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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2022 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    By John Petrolino aka Forum Member "The Pen Patriot " A very good read and the latest scoreboard https://bearingarms.com/john-petrolino/2022/12/28/multiple-gun-groups-challenge-new-jerseys-sensitive-places-provisions-n65642?utm_source=badaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl&bcid=00ea90fbf351bbfd29c96affd26f2dca49954a466ec9e3e8139f308bd8a1cb93
  2. 2 points
    Encouraging news from NY - SCOTUS has ordered NY to submit a brief/position paper to explain why the 2nd Circuit's stay of the temporary injunction should stand. Don't forget, this is Sotomayor's region.
  3. 2 points
    If anyone is on Reddit, myself and the other moderators on r/NJguns are organzing a donation campaign to help raise funds for the lawsuits. Check it out and consider donating. https://www.reddit.com/r/NJGuns/comments/zvuol7/rnjguns_donation_campaign/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
  4. 1 point
    I was looking for a rail upgrade for my Mini 30 and found this product which in my opinion makes it look so tacticool and actually allows me to eventually mount a red dot on my rifle! Samson makes it for both variants. (models 2007 and older or the 2008 and newer) They also offer in black and natural gray is what i opted for. I love the way the wood and the gray works so well. It matches the original hardware quite well as you can see in the pics. The link below includes the vortex red dot but you can also get it without the red dot which was what i opted for. Comes with a QD mount and additional 2" pic rail. https://www.samson-mfg.com/hannibal-rail-and-vortex-red-dot-package.html
  5. 1 point
    Yet the 9th sat on a ruling for 4 years, and now tossed it back to district court. I guess they just needed more time to figure out how to rule against him. Or they are just hoping that he dies. After 20+ years of reading about the latest "sure thing" NJ gun case, I'll believe it when I can actually see a positive ruling.
  6. 1 point
    This might be true but what is your point? Needless panic and speculation that the boogey man is gonna break your door down and confiscate your 10 round magazine that could possibly get an 11th round stuffed into it? How many .22 LRs will it technically accomodate? Stuff like this gets posted to stir up a frenzy.
  7. 1 point
    Fair enough, I didn't click through to see what shipping might have been.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    January 5 is the preliminary hearing date for NJ ‘s law. The judge gave them (NJ) until Dec 30 to submit their brief.
  10. 1 point
    What you seem to forget is.....this is NJ, we play fair...they never do.....omo.
  11. 1 point
    Agree. Murphy is gonna get it broken off in his ass.
  12. 1 point
    Having endured the inkjet drying out before it was used up thing for way too long, I went for a Canon MFP laser. The cartridges last a lot longer and don't dry up between uses. Having the scanner function has made keeping copies of all the records for permits much, much easier. I store the scanned images in Dropbox so I can get them from my phone too.
  13. 1 point
    A pretty good sized buck was rubbing on this mesquite..
  14. 1 point
    Out at the ranch today. My buddy is deer hunting, I’m sitting up under a tree with the AUG hoping to see some hogs move by. Will report back if there is a kill.
  15. 1 point
    That's a false statement. The Supreme Court did "touch" it via a GVR. Granted (Certiori), Vacated the previous court's judgement, and Remanded it to be re-tried under the standard set in Bruen.
  16. 1 point
    Expedited hearing was scheduled on Monday which was a state and federal holiday. Preliminary injunction enjoining all this nonsense NJ has created. The federal judge is taking this seriously. State must file by Dec 30th for a January 5th zoom meeting. State is being asked to defend banning guns on private property, motor vehicles, library, restaurants, museums, bars, entertainment facilities. She must realize that all the sensitive places are a ban on carry and that is not allowed under Bruen. Merry Christmas to us.
  17. 1 point
    OK @BigGuns - I'll give you the admission you so desperately seem to be looking for. So far, none of the unconstitutional statutes you mention have been knocked down....and yes, you are right, some of them have been standing for 4 years and plenty more much longer and they still have not been knocked down. What you are seem to be failing to understand is that legal cases move exceedingly slowly. Courts frequently allow 45 days for responses to motions and another 45 days for replies to those responses. That's 3 months gone for a single argument. Is it nuts? Sure, but that is still what it is. Now look at the Bruen decision. That is 6 months old. Do you really expect multiple cases to be resolved in 6 months when it can take 3 months for a single argument to run through the court? Next, try to be objective when looking at the history of these cases. Do you think it would have been better to lose (picking at random) the mag capacity case 2 years ago and have to start from scratch with a new case post-Bruen, or to have an active case with the briefs establishing the facts already in place when we are given the tools that were handed down in the Bruen decision? For more than a decade the lower courts that hate the Second Amendment have dodged the Heller test and used a 2 part interest balancing test instead. Bruen told them in no uncertain terms that they can't do that. We have the most powerful legal tool we have ever had and the vast majority of the statutes will fall as a result, but it takes time and effort. The lawyers working for us do not have infinite resources, both in terms of money and time and they are prioritizing what they work on for the most effective use of the resources available. You may not regard it as complaining, but all you seem to do is cast shade on the efforts and progress that has been made. You are not helping, and you are drawing energy away from those of us that see a better future. Is that your objective? I have given you the admission you wanted. Can you be satisfied now? TLDR: Yes, you're absolutely right. Have a nice day and Merry Christmas.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    I worked for him for Anthony Colandro for a time. Great guy, treats everyone like family! I doubt anyone else has the stones he has, could walk the path he has and endure the arrows and threats he's had to face. Not to mention the overhead, payroll, insurances, personalities, standards, and compliance... He has been an advocate for all of us, beyond what we can comprehend, and has been the face and voice of opposition in Trenton and DC, when 99.9% of NJ gun owners don't even show up. I disparage no one or their opinions, but try not to judge since I can never know the full story. Just my 2 cents, not picking a fight.
  20. 1 point
    Rhetorical question since we are dealing with NJ, but how is it even remotely constitutional to require applicants to provide references in order to exercise a constitutional right? Try to imagine requiring people to provide references in order to register to vote, or to obtain a driver's license, which isn't a constitutional right. This is in addition to the fees an applicant has to pay, which are akin to a paying a "poll tax" in order to vote, which was deemed unconstitutional. This entire process is obviously designed to create as much friction as possible to discourage law abiding citizens from obtaining carry permits.
  21. 1 point
    I learned real fast that carrying guns all day is not fun once the initial novelty of doing so wears off. I went from an Sig P229 and Officer Sized 1911 to a few .380s like the Colt Mustang and Ruger LCP but mostly my Sig P365 and lots of snub nose revolvers to carry in my pocket. Funny that out of all the guns I owned and I owned over 70 that I bought and sold in the last 12 years, the pocket guns twice saved my bacon when I would not have worn a big gun that day. People really do not care what caliber or size gun you have. They do not want to be shot and I still not have run into the drug crazed guy they all talk about who can absorb shot after shot. Maybe I do not go to places where they hang out. :) I am now 71. Most of us in my retirement community of almost 150,000 seniors, start off with hip holster carry and end up with occasional pocket carry. No one has been murdered here since the 70's and the was an LEO couple who shot each other at their home. We have tourist visiting here and no outsiders can even find us in the maze we live in that covers 4 counties. Most others go decades with never even having to think about using the gun they are carrying and so they carry less and less and smaller and smaller when they do. Let's face it, most of us do not even know anyone who would have lived had they had a concealed gun.
  22. 0 points

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