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Everything posted by father-of-three

  1. Some stuff in 5.7 may interest me when I move back to the land of freedom in 2021. If Ruger can do for the ps90 what they did for the fn 57, I'm interested.
  2. Now that I realize you are talking about quitting smoking and not quitting your job, I wish you strength and endurance!
  3. I read that the good guy was either an off duty or retired FBI agent who was considered part of the church security. There were multiple gun owners there, at least 4.
  4. https://gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/026/482/362/original/476ca2d6c8d40cd7.mp4
  5. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.nj.com/news/2019/09/nj-fines-company-1m-for-backing-nra-insurance-program.html%3FoutputType%3Damp&ved=2ahUKEwicteSix7rmAhXQUt8KHVaMAmAQFjAAegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw0_LUKgDfugHX2annXx7R7d&ampcf=1
  6. I further question this State's mandation of lability insurance after they fined the company that has liability insurance for the NRA. They want insurance, but only on their terms, which tells me it is not about safety.
  7. This has the potential to be a wake up call (like many before). However, all the reps are in place to push this through. When I think of a state that will vote elected officials out of office to get unconstitutional legislation revoked or changed, New Jersey is one of the least likely states for this to happen. I would love to see it happen, I'm just not holding my breath.
  8. It looks nice, but too expensive for my budget. I am hoping to spend 100k less on a house when I move back to Pennsylvania.
  9. A 2a sanctuary was mentioned in Kansas recently by either the state or local government, but they did not adhere to it when higher authorities moved in to enforce it.
  10. My collection is eagerly awaiting Pennsylvania reunification with its 13,15, 17, 20, 21, 26, 30, and 33 round brothers!
  11. Yes. Accessibility vs concealability is a tricky balance. I do like and have read articles of people who have installed safes in between wall studs behind pictures and things like that. Very cool, but more expensive. Stolen firearms are a problem in any state, but the attitude I will describe as the demonization of firearms ownership in New Jersey, can make one greatly overthink this "balance."
  12. It's a standard combination safe that is cube-shaped, about 14x14x14. I bought it at walmart many years ago. I'm not a fan of walmart anymore, but a similar safe could probably be found in an office supply store or similar megastore. I originally had it in a large closet out of site. Granted, people look for things in certain places, and that is where the safe "hobby" can start to get expensive. Similar safes have holes so you can attach them to the floor of wall. I also load mine up with ammo and other heavy stuff to make it difficult to move. It's not a perfect science, but it's a start.
  13. I have a relatively inexpensive safe ($100) that has resisted entry by my ex-wife, or at least that is my suspicion. It is a three number combination safe that I have been using since 2008. It seems as though most of the safes in question are those that can be programmed.
  14. I can't speak to the 10mm cartridge, but I have found that the thicker slide that glock uses for their 10mm and .45 cal. models lowers the recoil significantly. At least that's my opinion on the glock 30. The recoil on the 30 was much less that I though it would be, given the size of the gun.
  15. https://heavy.com/news/2019/11/nathaniel-berhow/
  16. I wear the generic version when I run. It works for me.
  17. I pledge my support to Remington and will buy as much of their ammo as possible.
  18. From what I saw on nj.com, it looks like the Republicans picked up one assembly district, and one senate seat, but I dont recall if the senate seat was originally red or blue.
  19. Yep .....so an individual can effectively protect himself or herself in his or her own residence from multiple attackers who can be, and were actually armed. ...and...I'm sure their ar15 was "marked safe" on facebook when Beto dropped out of the Presidential primary race. ;-)
  20. On a fictional note, the movie "28 Days later" always hits me a little harder than other movies in that genre, being that the zombie, or rabid outbreak, happens in the UK where there is little or no way to protect oneself because that country's government has deemed that right to be unnecessary for the public. On a non-fictional note, I think the (sad) majority of the population, think government is too big to fail. I believe they disregard rights not currently needing to be exercised, as being irrelevant. Why should someone need the fifth and sixth amendments if they haven't done anything wrong?!?! This state has destroyed the credibility of its duty to warn law because of its hatred of guns. Other countries raise children to be terrorists with exposure to guns, whereas many here get taught to fear guns.
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