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Letter from a Michigan newspaper...

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Personally, I think this dude hit it right on the head. Seems to me like every single point is accurate. Let me know of you agree/disagree, if you have any other examples, or just any thoughts that cross your head.


Great read, I agree with all of his points. Look at the Congressman from NY. He is found guilty of 11 counts including not paying taxes on property for 17 years. Is he fired? Going to jail? No they are just going to fine him. bet you or me would be in jail though.

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Great read, I agree with all of his points. Look at the Congressman from NY. He is found guilty of 11 counts including not paying taxes on property for 17 years. Is he fired? Going to jail? No they are just going to fine him. bet you or me would be in jail though.

Thats another great one. And lets be honest.....do you really think he is hurting for money so badly that he cant afford to pay his taxes?

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-it is a double standard when it comes to congress lying to us and us lying to them for sure.


-I cannot think of one case where a white disliking a black (I am assuming this means Obama mainly anyways) for any reason has been censored. Just because when you say you don't like someone and the reception to that opinion is not well received doesn't mean your 1st Amendment rights were withheld.


-"The government" this is a terrible blanked noun that is used way to often in this country. There are many Government in the USA and while they work together they are not one. The Federal government rarely is involved of convicting criminal compared to state and local courts. If one is unhappy with the way victims are treated then it is up to their local or possibly state governments to rectify this situation, this is not a problem with the Country as a whole.


- Only Congress is restricted by the Constitution from establishing a religion. This is another local issue, not a national issue. If you travel around there are plenty of schools that teach religion. May I suggest you start in the bible belt.


-The right to or not to abort or use the death penalty is an issue that is up to each individual states at no point in the Constitution are the powers to make a law either way given to the Federal government.


-if you do not agree with the rewrite then keep a copy of the original for yourself. At no point has a book ever been legally mandated to have a rewrite, so this is a non-issue. If a bunch of people want to rewrite a book that is fair use they have every right to. Only if it infringes on copyright law is there a problem.


-The idea that Communism is evil is false. It is only a political theory. To fear communism itself is idiotic. To fear those willing to violently impose it is rational.


-Mexico is our neighbor, the 38th parallel is a war zone.


-Once again I cannot cite a single issue of someone being arrested for bashing Obama or someone for burning a W effigy. The 1st Amendment has been applied evenly to both instances. Just because the reaction is different doesn't mean it was a violation to an amendment


-A nativity scene in a public park is a local issue, not a Federal issue. If the community decides they do not want to put it up then there will not be one.


-When I lived in Arizona I never once read a news article about sick people. I did how ever rad over and over about how the criminals were treated with a special brand of justice from Sheriff Joe. Once again the author of this is confusing where ever he lives with all of the USA.


-While stem cell research is not something I personally care about either way. I do feel this should be settled at the Federal, but only with an Amendment to the Constitution. While it could be argued that a law could be passed as the Federal government is to "...promote the general Welfare..." like I said it can be argued. It should be in black and white what the majority of US citizen think. Does life begin at conception, at birth or some place in between. Lets put it to a vote.


-Can't argue with this point on welfare at all. This happens mainly at the Federal level, s is in fact something that all of America has become.


-Can't argue with this point either seeing all the anti gun people out there, that cry when their other rights are infringed upon.


-Freedom of speech never came without consequences. you can still say as much non-PC things as you want, but if they are directly offensive to others then they can disagree with you.


-Ritalin and Video games, well as far as I know this is correct.


-with all the bail out money from the Federal government yes this country has made plenty of hand outs lately.


-The issue with this is that the author is arguing that neither President did anything to help. What were they supposed to do? It is sad that people need the Federal government to save them, because they are to useless to do it themselves. Both executive branches did in fact send aid to both of those anyways, so this is a moot point.


Very little of this has to do with America as a whole. I am getting a little sick of people not being able to tell the difference between their local, state and the Federal government. It is not one entity. That is what is happening to the land of the free and the home of the brave, stupidity.

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Nowhere does it state that the letter was based only on a federal level. It was referring to America as a whole, which includes federal, state, and local governments. I see your point, but I do not think that since the person writing the letter did not refer specifically to which level of government he was referring to means that his points are invalid.

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I was merely pointing out that many of those issues are not an American issue as they only pertain to a small regions of country. If he had said that there are a large number of mormons in America that are persecuted by not being able to marry multiple wives legally would that be considered something that is happening to this country as a whole? That is a Utah issue, not an American issue. Many of the points he brings up are very localized and if you went to another state and said "look what America is coming to..." and said some of those things they would look at you with a blank stare, because they are non-issues there. I agreed with a bunch of his points, I just feel that there are many there as well that are not issues for all Americans and therefore not something that is happening to this country as a whole. The states are independent of each other and have always had their differences, so if he is pointing out all the differences then the answer to his question is that nothing has happened to the land of the free and the home of the brave as states have always had their differences and opinions on different issues. I get your point of view, I just have a different one on the issue I guess.

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-Mexico is our neighbor, the 38th parallel is a war zone.



What is your definition of war? 100's of armed foreign nationals crossing into US soil anexing territory, killing US citizens pretty sure this falls into that category. We are just too politically correct to call it what it is.

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