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In CT: Single Shot only bill introduced

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I hope CT is taking earnest steps to ensure that the bad guys only have guns that can fire one round. Plus, they would need to make it illegal for more than one BG to attack someone at a time. At that point they would be down to basically dueling.


I wonder if they will need additional laws about how challenges shall be issued? :onthequiet:

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I would've told him to go pound sand.......it's FUDD's like him who got NJ where it is to begin with....FUDD's are the ones who got behind and supported the SILLS Act of 1966.....


I disagree. We need to tell the fudds to keep their fisking mouths shut. The moment they open their yaps, we're worse off for it. They're all quite willing to legislate away anything that doesn't affect their hunting or sporting games. I've got an idea how about we limit all shotgun or multi-pellet type rounds to .410 gage or smaller and include that as a "compromise" in any gun legislation that comes down the pipe. Make the damn fudds have some skin in the game.



You certainly can't blame the Elmer Fudd hunters and their shotguns. And while Fudd's are not helpful to the cause, they are not the problem in this state.


In 1966, there were approximately 6,959,650 residents in N.J. Roughly 3% (actually 2.87%) were true Elmer Fudd's; hunters who most likely were myopic or passive and sat by and/or weren't vociferous enough in their distaste of the '66 legislation.


I suppose their Fudd-hunting mindset and failure to participate in a cause was ambivalence and may have been based on the fact that handguns, rifles, even slugs, were banned for hunting at that time; so it might be easy to understand their jaded and tunnel-vision thought process. But what were the other 97%, those non-hunter Fudd's, the rest of the populace doing/saying in defiance at that time while their Constitutional right was trampled asunder? I suspect their silence was deafening as well.


Not to worry though, those Elmer Fudd's are dying off every day. Based on last week's published 2012 hunting license sales in N.J. that I posted on the NJH forum this week, resident hunting and fishing license sales numbers were up over 2011's numbers, but resident firearm hunter numbers dropped again. Elmer Fudd's and their shotguns are dwindling.


In the last five years, resident firearm license sales have dropped 16.7%. Less than 1% (.96%) of New Jersey residents pick up a bow or firearm and buy a license in order to hunt today. Not to worry though about the drop in firearm hunters, the sales in bow hunting licenses have increased; resident bow licenses have gone up 12.4%, and Sr. bow (65+) licenses have gone up a whopping 62.8% in the last five years! Looks like the Elmer Fudd's are taking up bow hunting!


It’s the Fudd’s who don’t go to a sportsmen’s show that you have to win over.

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Fudd-hunting mindset and failure to participate in a cause was ambivalence and may have been based on the fact that handguns, rifles, even slugs, were banned for hunting at that time; so it might be easy to understand their jaded and tunnel-vision thought process. But what were the other 97%, those non-hunter Fudd's, the rest of the populace doing/saying in defiance at that time while their Constitutional right was trampled asunder? I suspect their silence was deafening as well.


I really, REALLY hate to be the one that brings this up, but, it's the elephant in the room so since you raise many good points, I feel I should offer one more theory as to why that was.


Let's be honest here, among grandpa-Fudd types, especially 50 years ago, you're basically looking at a bunch of old white guys. In the 60s. At the height of civil rights movement, with public anger boiling over both ways about racism, race riots, etc.


Sadly I would not doubt that even in a fairly progressive state like NJ, behind closed doors, or whispers, or maybe even out in the open, there were likely many people who felt that restrictions on handguns, etc. were mostly going to limit minorities, and that's the way they "liked it" or were even "okay" with it.


An example of a law like this is North Carolina's handgun permit laws, where the applicant must apply in person. This was, plain and simple, a method for local police to intimidate blacks. White guy walks in, walks out with a permit in 15 minutes. Black guy walks in, "sorry, the sheriff's not here today, you'll have to come back" or some other such nonsense.


I suspect that NJ's laws definitely have some element of racism behind them. I have also heard a few theories as to why the M1 Carbine makes it onto the ban list for this same reason, as in the 60s they were cheap, plentiful, and good enough, and came to be associated with minorities, especially after the famous photo of Malcolm X.

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Well I am going to get massively hated for this comment but I am going to say it anyway. You must realize that as a shooter you MUST strive to be responsible and portray firearms in a positive light in these current times. We are under a microscope and right now for the outsiders looking at us we must look and act responsible. Now seriously what is the point when you go to the range and you see the guys dressed in full BDU's, sometimes including plate carriers. These people are portraying themselves in a negative manner and feeding the negative "gun nut" stereotype. Just go to the range like you are a normal person, not mall ninja tacti-tard. Many of the new AR-15 nuts showing up at the ranges are portraying themselves as pure Call of Duty Rejects. This is not the image we want to be portrayed as a gun culture. These new "tactitards" are lacking the complete fundamentals of firearms ownership and safety. You dont need to be running around and sprinting for cover shooting and be happy you hit a 12" gong. If an outsider were to see this they would automatically think of us in a bad way. Oh god, look at those gun freaks preparing for the end of the world ect..... I dont care if you are into it, just not now. We are being scrutinized. Not all gun owners obsess about CCW. I am a firearms owner and major shooter but I could care less about CCW. Just because someone could care less about CCW or being a tacti-tard doesn't mean they are a Fudd. Just many of the AR nuts are feeding into the stereotype and that doesn't exactly paint us in a positive way.

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Well said usnmars.


Yes GlassFanta, the 60's were interesting if not trying times. We had change on all sides, a few high-profile assassinations, a war, the civil rights movement, the "turn on, tune in, drop out" generation, The Weather Underground and SDS bombings, etc.


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Really bringing the "mall ninja" topic into this? I also hate to say it... but a great deal of new firearm owners are coming up through the "tacticool" side of the house.


If it weren't for the "tacticool" generation, a vast majority of firearms and accessories simply would not exist as they do today. There would be no market for such things other then the real folks who need that stuff for their jobs. I'm willing to bet there aren't enough of them to go around to support the volume in sales these companies are seeing today.


Sure everyone is welcome to their opinions, and I also think its silly to go full tacti-geared (never go full tactitard, right?) when going to the range, but hey this is a free country right?

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We'll see......we'll have to watch CT with there 'Single Shot' bill that got introduced.


it's already happened here..the last time the .50 ban was brought up. It banned EVERYTHING .50 and over, including Black powder guns. The Fudds had a fir, and they got a different writeup only banning Centerfire .50 and above firearms.....then the last minute the ORIGINAL bill was introduced, and the hue and cry went up from US and THEM, and it was the first time I can remember that an anti-gun bill was actually defeated here...which was proven almost immediately with OGAM since it didnt affect the Hunters, we fought it alone and lost.

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Not to worry though about the drop in firearm hunters, the sales in bow hunting licenses have increased; resident bow licenses have gone up 12.4%, and Sr. bow (65+) licenses have gone up a whopping 62.8% in the last five years! Looks like the Elmer Fudd's are taking up bow hunting!

Honestly, I think the popularity of "The Hunger Games" and "Revolution" have caused this more than anything else. Girls are seeing strong woman shoot arrows and are interested in doing it themselves.


But If the "mental health evaluation" and "inspect my wife's underwear drawer" bills don't get the FUDDs interested, nothing will.

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Really bringing the "mall ninja" topic into this? I also hate to say it... but a great deal of new firearm owners are coming up through the "tacticool" side of the house.


I do not understand the whole AR-15 craze. I like wood. I prefer the Mini-14 Ranch rifle to the AR. If I could have an M1 Carbine in NJ, I would own one. If I wanted an AK type, I would prefer the one with wood furniture. It's just what I like.


I think those Tactical Shooters are all guys who played Call of Duty or Modern Warfare years ago and now that they've graduated college and have a job, they want to own one of those guns for real. More power to them.


I also think that the 1.4 million people who served in Iraq and Afghanistan may have something to do with the popularity of tactical shooting. We have hundreds of thousands of men and woman who carried weapons with a similar manual of arms, so they are much more comfortable with an AR type platform than any other weapon and they probably like having the same kit and chest rig that they had in the military.

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I am at the Edison outdoor show in my booth yesterday and had more them one Fudd tell me it was me and my black rifle buddies that are causing them problems now. It will be some year 2013.


Sorry ant it's pretty sad what people say when they ride someone else's wagon!

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Honestly, I think the popularity of "The Hunger Games" .


Hunger Games is actually a pretty good movie everyone should see- forget that it was a 'tween hit; it's a story about total govt control of the populace, and how 2 kids begin the insurrection.


And, that chick is hot, with attitude. I'd have no problem with my daughter using her as a role model.

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it's already happened here..the last time the .50 ban was brought up. It banned EVERYTHING .50 and over, including Black powder guns. The Fudds had a fir, and they got a different writeup only banning Centerfire .50 and above firearms.....then the last minute the ORIGINAL bill was introduced, and the hue and cry went up from US and THEM, and it was the first time I can remember that an anti-gun bill was actually defeated here...which was proven almost immediately with OGAM since it didnt affect the Hunters, we fought it alone and lost.


You are correct, it was the first time anything like this happened. Cooler heads prevailed for the idea and premise was illogical. This was also an economic decision. Someone whispered in the ear of the legislators and explained to them that by banning muzzleloaders would eliminate the deer hunting muzzleloader season entirely, some zones which are now as long as 62 days for ML, which means there would be shortfall of money coming in to the NJDoF&W, which means less licenses sold, less deer zone permits sold, less rifle permits sold; all sales that affect the money the State needs to maintain the program as well as what they can qualify for in Federal grants to fund other programs. Add into that the number of days hunters spend afield, which invariably means money pumped back into the economy at sporting goods shops, diners, gas stations, Dunkin Donuts, etc. In addition, the permit muzzleloader season accounts for about 13%-15% of the annual deer harvest each year. Sure they could make up alternatives for that season to continue the harvest but that group are others are still stuck in old world traditions and won't budge on some issues. It does come down to money.

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You are correct, it was the first time anything like this happened. Cooler heads prevailed for the idea and premise was illogical. This was also an economic decision. Someone whispered in the ear of the legislators and explained to them that by banning muzzleloaders would eliminate the deer hunting muzzleloader season entirely, some zones which are now as long as 62 days for ML, which means there would be shortfall of money coming in to the NJDoF&W, which means less licenses sold, less deer zone permits sold, less rifle permits sold; all sales that affect the money the State needs to maintain the program as well as what they can qualify for in Federal grants to fund other programs. Add into that the number of days hunters spend afield, which invariably means money pumped back into the economy at sporting goods shops, diners, gas stations, Dunkin Donuts, etc. In addition, the permit muzzleloader season accounts for about 13%-15% of the annual deer harvest each year. Sure they could make up alternatives for that season to continue the harvest but that group are others are still stuck in old world traditions and won't budge on some issues. It does come down to money.


In all honesty..i REALLY think they (the legislature) just thought "Screw them we're gonna do what WE want". otherwise, in reality WHY would they have introduced the original COMPLETE ban bill in session?.they didnt expect the Gun Community to come together..and they learned their lesson, which was proven when we got tossed under the OGAM bus a year or so later.

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