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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2019 in Posts

  1. 5 points
  2. 3 points
    Love this. Booker’s, and everyone else toeing the Democrat platform needs to be called out on their BS whenever possible.
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
    " Rogers is "on-hold" pending the NYSR&PA case that SCOTUS already granted CERT to. " Can you cite why it's on hold pending the NYC case? Haven't heard that anywhere and of course the justices never leak why they are holding something. Is that just conjecture? Concerning carry at your place of worship, this came up at our church. Since a house of worship is not a business you may be hard pressed proving it falls within the exemption so part ownership may me tricky. A better idea is to rent a desk, room or office space in the building. It could be shared space (i.e. put your name or business name on a placard on a desk in the existing office space). You need keys and alarm code for the building. Register a company name with your town so you have a legal document stating your business name and address. I believe it was $40 in my town about 20 years ago. Open up a PayPal account with said name. In the rental/lease agreement have it specify that your business has use of the whole property and all buildings. Make sure your business has the stated purpose of consulting and research including said buildings and property. Stand up a website with the information that aligns with the stated purpose. Get 500 business cards from Vista Print for $9.99. Pay a monthly rent or lease, it can be in place of your normal giving. You now have a legitimate business on the property with the hours of operation as you determine. You should have some money flow in and out. You can legitimately do house of worship security evaluations and consulting. One customer can be your place of worship. Have them pay you something for your ongoing evaluation of said business. Don't list security as your business, then you fall into a category that needs all kinds of permissions from the state. Make it legit. The statue does not state how much you need to make, just that it is your business. If you have partners, then they can all carry as well. If you ever get pinched you'll have all you need to support your legitimate business exemption. Transport unloaded from home to place of worship, load and carry while you are on the property. IMHO this is 100% legal in NJ per the statutes. Your millage may vary when and if you have a defensive situation or the "only ones" find out.
  5. 1 point
    Just saw that video earlier today. I thought CN did a great job with it.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Nope never got permission. I hear ya. Would just really like to build one but I’m a pussy. The truth hurts Lol i don’t want anyone shooting my doggo.
  8. 1 point
    It's run by the fuddiest of fudds who hate anyone who hasn't been a member since 1976 or who isn't an LEO, in which case they worship you and lick your boots. If you're anyone else, don't even bother, they don't want your money. And you definitely aren't competent enough to use a holster, only LEO's, even if they shoot themselves in the leg.
  9. 1 point
    I agree with you, but the overly cautious abused housewives of NJ, which sadly includes too many FFL's and range operators, are so gaslit with the imagined prospect of shaved-headed state troopers kicking down their front door and shooting their dog and then having to spend months in court that they will rather assume that only those few manufacturers have permission, not you and I, even if we follow their same recipe as elaborated in the NJSP's letter to Troy and DSI.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    NJSP gave consent for the configuration, I still don't see what the big scare is over building one... They are an FFL and i bet they will have them for rentals already, or just call and ask them if you can bring your legal firearm to their range ahead of time.... I highly doubt some guy at RTSP is going to know the difference between a troy, MM or DS from a built firearm or attempt to draw a line in the sand over it.
  12. 1 point
    Sig m17/320/Beretta 92FS 9M or Glock 19....The Beretta and Sig M17/ 320 felt the best to me so one of those. I will keep an eye on used/for sale here on the boards.
  13. 1 point
    As soon as I raise this money I'm grabbing that DS-15!! you guys did a great job with that.
  14. 1 point
    Some DO work together; I know that CNJFO has worked very cooperatively with several other groups. I think you may have misunderstood his encouragement to get more people to join as a "slight" to other 2A groups. I feel certain he didn't mean it that way! Personally? Looking at the big picture, I think the dues for all of these groups is cheap enough that EVERYONE who is pro-2A should belong to a few!! I happen to belong to the NRA, ANJRPC, CNJFO, and TWAW. Pick the ones YOU like - and join them.
  15. 1 point
    It's just not THAT simple (I wish it were, believe me)! A) Jews hate THE Jews that own guns. So the "self-hating Jews" aka "the Lefties" will absolutely HATE on the right wing zealot gun owner-Jews lookin' to shoot-up the joint (see Remixer's post above). And since no Goyem (non-Jew) wants to touch THAT THIRD RAIL on this subway, the PR angle will dwindle for a day & then get lost in MSM & relegated to conservative Jewish news sources (never to hit mainstream again) because gun-owning non-Jews won't be able to wrap their heads around the entire effed-up matter and the gun hater lefties (as organized as they appear to be) will let the whole matter die an ugly death! B) If our Asswipe Gov-'na cared about OPTICS Katie Brennan wouldn't have been "a THING". She would have been put on a pedestal, appointed as a Czar of date rape in NJ, and been given a 6-figure salary instead of our Chief Executive treating her like trailer-trash or a disposable tampon. C) Even IF some of the optics play-out for a short while, Murphy will hide behind Goober the Ghost Gun Chaser (his AG) of keeping dangerous weapons off the streets cause ONLY CRIMINALS ARE ALLOWED TO HAVE GUNZ...
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Another thing to consider is that the recent stream of negative attention the NRA is receiving is AGENDA-DRIVEN. With a conservative leaning Supreme Court, the anti-gun lobbies and Democrats are absolutely afraid that the NRA could back/push court challenges that would end up hamstringing the horseshit/meaningless state gun laws that they champion in order to win favor with the electorate. If the NRA can fund court challenges that kill the feel-good "look what "i've done for crime" laws , then they're a dangerous threat.

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