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Scary comment by NRA's Wayne LaPierre

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Should President Barack Obama secure a second term as president it will “break the back of the Second Amendment” and excise the right to bear arms from the Constitution, the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre tells Newsmax.TV.



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He may be correct. I think we have been lulled into a sense of false security during his first term, where he has pretty much avoided any 2A issues because he knows the power of the gun lobby. The gloves will come off in the second term. He comes from an anti-2a hotbed of northern IL and picks people like Holder and Emmanuel (now mayor of Chicago) it doesn't bode well for gun owners.




Pizza Bob

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All Obama has to do during a second term is replace one conservative Supreme Court justice with one liberal justice and Heller and McDonald will be overturned within a few years. The Second Amendment will become meaningless because it will be subject to any regulation where the government has "an interest." Mr. LaPierre was not exagerating.

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All Obama has to do during a second term is replace one conservative Supreme Court justice with one liberal justice and Heller and McDonald will be overturned within a few years. The Second Amendment will become meaningless because it will be subject to any regulation where the government has "an interest." Mr. LaPierre was not exagerating.


Don't forget what cold happen to the District and Circuit courts also.

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All Obama has to do during a second term is replace one conservative Supreme Court justice with one liberal justice and Heller and McDonald will be overturned within a few years. The Second Amendment will become meaningless because it will be subject to any regulation where the government has "an interest." Mr. LaPierre was not exagerating.


And if that happens, bs lawsuits from the anti gun blobby will explode, and snake their way to SCOTUS, where the 2A will be eliminated, along with whatever amendments are left by that time.

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If the 2nd amendment is deemed not to apply to civilians, does that mean "they" will come for our guns and ammo? What exactly is "their" plan? I imagine a massacre that will make Ruby Ridge and Waco look like a day at Disneyland if the boys in black start confiscating weapons on a large scale.


One of njgunforums members profile pic states something like "Our forefathers would be shooting already". Will it come to this? Will our military uphold their oath of protecting "us" from the domestic enemies (obama and co.) who choose to infringe upon our rights? Which side will police officers choose?


Or is all this talk just smoke and mirrors to keep the perpetual fear machine operating? Is there this backroom plan where the judiciary takes everything to the edge, by design, just to keep us on our toes?


The following commentary is from a web page I found as I was trying to understand how autoloading actions work, this is the very end of the article.


Quote below is from http://www.chuckhawks.com/autoload.htm.

I have not mentioned the military style autoloaders, the "assault rifles" as they are called by the antigun media, that are so popular today. While these do not appeal to me, I believe they should be called "Freedom rifles." These are exactly the sort of privately owned military style (militia) rifles the Founding Fathers specifically granted the people the RIGHT to maintain and bear without interference, in order to preserve our freedom. The Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights was written to insure that this freedom would never be abridged. These are generally gas operated, like the 7400 or BAR, and while some of these could be used for hunting or target shooting, that is not their primary purpose. However, that is another article . . . .


I will refer to mine as "FR's" from now on.

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I read a long time ago somewhere that gun bans only work if the public cooperates. Question is, given the huge momentum with gun rights, conceal carry in a lot of the states, ammo and firearms sales up significantly and new gun owners every day. Does anyone realistically think that if 'they' "break the back of second amendment", will the public stand for it?


I think the a lot of the momentum for the conceal carry movement seems to have started years ago as a backlash to the Clinton gun legislation. Illinois was the first state to have complete handgun gun bans in some of their communities...In 1981 Morton Grove prohibited hanguns http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morton_Grove,_Illinois.


Perhaps as a reaction to the Morton Grove ordinance, 1982 Kennesaw Georgia made it a law to maintain a firearm in your house. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kennesaw,_Georgia


The public perception of firearms has turned over the years to self defense from its original sporting and hunting persona. Are the masses ready to give up their right to self defense? Hell no. We have a right to self defense in this country unlike the UK or Australia.


Given such recent incidents as 'fast and furious' the public is now more aware than ever of what is going on behind the scenes. Will we end up like Australia and England with their gun bans and required turning in of weapons? I cannot see it without the public rising up and saying no and refusing to comply in most states.


If the second amendment was 'broken' I think it would point out that this country has much more problems coming shortly after. Disarming the public is the first step toward a takeover by a dictatorship. The second amendment is in place to ensure such things do not happen in a free society.


One might argue that the UK wasn't taken over after they pretty much effectively banned guns. In fact England is now a virtual police state with cameras on every corner, on streets, on highways, in all shopping areas, in the countryside...everywhere. The UK also has high crime and their citizens cannot defend themselves in any manner without getting prosecuted themselves. Is that where we are heading?


Our founding fathers and the countless men and women who fought over the decades and centuries to make and help keep this country free must be spinning in their graves to see what this nation is becoming. Some have said that this could be the last truly free generation, I hope that is not the case.


It is our hope that our children and our grand children and for future generations ahead that we must keep this nation free. To keep and maintain our rights to defend ourselves just like our forefathers have envisioned. For if we lose in this generation, we have let our future generations down as well as any possible hope for their future. If we give up our rights, we have pissed on the grave of every person who fought for this country to keep it free.

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"Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties." Abraham Lincoln


"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." Abraham Lincoln

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Just look at Obama's record, it is solidly anti-gun and always has been. He's also shown contempt for Congress with the infamous "...as I see fit." This is the President that sponsored Fast and Furious. Look at his two SCOTUS appointees. Heck, Sotomayor lied to Congress by calling McDonald "settled law." Yes, he will go full throttle after all guns and ammo, do not make any mistake about it. The next POTUS has the potential to appoint up to three more Justices. If that's Obama, the game is over. Romney isn't terribly better, either (but far better than Obama).


As for blood in the streets, I doubt it would happen. A lot of guys talk the talk, but when the moment comes, most people will just turn in their weapons. Sure, a couple of guys will go down shooting, but they are the extreme minority. Look no further than the disarmament in Britain where citizens "voluntarily" turned in their guns. Or look at what happened in Nazi Germany with gun registration and then confiscation, same thing.


It will begin with registration which then leads to confiscation. The Feds know about every weapon you own. It will go one step at a time. Each step won't look like "the end," but there is another step right behind it. It will start with AWB being reinstated and then proceed from there. Remember, they know where you live and what you have. So, no, Wayne LaPierre is not exaggerating at all.

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Just look at Obama's record, it is solidly anti-gun and always has been. He's also shown contempt for Congress with the infamous "...as I see fit." This is the President that sponsored Fast and Furious. Look at his two SCOTUS appointees. Heck, Sotomayor lied to Congress by calling McDonald "settled law." Yes, he will go full throttle after all guns and ammo, do not make any mistake about it. The next POTUS has the potential to appoint up to three more Justices. If that's Obama, the game is over. Romney isn't terribly better, either (but far better than Obama).


As for blood in the streets, I doubt it would happen. A lot of guys talk the talk, but when the moment comes, most people will just turn in their weapons. Sure, a couple of guys will go down shooting, but they are the extreme minority. Look no further than the disarmament in Britain where citizens "voluntarily" turned in their guns. Or look at what happened in Nazi Germany with gun registration and then confiscation, same thing.


It will begin with registration which then leads to confiscation. The Feds know about every weapon you own. It will go one step at a time. Each step won't look like "the end," but there is another step right behind it. It will start with AWB being reinstated and then proceed from there. Remember, they know where you live and what you have. So, no, Wayne LaPierre is not exaggerating at all.


The following is a synopsis of Orwells 1984, I changed the words in red for effect. Clipped it from wikipedia.

Two thousand fourteen (first published in 1949) by George Orwell is a dystopian reality about America, a society ruled by the oligarchical dictatorship of the Party.[1] Life in the American province of New Jersey is a world of perpetual war, pervasive government surveillance, and incessant public mind control, accomplished with a political system euphemistically named English Socialism (Ingsoc), which is administrated by a privileged Inner Party elite.[2] Yet they too are subordinated to the totalitarian cult of personality of Big Brother, the deified Party leader who rules with a philosophy that decries individuality and reason as thoughtcrimes; thus the people of America are subordinated to a supposed collective greater good.[1] The protagonist, Joe the Plumber, is a member of the Outer Party who works for the Ministry of Truth (Minitrue), which is responsible for propaganda and historical revisionism. His job is to re-write past newspaper articles so that the historical record is congruent with the current party ideology.[3] Because of the childhood trauma of the destruction of his family — the disappearances of his parents and sister — Joe the Plumber secretly hates the Party, and dreams of rebellion against Big Brother.


Not to far off huh.

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And the Drone UAV's flying over yer head will read yer plates when yer parked at a range, or at the gun store, OMG!



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The following is a synopsis of Orwells 1984, I changed the words in red for effect. Clipped it from wikipedia.

Two thousand fourteen (first published in 1949) by George Orwell is a dystopian reality about America, a society ruled by the oligarchical dictatorship of the Party.[1] Life in the American province of New Jersey is a world of perpetual war, pervasive government surveillance, and incessant public mind control, accomplished with a political system euphemistically named English Socialism (Ingsoc), which is administrated by a privileged Inner Party elite.[2] Yet they too are subordinated to the totalitarian cult of personality of Big Brother, the deified Party leader who rules with a philosophy that decries individuality and reason as thoughtcrimes; thus the people of America are subordinated to a supposed collective greater good.[1] The protagonist, Joe the Plumber, is a member of the Outer Party who works for the Ministry of Truth (Minitrue), which is responsible for propaganda and historical revisionism. His job is to re-write past newspaper articles so that the historical record is congruent with the current party ideology.[3] Because of the childhood trauma of the destruction of his family — the disappearances of his parents and sister — Joe the Plumber secretly hates the Party, and dreams of rebellion against Big Brother.


Not to far off huh.


Sadly, this is already in place back home. We were lucky to get out when we did. Yeah, it could happen never to us, not here. This is a modern, democratic country. Except that it did happen. Unfortunately, this stuff can and does happen. We're not there yet in the US, thankfully.

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One can only hope that it doesn't come down to a ban on firearms. That is the worst thing that could happen. If it does, I feel that many people's hands will be forced. When you have no other option, what is left? As the saying goes, "freedom isn't free". Lots of Freedom Rifles (I like the term, as coined above) will be tested and the real cost of freedom will be seen. Fortunately for those who stand for freedom, many tyrants are cowards.

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One can only hope that it doesn't come down to a ban on firearms. That is the worst thing that could happen. If it does, I feel that many people's hands will be forced. When you have no other option, what is left? As the saying goes, "freedom isn't free". Lots of Freedom Rifles (I like the term, as coined above) will be tested and the real cost of freedom will be seen. Fortunately for those who stand for freedom, many tyrants are cowards.


I see a government that tries to take away guns from US citizens as a act of treason!!!

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I see a government that tries to take away guns from US citizens as a act of treason!!!


It is in fact. Unfortunately because they have the power, they will claim those that dissent them are the ones who are treasonous. The truth doesn't matter.


Straight from the US Constitution


Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court

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It is in fact. Unfortunately because they have the power, they will claim those that dissent them are the ones who are treasonous. The truth doesn't matter.


Straight from the US Constitution


It is not in fact treason. Your own quote spells it out. It isn't a declaration of war on the nation, and it isn't aiding and abetting an enemy of the nation (i.e. some nation or power we are at war with).


In general dictionary terms, what they would be doing would be considered sedition, the undermining of the constitution and bill of rights, our founding laws that are to be adhered to unless lawfully changed. But that doesn't work either because our sedition laws don't cover such behavior. In fact the closes our sedition laws come in contact with the regulations on the 2nd amendment is the question that asks if you have advocated the overthrow of the government, or are a member of a group that does so. That's there because of the Alien Registration act of 1940, which defines sedition as doing just that.


The espionage act of 1917 also covers as sedition if you "willfully spread false news of the American army and navy with an intent to disrupt their operations, to foment mutiny in their ranks, or to obstruct recruiting" which doesn't cover what you are upset by either.

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It is not in fact treason. Your own quote spells it out.


You are correct. I was going to edit my post, but forgot about it. Though it is not treason, it gets very close to that line, by means of becoming an act that is akin to the start of levying a war against us. So in its own capacity, it is not. But when coupled with other acts...it could lead to one.

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It is not in fact treason. Your own quote spells it out. It isn't a declaration of war on the nation, and it isn't aiding and abetting an enemy of the nation (i.e. some nation or power we are at war with).


In general dictionary terms, what they would be doing would be considered sedition, the undermining of the constitution and bill of rights, our founding laws that are to be adhered to unless lawfully changed. But that doesn't work either because our sedition laws don't cover such behavior. In fact the closes our sedition laws come in contact with the regulations on the 2nd amendment is the question that asks if you have advocated the overthrow of the government, or are a member of a group that does so. That's there because of the Alien Registration act of 1940, which defines sedition as doing just that.


The espionage act of 1917 also covers as sedition if you "willfully spread false news of the American army and navy with an intent to disrupt their operations, to foment mutiny in their ranks, or to obstruct recruiting" which doesn't cover what you are upset by either.


Wish I had you for history class. Seriously.

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One can only hope that it doesn't come down to a ban on firearms. That is the worst thing that could happen. If it does, I feel that many people's hands will be forced. When you have no other option, what is left? As the saying goes, "freedom isn't free". Lots of Freedom Rifles (I like the term, as coined above) will be tested and the real cost of freedom will be seen. Fortunately for those who stand for freedom, many tyrants are cowards.


That's why they have others to do their fighting for them.

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The reason I mentioned it is because most people that haven't been through it before seem to think the government is going to kick in all doors over the course of a week and there will be a revolution. In 20 years I can see that, but next year they'd just do it the same way they have in the past. Set a date, after that, you get caught, you go to federal prison for 10 years. They are not going to give an excuse to everybody to rise up and resist all at the same time.

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Is anyone forgetting that the POTUS does not write and pass laws all by himself (he only signs them into law)?

Congress won't even hear any anti gun legislation now. Even the dems in the house and senate won't touch it.


Obama had his shot at a Dem controlled House and Senate. That won't happen again even if he gets elected, so I don't see how you guys really think it is plausible that ANYTHING even remotely close to this will happen if he gets elected for a 2nd term (and god help this country if he is elected again).

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Executive orders, however, are not lasting and binding. They are not law. If Obama attemPts such action(which I don't think he will) the blowback will most certainly be a republican administration following a second term. Look at the blowback against Clinton after the AWB. 1996 republican revolution was due in large part to blowback from the middle ofthe country. Same thing would happen here. Next potus is republican and rescinds the executive order since it will be part of the election platform. Massive and lasting change must come through legislation or judicial action. Take heart.

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