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Everything posted by brucin

  1. It seems that the comments are turned off. I tried to post some "common sense info" about what happens to ammunition in a fire and was unable to.
  2. Having fired automatic weapons I can say without a doubt that you could not successfully engage a number of attackers armed with automatic weapons with a semi-auto handgun. Your best strategy as stated before would be a defensive retreat. This would maybe save some lives hopefully your own. The attackers will come in with a plan, perhaps trained and no fear of death so even if there are 10 armed good guys the best that would happen is the bad guys would focus their fire on the good guys. There will definitely be casualties on the good guys side. I'm not saying that it would have been a bad thing to have armed civilians there just that the attack would still have happened and there would still have been a substantial loss of life. At least here in most of America some people will have a fighting chance.
  3. 15 Minutes? That's a little long in my experience.
  4. PA does not require any class either for residents or non residents. You fill out the form and receive your permit.
  5. This man got his permit in a state where it is more convenient to get a LTC than it is to get a drivers license.. Why would he know or care about NJ laws. Being from NJ and NY I scrupulously study the laws because it is ingrained on the subjects of these states that "guns are bad". I had the pleasure of meeting Shaneen Allen a few weeks ago and she did not know that she could get a LTC until a month prior to her getting it. She explained that Filthadelphia puts up many road blocks to its citizens but she honestly believed that her permit was like her drivers license. Apparently she is not the only one. She also said that her neighbors have no idea that they have a right to get a LTC. The info is just not put out there. She is attempting to change that while also informing as many people as possible about staying out of NJ.
  6. I'm glad I wasn't taking a sip of beer when I read this.
  7. It's based on technology which in my 30 plus years of dealing with it will on occasion fail. If it fails when you need it you'll never need it again.
  8. I use welders gloves to work wood in my stove. Get good ones and you"ll be fine.
  9. Auction ended without a sale. It's a good price but if relisted remember the mags are quite expensive.
  10. It's NY you take what you can get. Wait till NJ safe act is implemented. Sweeny will have to beat out NY so who knows what kind of BS they'll ram down our throats.
  11. Sadly Cindy and I can't make it. Have fun everyone.
  12. They look like something out of a SYFY film but I like it in a geek sort of way.
  13. I got one. Estimated delivery to the store 3 weeks. WTF!!
  14. I'll be there with the Mrs. And the .410
  15. As other posters have said you can't go wrong with RTSP. Proud to be a member and proud to wear the shirt.
  16. As other posters have said you can't go wrong with RTSP. Proud to be a member and proud to wear the shirt.
  17. I have heard of ranges that limit what you can put in your magazine (PA state game land public ranges) but I think this is done to help facilitate target changes. The limit is 3 in a long gun and 6 in a pistol or revolver but I have seen people completely disregard the rules.
  18. depending on where you live you should be good to go in 1 to 10 months
  19. A sale starts Sunday I've been told by a sales rep.
  20. i believe the term was humane termination.
  21. Hope 10/18 is the day. I can make it and will bring a pumpkin or two.
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