 invested.

I’ve also had many personal experiences with unions. The first was about 45 years ago, I got a part time job after school at what was Aurora plastics in New York. Since I would occasionally step onto the loading dock I had to join the teamsters union. They sucked a considerable amount of my pay in dues and after 6 months on the job I was laid off due to over hiring. The teamsters did nothing to help.

Another experience was dealing with the electrical union while working in the city. On occasion I needed to relocate computer to other locations in the same building but I was not allowed to do the work. As silly as it may seem I could only power down the computer. I had to have a union worker being paid overtime unplug the machine, carry the machine to the new location, and plug it in. What a waste of time and money for the firm I worked for, not to mention the union members had to have their breaks when I wanted to get done and out.

Unions may have been a good idea long ago but now they are a considerable drag on society.

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The links the OP posted refer to a :Second Bill of Rights" that was originally proposed by FDR, our 2nd most Socialist president. Now who else just might propose such a thing? You don't have to look any further than the Communist Party of the United States,








Let's look at some at some of the things proposed:




"Whereas: A positive beginning to this approach is found in the suggested new preamble to the CPUSA constitution, which advocates: "...an expanded Bill of Rights, the right to a job at union wages, free education through the university level, free health care, decent housing, child care and security in old age..."








"Whereas: In both the Soviet Constitutions of 1936, and 1977, [articles 118 and 40 respectively] the very first right guaranteed to all is the right to work, and choice of job or profession based on inclination, training, etc. Rights guaranteed by the socialist system included free vocational training, free health care, rest, leisure and free vacations at government resorts, fully paid disability [and also the right of the disabled to work if they choose ] social security, housing and education.,"




This was written over 10 years ago. Pretty much sounds what the "Workers Stand for America" is all about. Cradle to grave nanny state.




The fact is when labor unions started to grow in America prior to WWII most had ties to the Communist Party.




I always think of unions efforts in WWII when they proclaim their patriotism. Unions agreed to no strikes when WWII started and would settle all differences through arbitration. Yet from Pearl Harbor to VJ Day there were over 14,000 strikes. Many times these strikes created shortages of equipment and materials which put military operations in jeopardy. Our military was bleeding and dying all over the world but unions were looking for tha 10 cents more an hour or extra break. Most of these strikes were supported by the Communist Party of the United states. These continued after the war as unions said they were needed to gain pay and benefits they should have gotten during the war. This is history. I didn't write it.




Sure they are inviting everyone to this turn out because the only people they can make go is the apprentices who are still in the union's "hazing" process. These are the same apprentices that were forced to come in on their day off to distribute elect Obama stuff in 2008.




The links in the OP state the $1,000,000 to run this rally was money that wasn't contributed to the Democrat Convention. I wonder why this is costing so much. If they get 10,000 to show up that's $100 a head. They serving surf and turf with a good wine? Like to the expenditure sheet on this one.




This is all a not so difficult to see through operation. The law requires unions to refund on request any portion of a member's dues used to support a political candidate. How many of you anti-Obama union members did that in 2008. The unions can use a non-partisan event like this to further their socialist agenda and not refund any money. If they are promoting a socialist agenda I wonder who they are backing for POTUS?




This also is a method used to appease the membership of the union. If they're pissed about having no work or little work we'll have a rally or march for "union awareness". This was a tactic often used by Lenin and Hitler. We'll cover our lack of success this way. The masses eat it up.




You guys who are posting Marxist and Communist are correct in regards to this event.




I'm not saying all unions are bad and have Communist inclinations but this rally sure reeks of it.

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