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Let Us Never Forget.

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Hey guys,


I'm rather new here, but some of you may have noticed that since day one, I've had a remember 9/11 picture as my avatar. That event has become more and more important to me, and I use that avatar among other things to make sure that I never forget, regardless of the day or year.


I was in 5th grade when America was attacked, and although the scale of the destruction and the tragic loss didn't occur to me until several years after, I distinctly remember I was learning about the Revolutionary War as children were being called out of my classroom slowly but steadily. I was learning about the foundation of this country and why those ideas were worth risking everything for.


I also remember how for the first time in a long time, everybody, regardless of their race, creed, or political affiliation came together as a united people. We were never prouder to hold the most prestigious title on earth: Americans.


11 years later the problems we face are different. The economy is enduring hard times and the future is uncertain. I just hope that no matter what, we don't get so caught up in the election season or the politics of the day and forget how we are all still Americans. Together we can accomplish great things and overcome great obstacles.


Let's ensure the freedom we enjoy gives great meaning to those who gave their lives to defend it.

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Every year, my heart breaks all over again. It was a tough day for me, but I also feel guilty for having it affecte so much when compared to the suffering of others that I know and don't know. It seems trivial to reminisce about my own pain when my countrymen, friends, family and fellow new yorkers have suffered so much more.


Never Forget.

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I have no problem remembering it or being reminded to remembering it. What I won't fall prey to is the constant TV presentations and such that goes on for hours on end. Example: The reading of the names on WPIX... Insane... Quick chat about it and let it go...

I miss my dad too, but I don't go ga-ga every year the day he died. I just miss him and remember him every now and then. That's how I deal with it.


It is time, far past time, for the despondent state of remembrance to end...........


This does nothing but project weakness and sadly enough, proves how weak we are.........


It is a travesty to their memory to do this, as it has been done, year after year, after year..................ad nauseum



There are far better ways to help those that lost, those that are dying still from the effects and the rest of the nation to deal with this.......* THIS * is NOT the way....... IMNSHO

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To all who lost loved one's I'm sorry for you. However they should grieve in private, Its time for the media to back off with their circus antics. The more this is publicized the more the terrorist want to repeat this cowardly act. JMHO.

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Yup, good way of putting it.


To all who lost loved one's I'm sorry for you. However they should grieve in private, Its time for the media to back off with their circus antics. The more this is publicized the more the terrorist want to repeat this cowardly act. JMHO.

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My feeling is that people may remember or mourn in any way they wish without judgment or contempt from anyone. If it helps some to hear the name of their lost loved one, then carry on. Don't like it? Don't listen. Me? I'm going to work in manhattan today.


Furthermore, if someone I know has had their dad die in a towering inferno or crushed under collapsed buildings or in a spectacular plane crash as a result of true mass murder....and they want to go "gaga"? So be it. Not for me to judge. If you let other people dictate how you live your life and remember your dead, the terrorists win.



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My feeling is that people may remember or mourn in any way they wish without judgment or contempt from anyone. If it helps some to hear the name of their lost loved one, then carry on. Don't like it? Don't listen. Me? I'm going to work in manhattan today.


Furthermore, if someone I know has had their dad die in a towering inferno or crushed under collapsed buildings or in a spectacular plane crash as a result of true mass murder....and they want to go "gaga"? So be it. Not for me to judge. If you let other people dictate how you live your life and remember your dead, the terrorists win.





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A day i will never forget , i was in Florida ( Disneyworld ) when the planes hit , being so far from home and not knowing exactly what happenned was very disturbing , they announced the parks were closing and made everyone go back to their hotels , finally being able to get through to talk to my folks and hearing the distress in my dads voice was hard to take , flying home was a feeling i never hope to have again especially when 3 guys in suits boarded the plane asking for a certain indidviduals credentials , i never felt so tense in my life ...... God bless all the Fallen .. God Bless America

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There were family friends that died at the Pentagon that day, some I knew and some I didn't. None that I was personally close with, but knew through close family.


Bin Laden said his goal was the our nations would turn against us. In order to protect us from him, they would destroy the freedom we so cherish.


He won. It was a mortal blow to us that only bleeds at an exponentially increasing rate every day, even since his death. I think it's getting close to time to just forget.

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I, for one, am shocked and dismayed by the sentiment that we should not publicly declare our grief. It is up to each to remember and honor those lost and wounded as they wish,


How many of those who feel it is time to move on were downtown eleven years ago today? How many are old enough to really know what it was like. Hint: my office was on the 102nd floor of One Word Trade.


It is not my intent to start a war of words, just provide a counterpoint. I will not denigrate the memory of my friends by continuing a discussion on this matter.


We will never forget

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While I am saddened that so many died, I am on the "enough is enough" side.


The statement "we will never forget" is true, since we are reminded year after year. Every hear we have to listen to "where were you when it happened" It get's old.


Again, call me what you wish....but so many people pass on a daily basis, some in tragic instances, like this. Others in lesser ways, but there comes a time where you must move on. Is it sad? yes. But there has to be other ways. When a loved one passes, you create memorials. Have your own ways to grieve. But the on going reminder every year is enough. 101.5 all day long....where were you? tell us your stories. Every hour we hear a montage of music, and Bush speeches.


How about all those sailors who died in Pearl harbor? What about all the lives we lost in Vietnam, when we shouldn't even have been there (another topic we can talk about forever). Even all the lives we lost in the Mid East because of this? No one stops and remembers any of them once a year. While I am not saying you can not publicly grieve, that is your decision, but i don't feel everyone else should be drowned by the past.


This is just my personal feelings....let the hate comments commence

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How about all those sailors who died in Pearl harbor?


You know there is already a day to remember that, right? Ask anyone who was alive then and they can still tell you exactly where they were. That's after 70 years. Should we be surprised the scars from a similar event are still fresh after a mere 11?


The biggest difference between the two events is that if this was 11 years after Pearl we would have already dropped 20 kilotons and ended this mess.


As to the coverage, Even now more and more of the media is about the rebuilding. As it should be.

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Pearl Harbor did not result in complete extinguishment of the entire Constitution, totalitarian statism, and a police state that exceeds anything the Soviet Union could have ever dreamed of. Before 2011, you had some rights. Now, you have none. The chains may be comfortable for most of us, but no modern Western countries treat their citizens without due process and as subjects like we do.


Nothing here remains.

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What about all the lives we lost in Vietnam, when we shouldn't even have been there (another topic we can talk about forever). Even all the lives we lost in the Mid East because of this? No one stops and remembers any of them once a year.



Memorial Day isn't good enough for you?






Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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We Americans still need to come together in our Grief and our Anger, and our Resolve!


Thanks for posting this. God bless the USA and our American way of life.

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You know there is already a day to remember that, right? Ask anyone who was alive then and they can still tell you exactly where they were. That's after 70 years. Should we be surprised the scars from a similar event are still fresh after a mere 11?


The biggest difference between the two events is that if this was 11 years after Pearl we would have already dropped 20 kilotons and ended this mess.


As to the coverage, Even now more and more of the media is about the rebuilding. As it should be.


Go pick a random high school, walk in and start asking kids what significance 12/7 has.

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Just like most national tragedies, there will be a generational shift in how things like this are perceived. Walk into a random high school today and note that most were just getting into elementary school when it happened. If the attacks happened on 9-12 and it was referred to as the WTC attacks rather than 9-11, most kids wouldnt be able to tell you the date either. Im sure however, they can tell you a bit (hopefully) about the events that unfolded at Pearl Harbor.


9-11 had a minimal impact on today's youth because they were too young to witness and understand it. All of us deal with things differently. A lot have moved on since 9-11, a lot still cant cope with what happened or who they lost. So it is a time to show respect and reflect on what has happened just like any other tragedy, but we should not let our lives be consumed by it. If you are a news agency, it is just as taboo not to have wall to wall 9-11 coverage just as it is for a politician not to wear a US Flag pin on their suit.

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If you are a news agency, it is just as taboo not to have wall to wall 9-11 coverage just as it is for a politician not to wear a US Flag pin on their suit.


Interesting article on this very subject: http://publiceditor.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/09/11/how-to-cover-the-11th-anniversary-of-911/

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