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NYC tells Hero "We have no obligation to protect you"

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...where does that leave us?

It' a creek. I forget the name, but last time I was there, I didn't have a paddle.

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The supreme court has ruled more than once that a police officer has no duty to protect an individual. It seems to negate the "protect and serve" slogan. They use this argument when its convenient for the them, not us.


The NJ AG is on record saying that we will protect you outside your home in NJ. I would like to see that being challenged.

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Another example of anti 2A/CCW idiocy...


pro-ccw "I want to be able to legally carry a concealed firearm for my protection"

anti "No , you will turn our streets into the wild west shooting people who look at you funny"

pro-ccw "You have been saying that for years, and now we have 40 States who are shall-issue, and this problem has not surfaced"

anti "stop changing the subject, I'm talking about the saftey of my family against people with guns. Just call the police, and if you have to throw objects at your attacker"

pro-ccw "The police can't be everywhere, and legally they are not held responsible or liable for my personal saftey. Throw objects... really?"

anti "I do not accept more guns on the street are the answer, they are evil"

pro-ccw "facepalm"

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quoteLozito says a grand-jury member later told him Howell admitted on the stand that he hid during the attack because he thought Gelman had a gun.


Isnt the motto supposed to be to serve and protect?

NYC is just another example of the liberal motto of "DO as I say, not as I do" they can care less about

public saftey, just their own agenda of disarming the people because they have a persoanl issue with it.


This happened in the 80's however it had a real different outcome for Bernhard Goetz.

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I'm pretty sure the court case was rejected because the cops weren't at the scene. The decision did not say LEO's have no responsibility to do their job.

This idiot who was at the scene and hid is gonna be hung out to dry.

And a massive payday is on the way.

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Sorry if this sounds like another case of LEO bashing. It's certainly not meant to be. This is aimed more at the government hypocrisy that tells us that police cannot be everywhere at once (no kidding!), while telling us that we are not allowed to protect ourselves.

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Sorry if this sounds like another case of LEO bashing. It's certainly not meant to be. This is aimed more at the government hypocrisy that tells us that police cannot be everywhere at once (no kidding!), while telling us that we are not allowed to protect ourselves.

I agree, this isn't about all police officers not honoring the protect and serve motto, regardless of their official job description, this is about the fact that this guy almost gets killed protecting himself and others, and two individuals who are looking for the attacker not actually capturing their intended target immediately and keeping someone form being hurt any further. If someone breaks into my house, yes I will have my wife on the phone immediately calling the cops. But you can be sure that I will be in front of her aiming at the bedroom door waiting for someone to come through.

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Another example of anti 2A/CCW idiocy...


pro-ccw "I want to be able to legally carry a concealed firearm for my protection"

anti "No , you will turn our streets into the wild west shooting people who look at you funny"

pro-ccw "You have been saying that for years, and now we have 40 States who are shall-issue, and this problem has not surfaced"

anti "stop changing the subject, I'm talking about the saftey of my family against people with guns. Just call the police, and if you have to throw objects at your attacker"

pro-ccw "The police can't be everywhere, and legally they are not held responsible or liable for my personal saftey. Throw objects... really?"

anti "I do not accept more guns on the street are the answer, they are evil"

pro-ccw "facepalm"


The recent Lone Star College shooting in Texas is a prime example of the failed small minded logic of the intellectual left. "The last thing the shooter will expect is to be attacked by you" NO SHIT! The shooter is counting on everyone else to follow the rules that require people to leave their gun somewhere else. For supposedly educated people they sure are dumb as a tree stump when it comes to common sensibility. The zig-zag suggestion is runner-up for the best stump-stupid "tip" in their guide.


Active Shooter


Trapped with the Gunmen

•If you are trapped with the gunmen, don't do anything to provoke them.

•If they are not shooting, do what they say and don't move suddenly.

•There is no set procedure in this situation.

•If possible, call X5911 or 281.290.5911 and talk with a police dispatcher.

•If you cannot speak, leave the phone line open so the police can hear what is going on.

•If they do start shooting people, you need to make a choice: stay still and hope they do not shoot you, run for an exit while zigzagging, or attack the shooter.

•If you chose to run, a zigzagging moving target is much harder to hit than a straight runner.

•Playing dead may also be a consideration.

•It is not a recommendation to attack the shooter, but remember that you have a choice to fight when there are no other options.

•The last thing that the shooter will expect is to be attacked by you.

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Sorry if this sounds like another case of LEO bashing. It's certainly not meant to be. This is aimed more at the government hypocrisy that tells us that police cannot be everywhere at once (no kidding!), while telling us that we are not allowed to protect ourselves.


It is really not cop bashing, pointing out fact that cops have no duty to protect the citizen..

Kieth Morgan points this out while debating gun control.


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I'm sorry - is it "only" $50 an hour? To sit in a climate controlled car? If so, I know a guy on an oil rig I would wager would trade with you...


Why are you going down this road of nonsense. Being a cop is like any other job. There are cushy assignments and there are shit assignments. The difference is that in the shit assignments, you have to grapple with strung out crazies and maybe get shot at.


50 bucks an hour is base scale for a union plumber in NYC. It's called making a living. Your sentiments here are useless.


Starting salary for nypd is under 30k a year and you have to live in the 5 boroughs, rockland, Nassau Suffolk, etc. good luck supporting a family on that. The only way they're scratch is through overtime and differentials.


This us vs the cops is some real one trick pony shit.

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Starting salary for nypd is under 30k a year and you have to live in the 5 boroughs, rockland, Nassau Suffolk, etc. good luck supporting a family on that. The only way they're scratch is through overtime and differentials.


They raised that. I think it's around 45k now when you're in the academy and after 6 months it goes up. Within 2.5 years you're past 50k. In 2001 it used to be $31,305 and they had ads in the subway to recruit people. Honestly I don't know who they were aiming for with such low pay... and NYC cops don't need a 4 year degree, only 60 credits or 2 years military service. NJ cops are better educated since (IIRC) NJ requires a 4 year degree.

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And mind you, I am not "cop bashing" but I am criticizing the Government for lowballing new recruits. You aren't going to get the cream of the crop with such low pay. A former coworker of mine was a NYPD officer and hated it quite a lot. He couldn't wait to get out.

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40000 nypd

how many of them do you think push paper around while they wear G19s they almost never use on duty?

have you seen some of them?

do you think some of them are in top physical shape to wrestle a bad guy down?

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didn't the SC already rule that police are not obliged to help any one in particular person?


Conveniently, the government has voted to allow itself immunity from almost anything. Be careful on Feb 8th. You could fall into a pit of feces-coated punji sticks on the grounds of the statehouse and they would not be liable.

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Conveniently, the government has voted to allow itself immunity from almost anything. Be careful on Feb 8th. You could fall into a pit of feces-coated punji sticks on the grounds of the statehouse and they would not be liable.


agree, it's amazing how so many laws can be passed with so many exclusions for those not of the masses......

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Fine! Let us have the fooking tools of the trade we need to do it ourselves without repercussion or hurdles... More of a reason we need the 2nd Amend...



Sent from John's iPad 2 via Tapatalk HD

Typos courtesy Apple...

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