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Obama Exploring Executive Order

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Not. Another. Inch. I don't care what Barry Soetoro OR Barack Hussein Obama has to say about it. It's a damned un-infringeable right.



"shall NOT be infringed"/ infringe: to act as so to LIMIT, undermine, or encroach upon

[hmm... I think it's safe to say every single gun control law on the books fits the definition of "limiting" the 2A right]

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I fear that this will not end pretty for this president. It's time to pray, because I don't think the American people will stand for this.


This is not about making the people safer. This is about controlling the people. This is about making it safer for the Czar and the GOVERNMENT to do as they please. All true Americans believing in personal freedoms and limited government and the principals behind the Constitution need to fight this peacefully to the core of their being. Our enlightened forefathers were much more intelligent and had much more wisdom than Obama and his handlers.


Anyone on this forum that had any doubts about Obama can now see his true colors.


I really didn't need to live in such interesting times.

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i know there are several of us on here that are staunch on our beliefs...id believe that if it came to it would stand ..but from what ive witnessed there seem to be far more people that talk a great game...but have become "rollovers" in my short time reading this forum...also those drinking the koolaid....parroting the idea of "logical gun control"..etc....then in my real world(outside the net) interactions...there are far more anti than pro 2a....so i actually dont really see any "opposition" to anything our czar dumps on us...people will get on message boards and ****...but will put their heads down and keep sinking further into enslavement....as they disassemble and eliminate the constitution and bill of rights....and for example lets just throw out a number of 1000 people in nj that might be willing to take a stand....not talk bs online ...its just not enough...the american people as a whole need to unite.....thats the way to make things happen....but i just dont see that happening...sure lots of people ran out and bought guns....i feel because their thought process was they would be grandfathered ...not that they are arming themselves for an insurrection...but its just my opinion based on seeing and knowing some of the new to guns panic buyers

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I fear that this will not end pretty for this president. It's time to pray, because I don't think the American people will stand for this.


This is not about making the people safer. This is about controlling the people. This is about making it safer for the Czar and the GOVERNMENT to do as they please. All true Americans believing in personal freedoms and limited government and the principals behind the Constitution need to fight this peacefully to the core of their being. Our enlightened forefathers were much more intelligent and had much more wisdom than Obama and his handlers.




Anyone on this forum that had any doubts about Obama can now see his true colors.


Wouldn't change their minds anyway. They are true believers.


I really didn't need to live in such interesting times.


Agree with that.

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So, how can he apply an exec order, if the gun laws are already mandated by each individual state. Would that mean he is going against the US Const. altogether? I mean how many exec orders can he make federal law as far as gun control without the people of the states going to their leaders with major complaints. I think in some cases people will stand up, it will all depend on how far he takes it and to what extreme he will go to enforce it. Example, confiscation of all Semi-auto rifles. I just dont see that happening law or not.

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When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.




I've read it all...again....amazing

Everyone here should read it again Nick. Different times..... but history does tend to repeat itself. How we go from here is still an unknown chapter.

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Think about this beyond the current gun control issue and from a bigger context. If Obama were to use an EO in this manor it would sticking his finger in the eye of the congress. It would be an extension in the power of the executive by robbing it from the legislative. If there is one thing that congressmen cherish more than their party it is their power. Even if they side with Obama on gun control I don't think they would sit by and let him rob their branch of power.



That's not to say he won't use an EO. I think he will. But it won't be in such an overt way as to be seen as bypassing congress.

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i know there are several of us on here that are staunch on our beliefs...id believe that if it came to it would stand ..but from what ive witnessed there seem to be far more people that talk a great game...but have become "rollovers" in my short time reading this forum...also those drinking the koolaid....parroting the idea of "logical gun control"..etc....then in my real world(outside the net) interactions...there are far more anti than pro 2a....so i actually dont really see any "opposition" to anything our czar dumps on us...people will get on message boards and ****...but will put their heads down and keep sinking further into enslavement....as they disassemble and eliminate the constitution and bill of rights....and for example lets just throw out a number of 1000 people in nj that might be willing to take a stand....not talk bs online ...its just not enough...the american people as a whole need to unite.....thats the way to make things happen....but i just dont see that happening...sure lots of people ran out and bought guns....i feel because their thought process was they would be grandfathered ...not that they are arming themselves for an insurrection...but its just my opinion based on seeing and knowing some of the new to guns panic buyers

If you feed a dog just enough to never become hungry their is no reason to fear being bitten. Unfortunately when a dog is starved to the point that it is willing to fight it may no longer have the strength to do so...

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Think about this beyond the current gun control issue and from a bigger context. If Obama were to use an EO in this manor it would sticking his finger in the eye of the congress. It would be an extension in the power of the executive by robbing it from the legislative. If there is one thing that congressmen cherish more than their party it is their power. Even if they side with Obama on gun control I don't think they would sit by and let him rob their branch of power.



That's not to say he won't use an EO. I think he will. But it won't be in such an overt way as to be seen as bypassing congress.


Correct. Bi-partisan is pretty much gone. He institutes an EO it will essentially drop a nuke on any bi-partisan hopes he had for the future. He essentially doesn't care about re-election so that's a non-issue. This came from another website clarifying when and what an EO can be issued on.


Executive Orders can be directed by any POTUS to any Federal Executive Branch Agency to do anything, or, not to anything, or re-prioritize anything that is not specifically regulated by Congress.

The most likely 'Executive Order' would be ban imports of 'evil gun's, and Ammunition, which previously Bush I and Clinton did.

A second one would be to direct all Federal Agencies including Social Security, the V.A., and Health(Medicare/Medicaid)to share any and all information that might impact a Background Check on a purchase application.

Also, no doubt the BATFE would be the subject of multiple directives, all premised on a claimed need to curb illegal gun sales, but actually intended to burden FFL's until they decide to throw in the towel.

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Correct. Bi-partisan is pretty much gone. He institutes an EO it will essentially drop a nuke on any bi-partisan hopes he had for the future. He essentially doesn't care about re-election so that's a non-issue. This came from another website clarifying when and what an EO can be issued on.


I think if he tried to issue an EO of that nature he would get pushback from both sides of the isle. Even democrats would realize this would represent a dramatic overstep of executive power.. They may agree with him on Gun Control but not to the point where we wears away the power and standing of their position.

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My feelings that putz Biden mentioned the EO to keep this in the news.


Just to perpetuate more controversy and keep it on the front page instead of the fiscal cliff, etc.


part grandstanding, part deflection.


We all know they are tryng to cram this now because in a few weeks/months, the issue will die down.


McConnell is on record saying congress is MONTHS (3 or 4 at least he specified) before even thinking about passing any gun control laws.

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My feelings that putz Biden mentioned the EO to keep this in the news.


Just to perpetuate more controversy and keep it on the front page instead of the fiscal cliff, etc.


part grandstanding, part deflection.


We all know they are tryng to cram this now because in a few weeks/months, the issue will die down.


McConnell is on record saying congress is MONTHS (3 or 4 at least he specified) before even thinking about passing any gun control laws.


+1 on this

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