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Muzzle Brake vs Flash Suppressor

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When I was at the range a guy said to me that the muzzle brakes are louder than hiders is that accurate?


Is there anyway to make my 556 less ridiculous? (in noise)



I'm a new gun owner, I use to shoot a .22 with my dad years ago; I bought a 556 and its ridiculously loud. Dude said it was because of the muzzle brake.



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Yes, muzzle brakes are louder than flash hiders. Flash hiders are no-no in NJ. Linear comps are a type of muzzle brake that are quieter. A Troy Claymore MB is an example of one. It directs the blast forward rather than sideways. 

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What if I try to take this piece of shit muzzle brake off?


I'm really disappointed, if not mad, about people not being able to have a suppressor.  Whats the big deal? Are drug dealers and thug assholes going to be going around shooting people MORE with a suppressor? I don't get it. I know NJ gun laws are gay. But this is yet another example of how NJ gun laws are ridiculous. Thug POS going to shoot more people if they have a suppressor? They seem to be doing a good job without one. And why the fuck would they care? THEY"RE CRIMINALS.



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1) stop worrying about the noise. Seriously, it is a shooting range things are loud, and other people there are going to have loud guns. .223, even with a loud muzzle break is not as loud as other guns can be. If you are comparing it to .22, sure it is a cannon, but in the great scheme of things it isn't that bad.


2) If you take it off you'll need to install a permanent muzzle device like thread protector and you might not be able to take it off without damage anyway. Remember, it is supposed to be permanently attached in NJ because the threads are as "evil" as a flash suppressor in the eyes of the NJ law.


3) NJ laws are not about criminals, they are about making as hard as possible to legally own a gun. They are about control, not about guns, and they sure as heck are not about criminals.

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556 is ridiculously loud, I see no practical use if shit hit the fan, you'd blow your ear drums out or have tinnitus for 2 days. Even WITH ear plugs.


I totally agree with you that its nothing but restricting people owning guns,  I don't know your thoughts on federal government and firearms but its clear to me they want to restrict everything and anything possible to own a firearm.


Gee I wonder why... Total control over the population. I honestly feel like I'm one of the few privileged to own a firearm in NJ, and it shouldn't be like that. I think everyone should be able to own a gun.

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556 is ridiculously loud, I see no practical use if shit hit the fan, you'd blow your ear drums out or have tinnitus for 2 days. Even WITH ear plugs.


Sorry, I have to disagree. I think your impression of what loud is has been shaped by your experience with .22 which is remarkably quiet. All real caliber rifles are loud, some more then others.  Wear quality ear plugs (at least 30 NR) and maybe a second set of over the ear/muff type protection.


Think of it this way, lots of armies use this caliber in the middle of large piles of shit being moved by large fans. Clearly the caliber has a practical use for self defense.

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Think of it this way, lots of armies use this caliber in the middle of large piles of shit being moved by large fans. Clearly the caliber has a practical use for self defense.

I can't imagine being in combat and having 556 rounds going off all around me, shit is ridiculous + explosions, action etc. shit must be absolutely nuts. I had a great uncle that was a paratrooper on D-Day; June 6, 1944. Proud of that to have in my blood. Shit must have been uncompromisable (now). Crazy shit.

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556 is ridiculously loud, I see no practical use if shit hit the fan, you'd blow your ear drums out or have tinnitus for 2 days. Even WITH ear plugs.



Sorry, I have to disagree. I think your impression of what loud is has been shaped by your experience with .22 which is remarkably quiet. All real caliber rifles are loud, some more then others. Wear quality ear plugs (at least 30 NR) and maybe a second set of over the ear/muff type protection.


Think of it this way, lots of armies use this caliber in the middle of large piles of shit being moved by large fans. Clearly the caliber has a practical use for self defense.

I'm with Vlad on this. I've used the M16/AR/M4 since 1968. Ive used the 7.62 NATO and 5.56 in social situations and the 5.56 is an excellent caliber for general issue to the troops. That includes infantry. If you have the luxury of worrying about hearing loss then you're not fighting for your life. Millions of vets who've been in combat have hearing losses that the VA doesn't compensate them. Part of the price for staying alive I guess.

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I've shot 5.56 sans ear pro. Not my smartest move, but I've done dumber things that were louder.


Op where ya from, I kind of want to take you to shoot my T53 indoors. While not the biggest thing I own I'm pretty sure it makes the most noise.

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You could put a can on it.


1) stop worrying about the noise. Seriously, it is a shooting range things are loud, and other people there are going to have loud guns. .223, even with a loud muzzle break is not as loud as other guns can be.

My 11.5" with FSC 556 is more obnoxious than a .50 M2 BMG or a .50 rifle with brake. Not that this comp is notorious for being a bad one, but it is what it is in this case. I'm the guy that got full auto rifle calibers banned at Classic Pistol in Southampton. People double up on ears outdoors when I shoot it. It kicks up through your feet and spine into your head before the blast hits you through the air. I had a guy say it loosened his teeth. Once I burnt out the FSC it started getting a little tame but I put a fresh one on it and it's back to earthquakes.

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Sorry, I have to disagree. I think your impression of what loud is has been shaped by your experience with .22 which is remarkably quiet. All real caliber rifles are loud, some more then others.  Wear quality ear plugs (at least 30 NR) and maybe a second set of over the ear/muff type protection.


Think of it this way, lots of armies use this caliber in the middle of large piles of shit being moved by large fans. Clearly the caliber has a practical use for self defense.

my ar is much much louder than my garand. at least as heard from my end.

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