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I believe it was Prof. Hubert Farnsworth (from Futurama) who said, " I don't want to live on this planet anymore." That pretty much sums up my mood right now.

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I believe it was Prof. Hubert Farnsworth (from Futurama) who said, " I don't want to live on this planet anymore." That pretty much sums up my mood right now.


Never underestimate the stupidity of the average American voter. Remember we ultimately get the government we deserve. Now, tell me all about this concept of nominating the "most electable" candidate again. Congratulations GOP, you nominated another turd. Just once I want to vote for a candidate I like and not just vote for the one I hate the least. What a shame, we're screwed.

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I'm a big fan of criticizing people for not voting, because if you don't vote you can't complain is a valid position. We all know nobody under 18 is ever effected by politics and should not be allowed to complain. Nobody that lives in the US but isn't eligible to vote has the right to care, as they are never effected. And of course voting with a "lesser of two evils" mentality is far superior to educating yourself and voting on a candidate that you don't find evil. Better yet, what happens when you vote for the winner and it turns out they suck? Can you complain then? I mean you did vote...

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Never underestimate the stupidity of the average American voter. Remember we ultimately get the government we deserve. Now, tell me all about this concept of nominating the "most electable" candidate again. Congratulations GOP, you nominated another turd. Just once I want to vote for a candidate I like and not just vote for the one I hate the least. What a shame, we're screwed.


I love this quote.


Well done.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Honestly, if we elected some even more conservative.... it would do no good. I don't see any conservatives who did not turn out for Romney, in fact, we may still win the popular vote.


the issue is the vast majority of the people whose belief of reliance on big government. The changing of the country to more where people who would rather be in the Soviet Union than in a country with opportunity to take care of themselves.


Look at NJ, the ghettos of Trenton, Newark and Camden won the vote. Every other county went Romney.

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I believe it was Prof. Hubert Farnsworth (from Futurama) who said, " I don't want to live on this planet anymore." That pretty much sums up my mood right now.


This was one of my first reactions as well.



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My family and I are sick to our stomachs. Wife asked where can we go? I'm thinking buy more guns and ammo ASAP. Best friend said Texas before a civil war breaks out when the US dollar collapses. UgH

Feeling sick. Nite

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People call it "mindless" to vote for Obama. I don't know about you guys, but for most of my generation, health insurance and student loans are pretty big issues. But hey, whatever helps you sleep better at night. Surely you are the white knight defenders of hope, freedom, and the 1% way, and all those mindless zombies are the bad guys.


Do you really think a man who claims to believe God lives on Planet Kolob with his many wives should have nuclear launch codes?

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People call it "mindless" to vote for Obama. I don't know about you guys, but for most of my generation, health insurance and student loans are pretty big issues. But hey, whatever helps you sleep better at night. Surely you are the white knight defenders of hope, freedom, and the 1% way, and all those mindless zombies are the bad guys.


Do you really think a man who claims to believe God lives on Planet Kolob with his many wives should have nuclear launch codes?


I dont think those are issues for the government to solve.


Student loan rates are low as it is, secondly, it is not the governmen't job to control your rate. Secondly, as far as health insurance... in NJ you were already able to buy insurance. The big issues, and this is a big one....


its about size of federal government. Do you want the government to tell you what car to drive, where to shit, and what you can eat? What guns you may own?


Or should that be up to your local government of which you are part of.


The Federal Government's job is to enforce the god given rights, and those afforded to us by the US Constitution, not some crap some bureaucrat thought would be a good idea. Once again, that should be the local government's job, to create laws and statutes that matter and relate to the local issues. Not turn a local issue into something everyone has to deal with.

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Hey man, whatever helps people not come out of school 100k in debt, or get sick and go broke. I've been in the workforce for ten years and have yet to see the sort of corporate generosity and rosy-posy trickle down that Republicans talk about out in the real world. Seen a couple companies that treat their employees good, and the vast majority would likely pay you $1/hr if only the law didn't say they can't. I see you are a immigrant from a communist country so I can understand your aversion to this sort of thinking. I assure you, despite all the conservative straw man boogey man arguments, liberal people aren't sitting around hoping to install soviet communism in the USA. I'm on a gun forum so I think my stance on nanny state is pretty obvious, and yes i like the scary black guns too.


People are just tired. Tired of being paid like shit, treated like shit, starting ten steps behind some guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth, wearing glasses with the wrong prescription cause they cant afford an eye exam, you get the picture. I know a lot of people are also tired of aspiring to antiquated ideals written by a handful of extremely wealthy men 250 years ago for an agrarian society. The kind of society that bases its economic and labor ideals on a doctrine written before the industrial revolution.


Yes things like freedom of speech, religion, equal protection, due process, are timeless. But voting on a Tuesday because you can't travel on the Sabbath and Wednesday is market day is not.


Also, the social stance of most conservatives is flat out laughable to people my age. Legitimate rape? Holding panels on abortion with no women present? Saying you "tasted a beer once as a wayward youth and never again" (actual Romney quote). Against contraceptives? Yeah sure, we'll all just wait until marriage to have sex. You know, like they did in that American Pie movie. LOL. It's just laughable. The guy made it almost to the office of the president of the USA and no one ever asked him "Hey man, you seriously believe black people are cursed with their dark skin because of the sins of Cain?" That's just the kind of bs that makes them have 0 credibility with anyone now, and it's only going to get worse as time goes on.


There's a common ground and I hope that in my lifetime, as the spoiled rotten baby boomers, who reaped all the benefits of the "easy mode" 50s die off that maybe I will see it in my lifetime.

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Hey man, whatever helps people not come out of school 100k in debt, or get sick and go broke. I've been in the workforce for ten years and have yet to see the sort of corporate generosity and rosy-posy trickle down that Republicans talk about out in the real world. Seen a couple companies that treat their employees good, and the vast majority would likely pay you $1/hr if only the law didn't say they can't. I see you are a immigrant from a communist country so I can understand your aversion to this sort of thinking. I assure you, despite all the conservative straw man boogey man arguments, liberal people aren't sitting around hoping to install soviet communism in the USA. I'm on a gun forum so I think my stance on nanny state is pretty obvious, and yes i like the scary black guns too.


People are just tired. Tired of being paid like shit, treated like shit, starting ten steps behind some guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth, wearing glasses with the wrong prescription cause they cant afford an eye exam, you get the picture. I know a lot of people are also tired of aspiring to antiquated ideals written by a handful of extremely wealthy men 250 years ago for an agrarian society. The kind of society that bases its economic and labor ideals on a doctrine written before the industrial revolution.


Yes things like freedom of speech, religion, equal protection, due process, are timeless. But voting on a Tuesday because you can't travel on the Sabbath and Wednesday is market day is not.


There's a common ground and I hope that in my lifetime, as the spoiled rotten baby boomers, who reaped all the benefits of the "easy mode" 50s die off that maybe I will see it in my lifetime.


Stop your entitlement bitching.


You do not have to go to a school and have 100k in loans. Go to a community college. School means jack shit anyway. I am paying off my loans as anyone else did for school, for half of it I worked and paid. In the end, it was a waste of money anyway.


Nothing stops you from opening a business and taking a risk.


As a business owner, I do not owe you a job, or a decent wage. Earn it.


Same thing with insurance. You can already buy it, I do not owe you health insurance.


I donate my time and money to charities because I want to, not because I have to.


I reward and compensate people based on results, not some arbitrary number for someone to sit on their ass for an hour a day on facebook "liking" shit.


I afford myself the opportunity to do so.



See the difference?


Where in the constitution does it mention anything about paying for your college/student loans, having a high salary, or anything else?


You know what the constitution contains? your rights, to practice religion, free speech, guns, and most of all, the opportunity for you to make your own life.

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There is really no need to argue. The American people already spoke tonight. Elections matter, opinions on this forum really don't. :)


And so has this forum. Have a nice life. There is no place for your condescending attitude here.


Btw... as many people in the United States disagree with your entitlement BS. =) You will have no sympathies from me when your boss cuts your health insurance (opts out of obamacare) or cuts your hours or wages because his taxes are going up.

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Tipping point has already been reached, IMHO, that's why Romney lost. There are more people that will vote for more handouts than those that will not. Expect large tax increases, less business investment, more government hiring of burueaucrats, crony capitalism for large businesses, smalls to decline further.

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Whatever it is worth, my state...Kentucky...61% went for Romney , and the next state closest to me... Indiana ...also went to Romney. Well, y'all can head over here for a spell...until the New Madrid Earthquake happens...then we all could climb over the rubble and head to Arizona or Texas...

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Have fun paying for the baby boomers, sonny, including Obama, and me in a few short years. You'll be working to keep us alive & the pensions flowing far longer than we will have worked ourselves, and forget about getting anything resembling decent health care by the time us geriatric types get our 'fair share that we worked for' . Kids today---such suckers----

Hey man, whatever helps people not come out of school 100k in debt, or get sick and go broke. I've been in the workforce for ten years and have yet to see the sort of corporate generosity and rosy-posy trickle down that Republicans talk about out in the real world. Seen a couple companies that treat their employees good, and the vast majority would likely pay you $1/hr if only the law didn't say they can't. I see you are a immigrant from a communist country so I can understand your aversion to this sort of thinking. I assure you, despite all the conservative straw man boogey man arguments, liberal people aren't sitting around hoping to install soviet communism in the USA. I'm on a gun forum so I think my stance on nanny state is pretty obvious, and yes i like the scary black guns too.


People are just tired. Tired of being paid like shit, treated like shit, starting ten steps behind some guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth, wearing glasses with the wrong prescription cause they cant afford an eye exam, you get the picture. I know a lot of people are also tired of aspiring to antiquated ideals written by a handful of extremely wealthy men 250 years ago for an agrarian society. The kind of society that bases its economic and labor ideals on a doctrine written before the industrial revolution.


Yes things like freedom of speech, religion, equal protection, due process, are timeless. But voting on a Tuesday because you can't travel on the Sabbath and Wednesday is market day is not.


Also, the social stance of most conservatives is flat out laughable to people my age. Legitimate rape? Holding panels on abortion with no women present? Saying you "tasted a beer once as a wayward youth and never again" (actual Romney quote). Against contraceptives? Yeah sure, we'll all just wait until marriage to have sex. You know, like they did in that American Pie movie. LOL. It's just laughable. The guy made it almost to the office of the president of the USA and no one ever asked him "Hey man, you seriously believe black people are cursed with their dark skin because of the sins of Cain?" That's just the kind of bs that makes them have 0 credibility with anyone now, and it's only going to get worse as time goes on.


There's a common ground and I hope that in my lifetime, as the spoiled rotten baby boomers, who reaped all the benefits of the "easy mode" 50s die off that maybe I will see it in my lifetime.

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Stop your entitlement bitching.


You do not have to go to a school and have 100k in loans. Go to a community college. School means jack shit anyway. I am paying off my loans as anyone else did for school, for half of it I worked and paid. In the end, it was a waste of money anyway.


Nothing stops you from opening a business and taking a risk.


As a business owner, I do not owe you a job, or a decent wage. Earn it.


Same thing with insurance. You can already buy it, I do not owe you health insurance.


I donate my time and money to charities because I want to, not because I have to.


I reward and compensate people based on results, not some arbitrary number for someone to sit on their ass for an hour a day on facebook "liking" shit.


I afford myself the opportunity to do so.



See the difference?


Where in the constitution does it mention anything about paying for your college/student loans, having a high salary, or anything else?


You know what the constitution contains? your rights, to practice religion, free speech, guns, and most of all, the opportunity for you to make your own life.





It is intellectual honesty like this that still gives me hope for this nation. Self-reliance vs selfishness has to be rebooted in this country. I urge all of you to get involved locally to reduce government size and spending. We as individuals can not effect national issues, but we can tilt the scales in our own community. God bless America.

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I love how people think Obamacare = Free health care. It doesn't. It simply means you are REQUIRED to have health care. Many companies will go to a 30 hour work week to avoid the penalties for not giving health care. You however, will still be required by law to pay for it on your own. It's especially satisfying to me that this will affect the 27-33 year olds who voted for Obama in droves. I had no health care when I was that age because I didn't need it and couldn't afford it. Now all those people that are healthy will be paying to subsidize my health care as I age and fall apart.

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What bugs me is that all the democrats are chosen when you get in the voting booth, then you have to push the correct button to change your vote..

no one should be chosen before entering, how many people are their that con not figure out how to select their vote and just cast the pre chosen electorals..

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Hard to have hope... the Tea Party couldn't pull it off, the next election is almost a guaranteed republican win, which means the GOP will get whatever candidate they want, which could very well mean Chris Christie (WARNING GUN OWNERS), and by then, if we aren't already in the shape Greece is in, we'll be so far down the socialist barrel that it may not be reversible without a revolution, and I don't see it being a VOTING revolution: THEY outnumber US. When there's more people taking than giving, it's over.


Hate to be pessimistic, but I just went into prepper mode. Make fun all you want.

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Hey man, whatever helps people not come out of school 100k in debt, or get sick and go broke. I've been in the workforce for ten years and have yet to see the sort of corporate generosity and rosy-posy trickle down that Republicans talk about out in the real world. Seen a couple companies that treat their employees good, and the vast majority would likely pay you $1/hr if only the law didn't say they can't. I see you are a immigrant from a communist country so I can understand your aversion to this sort of thinking. I assure you, despite all the conservative straw man boogey man arguments, liberal people aren't sitting around hoping to install soviet communism in the USA. I'm on a gun forum so I think my stance on nanny state is pretty obvious, and yes i like the scary black guns too.


People are just tired. Tired of being paid like shit, treated like shit, starting ten steps behind some guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth, wearing glasses with the wrong prescription cause they cant afford an eye exam, you get the picture. I know a lot of people are also tired of aspiring to antiquated ideals written by a handful of extremely wealthy men 250 years ago for an agrarian society. The kind of society that bases its economic and labor ideals on a doctrine written before the industrial revolution.


Yes things like freedom of speech, religion, equal protection, due process, are timeless. But voting on a Tuesday because you can't travel on the Sabbath and Wednesday is market day is not.


Also, the social stance of most conservatives is flat out laughable to people my age. Legitimate rape? Holding panels on abortion with no women present? Saying you "tasted a beer once as a wayward youth and never again" (actual Romney quote). Against contraceptives? Yeah sure, we'll all just wait until marriage to have sex. You know, like they did in that American Pie movie. LOL. It's just laughable. The guy made it almost to the office of the president of the USA and no one ever asked him "Hey man, you seriously believe black people are cursed with their dark skin because of the sins of Cain?" That's just the kind of bs that makes them have 0 credibility with anyone now, and it's only going to get worse as time goes on.


There's a common ground and I hope that in my lifetime, as the spoiled rotten baby boomers, who reaped all the benefits of the "easy mode" 50s die off that maybe I will see it in my lifetime.


This will twist your noodle, if the government did not subsidize education and artificially lower interest rates i.e. interfere with the free market in education, would tuition be as high as it is today? Probably not. Health care is no different, do you think millions more with insurance will lower the cost if the demand on the existing system is increased by 30%? Short answer it will not. Priciest will explode and the gig government types will be back demonic ing "big insurance, big pharma and the evil overpaid doctors". Want to lower health care, incentivize carreer choices in the health care industry with lower tax rates, create a pharmaceutical patent law that allows a pharma company more time to cover R&D and regulatory compliance costs in exchange for a reduction on the average cost per dose. Create a truly free market in healthcare where people can purchase plans they want instead of plans that are required by bureaucrats to cover all sorts of things people do not want or need.


This election is proof we are done as a nation, we are no longer capable of holding our elected officials accountable for their incompetence, too many have come to depend upon govenrment for government to be effectively restrained by the constitution. If something can not continue forever it will end and the end is in sight. Time to pick your most like minded state and get there ASAP, it is only a matter of time before you may find yourself unable to get there and behind enemy lines.

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There is really no need to argue. The American people already spoke tonight. Elections matter, opinions on this forum really don't. :)


Well thats like saying the opinions of 49% don't matter because 51% have spoken. All the American people have spoken about is that they are still remarkably divided and will continue to do so. There was no huge groundswell of support of either candidate, we damn near perfectly divided. Half the country would have yelled at the other half "You losers" and the other half would have yelled back "You are idiots" not matter which candidate won. This is the biggest flipping problem we see every day, not which nitwit sits in a old house in DC.


We are always going to hold different opinions in this country and that's fine, it is supposed to be that way, But we are supposed to respect each others opinions and defend each others right to express them and NOT infringe on the rights of half the country because we won a popularity contest by meaninglessly small margin.


This goes both way btw, both parties are guilty at this, I'm a recovering Republican who's always been a libertarian but bought one side of the bs. I'm not ashamed to admit I've been guilty of the crap I'm complaining about, but I'd like think I got over it. We really need to get away from this two party system, and the us vs them stance.

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Hey man, whatever helps people not come out of school 100k in debt, or get sick and go broke. I've been in the workforce for ten years and have yet to see the sort of corporate generosity and rosy-posy trickle down that Republicans talk about out in the real world. Seen a couple companies that treat their employees good, and the vast majority would likely pay you $1/hr if only the law didn't say they can't. I see you are a immigrant from a communist country so I can understand your aversion to this sort of thinking. I assure you, despite all the conservative straw man boogey man arguments, liberal people aren't sitting around hoping to install soviet communism in the USA. I'm on a gun forum so I think my stance on nanny state is pretty obvious, and yes i like the scary black guns too.


People are just tired. Tired of being paid like shit, treated like shit, starting ten steps behind some guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth, wearing glasses with the wrong prescription cause they cant afford an eye exam, you get the picture. I know a lot of people are also tired of aspiring to antiquated ideals written by a handful of extremely wealthy men 250 years ago for an agrarian society. The kind of society that bases its economic and labor ideals on a doctrine written before the industrial revolution.


Yes things like freedom of speech, religion, equal protection, due process, are timeless. But voting on a Tuesday because you can't travel on the Sabbath and Wednesday is market day is not.


Also, the social stance of most conservatives is flat out laughable to people my age. Legitimate rape? Holding panels on abortion with no women present? Saying you "tasted a beer once as a wayward youth and never again" (actual Romney quote). Against contraceptives? Yeah sure, we'll all just wait until marriage to have sex. You know, like they did in that American Pie movie. LOL. It's just laughable. The guy made it almost to the office of the president of the USA and no one ever asked him "Hey man, you seriously believe black people are cursed with their dark skin because of the sins of Cain?" That's just the kind of bs that makes them have 0 credibility with anyone now, and it's only going to get worse as time goes on.


There's a common ground and I hope that in my lifetime, as the spoiled rotten baby boomers, who reaped all the benefits of the "easy mode" 50s die off that maybe I will see it in my lifetime.

no one says you have to go to college, and the debt that you encure is yours not mine or the governments. and anyone who dosent pay back there student loans should have there degrees pulled until they do. In the america I grew up in it was a hand up not a hand out. It is also not the rich mans fault that the poor man is poor.


This election was won because of fraud from the early voting bs in ohio and florida and the election day registering of voters in new hampshire.

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